Thursday, June 14, 2018

Why the extremism and intolerance with Muslims?

Please don't mistake each other. I can easily understand and know that both of you are very well meaning the same and are saying one and the same thing, but in different way, hence, unknowingly mistaking each other. But the fact is that  both are in the same boat moving to the same direction in different names.  But not knowing of the same fact. 

And, personally, I know you both very well with and without Facebook.

The question is why the terrorism, extremism and intolerance with Muslims?

Simple answer is that the terrorism, extremism and intolerance is not with Muslims. But it is with Islam. 

The basic tenets and seed of terrorism, extremism and intolerance is in and with Islam with its exclusivity claims and tenets. It is with Quran and its teaching, with its finality claim as the last and final book.

Muslims are just made to carry it through, like donkeys, helplessly for the fear of hell and promise of paradise in the life after death.


It is true to say that Muslims are innocents like any other normal group of human beings or religious people. They are also like any other human beings, except in being called as Muslims. 

Muslims happen to be muslims by birth, by accident. Most majority become muslims, not by selection, though they may try to make the selection as their claim later on. 

Muslims are normal people like the people of any other religions, happening to be Muslims just because of their parents happened to be so.


Then how the extremism, intolerance and terrorism?

Take the example of bottles. Bottles are just bottles and are called only bottles, unless filled with any element/substance in it. 

Once the bottles are filled they get called with that name of that element or substance filled in it. 

Then such bottles will be called as bottles of wine or honey or poison or any. 

It is what is filled inside that gives it a quality and name. It is that which make and decide the  internal or logical or spiritual quality of the bottles. Good or bad. 

Bottle of poison considered as bad and dangerous, whereas bottle of honey is considered as very good and useful. 

This is the case with the believers too, who otherwise are known or called as just normal human beings, born and struggling to exist and live as normally as any other being or thing on this earth and in this universe. They happen to be good or bad, dangerous or cohabitable, according to the ideas or ideology they carry or fill inside. 


Dear Hasan and Jayan Palluruthi Menon, It is the substance within that makes any one to be called what they are. 

It is also the substance or ideology within that makes anyone or any believer to be intoxicated, or terrorists or extremists or intolerant too.

Otherwise all are born normal and living normal and natural. 

If the ideology they believe in happen to be extreme or intolerant or intoxicating, they naturally happen to be extremists or intolerants or intoxicated. Be they are Muslims or Hindus or Christians.

Then why extremism and intolerance attributed to Muslims only?
Answer is : Islam (also all semitic religions of christianity and jewism of and with the same root and history and with the same core belief system and concepts). 

Reason of extremism and intolerance is Islam. 
The force behind is Islam, Quran and Mohammed with claim as the last and final religion, prophet and Book.

Extremism and intolerance is not to be attributed only to Muslims only. It is to be attributed to christians and Jews. all semitic religions of christianity and jewism have the same root and history and have the same core belief system and concept.


Why Muslims, Christians and Jews?

These are the semitic religions, those claim exclusivity, finality to them. 
They consider revelation from God is only to them and it stops with them. 
They consider they are the chosen people and their book is the only book of and from God and it is the only way to get the messages and guidance from God. 
Hence, extremism due to exclusivity and finality claim. 
Extremism due to divine claim. As simple as it is. 

Then why the Muslims only? 
That is the real question. 
It is wrong to say and attribute extremism and intolerance on Muslims. Like I said above they are normal human beings happed to be Muslims by birth and accident. 

Extremism is not because Muslims are Muslims by birth. 
Rather, extremism is inherent problem of Islamic belief system and ideology. 
Not at all  the problem of Muslims. 
It is the problem of Islam. 
It is the problems of wine or poison filled in the bottle. 
Extremism is in the basic tenets of Islam. 
Extremism is in the seed of Islamic faith of exclusivity claim and finality claim to Mohammed and Quran.


As long as Islam has the claim of exclusivity to the truth and revelation from God, it will tend to extremism and intolerance, hence terrorism naturally.

As long as Islam has the claim of finality to its good (Quran) and prophet (Mohammed) it will tend to extremism and intolerance, hence terrorism naturally. 

It is to be understood and admitted that Islam has the claim that it is the last and final religion. Its book is the last and final revelation from God, by which only humans, after Mohammed, should live and be ruled. 
Hence,  Islam stands for extremism and intolerance, denying others’ chance for being right, except through Islam, Quran and Mohammed. 

If Islam has the claim that it is the only belief system and ideology that has to be applied and implemented all the time after Mohammed, those Muslims which learns such Islam and get to be more closer to this teaching of Islam will automatically and naturally tend to be extremists and intolerants. 
They have no other choice. 
Muslims naturally and automatically will also easily tend to be terroristic, just because they are promised with the great rewards in paradise for their fight for Islam to implement it as the only system of life given by God to human being. 

Their fight for Islam (Jihad) is called Jihad.  And in that fight of Jihad, if they happen to kill or be killed they are given with the promise of reward of paradise and high stakes and positions in paradise. 
Naturally any Muslim for this reason easily get to be terroristic again. This is not doubtable an equation, but this is purely an indisputable fact and factor as per Islamic ideology, principles and teaching derived from Quran, then Hadith (the talk and walk of Mohammed. 


Any one after Mohammed is to be rejected, not to be heard or obeyed or followed.

Any book after Quran is to be rejected, not to be read and followed.

Any one before Mohammed is to be believed only as history part of history, not to be heeded to or followed.

Any book before Quran is to be believed only as history or as part of history, not to be heeded to or followed.

The above the basic eIslamic belief.

What else is required to make one to be extreme and intolerant, hence terroristic too. 
Especially if this teachings are accompanied with the threat of hell and promise of paradise in the life after death, ascertaining there is for sure a life after death. 

No one can escape such extremism and intolerance, hence terrorism too,  once he starts to be believing in the life after death, paradise and hell.

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