Monday, September 28, 2009


What went wrong…,?
Every one prays for us…!!!
Are we not saved yet….?
What is happening to us?

My son,
Nothing happens to us;
Things are as it was.
You do have, what you have.
You don’t have, what you don’t have
Those who are disturbed,
Only get disturbed again
To see us not disturbed.

My son,
God, disturbed, is devil.
God, poisoned, is Devil.

Prayer has to be like
Your perspiring.
It has to happen when it happens,
For the reason from its own.
As evaporation.
To get us rain as reward.

But how the water that is cold
Can get disturbed and evaporated?

Prayer is done when one gets disturbed
And feels insecure.

Prayer is done when one is ignorant
And feels separate.

So, Master,
About those who
Preach to make prayer…?

My son,
Can you be boiling,
Without being or getting hot,
Just because others want to see you boiling
In the way and time they want.?

Can you be boiling again,
When you are already in vapors?

So, Master,
Those who preach…?

My son,
They don’t see the skies
And don’t see skies are not skies
But only their perceptions.

They don’t see vapors
Becoming part of skies.

They need others too
To be ignorant pool water and
Feel insecure, separate and disturbed
And to pray and seek like them,
And for them meanwhile,
Because of their guilt/insecure and alien feeling.

My son,
No god is there
Seeking desperately your seeking him
Or else to punish you,
Than for you to be one with him.

My son,
No god is there
Seeking desperately to market him
Or else to punish you,
Than for you to be one with him.

All prayers and propagations are
Because of separation caused by ignorance
And ignorance caused by separation.
In love making,
No formalities.
You just get into.
No external appearance matters.

My son,
How can you be loving without knowing?

My son,
How can you be knowing
Or trying to know more and more
When you don’t know
And are ignorant of yourself and God?

My son,
How can you be loving
Without knowing,
Especially the one who threats you to punish otherwise.

No one will love
For getting the rewards.
Rather love makes you to sacrifice
And lose,
To lose yourself.

In your love making with God
You never happen to be praying
You haapen to praise him/her
Out of your conviction
To be more and more closer
And to be one with him/her.

My son,
Qualifications are our disqualifications.
We are not what we are,
Even when we are only what we are.

And what you consider as our disqualifications
Are our qualifications.
We are neither born, nor dying.
We are none and nothing
We are all and everything.
We reflect and represent all and the whole
With no separation.

My son,
To the extend you know about me
I will get confined.
I am not what you know about me.
I am what you don’t know about me.
Purely unknown,
Seeking to be unknown.

And, my son, they all pray
To their theoretically defined and confined God.
To be more and more known.
To be defined and confined.
So, they get disturbed and trouble.
So, they get afraid and tensioning.
Hence, they pray in public.

For sure, any one who is afraid.
Tend to come in public
To get rid his fear.

My son,
To whom are they are praying?

To God?
To the threatening God…?

Who knows better?

God or themselves…?

Who has the real sight?

God or themselves…?

Do they want to say
God wants them to pray to him?

Do they have a God or a leader,
Who needs their prayer
To save him as well ?

Do they want to say
They know better, than God
Or they want to teach God
How to be without mistakes?

Do they mean to say
Go has done mistakes
For which they need correction
From him…?

Do they mean to see and say
God could be mistaking
And could be not finding out
That his mistake.

My son,
Less knowing God is devil,
Trouble maker.

They too become devil’s,
When they will have to pray
To change themselves into
Something and someone,
To get them continuity as devils
Or until they get changed themselves into God.
From relative to absolute.
From water to vapor
From drops to ocean.

My son,
They are all like torches,
Trying to throw light out
In the names of prayers.
But, as torches are,
They put themselves in darkness,
Without being saved.
And how the torches can give light
Without being filled in
With the batteries of love and conviction?

My son,
If you are convinced of God
And are in love with God
Why should you be dictated to pray?

Or why some other should schedule
Your prayer and its content?

And why should you pray
To get your things done
Especially when the loved one (God),
The very all-knowing,
Knows more than the loving one (you)?

My son,
We can hear their mistake of
Making prayers

As for us,
We are with the same God,
In love making,

And we are lucky to hear them
Pray for us.

My son,
They are praying
To change their God,
To their level,
Without knowing
God is there at their level too.

Being in darkness,
They seek help and support
And look at God, only for their
Physical reasons and requirements.
Due to their fear of God.
Fearing God,
how can they be lovinv God?

They don’t and can’t see God
In their own forms and levels too.

My son,
We did not pray ourselves
And never asked anyone
To pray for us to God.

Just because
Not to put blame on God
To say that
God could not know us and our cases
And God did not know and do
What is required,
And what all we require, from him.

At least
The ordinary carpenter, in our world, knows
Better about the tables he makes and its problems
Than the tables knows for itself.

My son,
God has already done
Or will do
What is required.

He doesn’t need
Any one’s support or help
To make him know
About the case and requirements.

What is ours
Is his own problem.
God’s own problem.
Rather, such problems are
Solutions too.
Whatever we do are
His own deeds.

My son,
It is true
That everyone is praying for us
Thinking we are strayed
And without knowing
We are with the same God
Whom they are praying to.

They forget to include themselves,
In their boasting, as righteous and saved,
And get strayed to become devils,
Just for the reason of their boasting.
God, strayed, is devil.

My son,
We can’t believe in a God
Because he will reward.

We will love and believe in God
Because, helplessly we fall in love with him.

In our love making with God
We never happen to be praying
We happen to praise him/her
Out of our conviction
To be more and more closer
And to be one with him/her.

If at all we really want to talk
To our love,
We will have to be away from all
To talk and say whatever we feel and think
In the time and place we feel fit.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Master, What more I have to know

What more I have to know

Live knowing that good and bad
Is one and the same
And is in one and the same….

That which may support
Your life
Can be
Unsettling too

In the same force of life and growth
Stands the force of death and destruction
Rather the force is same for both good and bad
For death and life, for growth and destruction.

That which is a food
Is a poison too
And that which is a poison;
Is a food too.

Time and place
Get them changed
Either way.

For my simple understanding?

Light is a must
For the growth of a plant
But the same light can be destroying too.

Water is a must
For the existence of a plant
But the same water can be destroying it too.

Air is a must
For playful life of plant
But the same air can be destroying it too.

In and with the same force of life growth and life
Stands the death and destruction

And you, who care for the plants
Can cut them too
Knowing or not knowing….

Then what is applicable to all?

Yes my son….,
The time and place makes
Good to bad
And bad to good.

Food that you eat is good.
Meanwhile, in the same food
The bad is waiting to come up.
As the time goes up
That bad in the food comes up

That is why the old food
Causes stomach problem to you….

That is why the breast milk is not
Prescribed for a grown up man…

I am never far, without him

It is not only we are leading us ....

At the end of all the roads of purposes
We will reach a point of purposelessness.

Then, when I am with him,
How can I make a special meeting...

I am never far, without him

Only the light and heat will remain

In its shape and form
Very calm and quiet in its being

But in glorifying its creator’ name
And realizing its being
It explodes
To make it to not a bomb
And to get lost of all its form and shape

My son
Did you ever try
To spell the glorification of your creator
And meet the meaning yours
In exploding way.

You will explode
If you really spell
Your creator’s name
And realize the meaning yours.

You will get lost yourself
In such explosive spelling
Of glorification of God
Meeting the meaning
And realizing your being.

Only the light and heat will remain


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Should I be going
To the mosques or temples or churches
Or in any such places
To seek God….?

What to say..?
God getting confined?
God that is defined
And, thereby confined
Is devil.
Devil is not devil, but God defined,

And the God, who is
There and everywhere
Where you are,
Is God.

And, for sure,
God will be there
And everywhere
Where you will be.

Then, why not
In the mosque, or temple or churches
Or any such places too….?

“No, my son, you should be there
In the mosque or temple or churches
Or any such places too
If you are afraid of God,
If you don’t know him
And if you can’t love him.

When you are afraid,
Due to your blindness,
And when you are unable to love,
You will, for sure, come in public places,
With whatever the talks and prayers you have,
To get courage, support and help from outside
And at least to escape from the thieves and burglars
That appears in your blindness and darkness.

Of having fear.
Just for getting escape.
Because of the blindness.

Love can make you blind
But the blind one can’t, see and, love.

“My son,
If you are not afraid of God,
And rather you love him
Because you know him
And you want to know him more
In love making way,
Then be where you are.

If you are plugged in God
From where you are
The current of love will pass through you.

You will be hot and boiling.
The vapors will automatically
Go up.
These vapors are your real prayers.

So, Master, you mean…?

My son….
Love is done and expressed
In private, secretly.
You can’t love in public
In the time, tongue and content
As dictated by others.

Did you ever see your father
Making love with your mother
In public,
Even in front of his close friends
Or his own children,
As dictated by others.

You can love God,
The openness,
And exchange with him
With whatever you feel like
In the tongue your own
In the time and place your own
Without having to be bothered
Or without imitating in content.

One cannot love in imitation.
Neither one can pray in imitation.

Evaporation happens
Only when you are hot and boiling.

My son,
I know, in saying all these to you,
One and only things as well.

Words are
Waste of reasoning
Done in speaking.