Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Not because Mecca has no god Presence.

Not because Mecca has no god Presence
Or has more God presence.

But because presence of God is everywhere same.

It is not God is somewhere densely present
And some other place lightly present.
After all, God is near you and within you.

God can understand you
In your time, in your place in your tongue.
Than in the time, place and tongue dictated by others.

If we want to see only the negatives, that would mean we deserve only the negatives.

If we cannot agree with and acknowledge 
The good signals and deeds as good, 
That would mean we don't deserve good. 

If we want to see only the negatives, 
That would mean we deserve only the negative, 
And only the negatives will happen in our life and country...

Our attitude, and our seeking,
Works as the roots.

The roots absorbs what it absorbs
And gives the same on the branches
As leaves, fruits and flowers.

It the root, attitude and seeking, are seeking positive,
Positive will be our leaves, fruits and flowers.

If the roots, our attitude and seeking, are seeking negative, 
Negative will be our leaves, fruits and flowers.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Let the courts waste all our money and wealth. Still it will be at the mercy or in the hands of Cats.

Can the rat catch and kill the cat...?
Can our court catch and kill the politicians or executive?

The real cat that catches and kills the rats, 
The courts or judiciary, 
Are our politicians and political leaders.
They do it in real terms, than in theory or dreams.
They come in disguise as the leaders
Of Executive to execute the rats,
That shows the slightest tendency 
To revel and rebel against their vested interests.

Let the court take hundreds of year 
For its proceedings, probes and commissions.
Let the courts waste all our money and wealth, 
As the salary and expenses for their work.
Still they can't and they will not catch and kill 

The real cats, the real culprits. 
They can't touch in real terms effectively
Our politicians and political leaders and parties...
Be it Jayalalitha or any other politician or political party in our country...

18 years taken only for one silly case of Jayalalitha to complete !!!

The appellate court remains there 

To save her and to give stay to this case's verdict
On one or other other pretexts and pretensions.


This is the story of of only one case.. 

18 years!!!!!

How many such corruptions were and are 

Being done and perpetrated by her 
And our politicians and political parties,
On daily basis, before and after this case?

Who will look into them and give verdict, though week? 

How much time will the court  need, 
If it took 18 years only for this one silly case?


Why do the politicians and political parties
Monger and fight for power?
Do any one have got the illusory feeling 
That they want to serve the nation and nationals.
They only want to burn the country to earn their savings
To save and serve their and their parties interests.

Is there any scale to measure this 

And is there any method to prevent this?

Especially when our courts also are 

Only a part of this polity and politics, 
Mutually assisting  for each others' benefits.
For their benefits, allowances, promotion 
And appointment after their retirements...!!!.


Kings were better. Far better.
Concept of Kingdom was far better than democracy.

Kings had never to dream about 
Or resort to corruption or violence
As their positions as kings were for sure for ever
And were never questioned.

Here in democracy nothing is sure 
For a leader or a party.

So they make sure that they amass
As much as they can during their short term and tenure.
And this will be hundred times more than
What Kings would spend and enjoy during his life and tenure.

Plus politician and political leaders
Ensure that their life is totally at the cost of
Nation's wealth and treasury
With the allowances and pension they get
Even after their term and tenure.

They are  and will be very eager to legislate such laws
That ensure and protect the luxury of their lives.


So, the rats, the judiciary and courts,
Make one more hole to this country
To drain the wealth and virtue of this country.

And after all, these rats are in the hands of cats
And are seeking the mercy of the cats
For just their physical survival even.

How can such rats can ever kill the cat, except by mistake?

How can such rats do anything else against the cats,
But to save, serve and protect the interest of the cats,
As part of saving, serving and protecting its own interest
Of its just physical survival through promotions 
And increments in salaries and allowances
And assurances of higher appointments and
Appointments after their retirements.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fear is the fire, Fear is the knife and fear is the Veil

Fear is the fire
That causes the evaporation
Of water of confidence.
The water of self belief.

So, it causes the death
Of a playful and energetic man.

How can one be living,
So spontaneously and naturally,
Without the water of confidence in him?


Fear is a knife,
The very sharp knife,
That cuts one from his own self.
From his own root.

Cut off from self,
Cut off from the root,
How can one remain alive?
He is  dead, and naturally,
He will rot and stench.

That is the reason why
such a person is not not able
To perform and play
The way he wants
Be it in the cases of his matches,
Or interviews or speeches.

How can a person dead from him,
Cut off from himself,
Can be acting and living smooth
In flow and fluency, in dancing way,
Before the people of whom he is afraid?
He becomes only like a dead body put for show.

So, is he unable to perform and play,
As the dead body can never perform and play.
The fear and anxiety is his enemy that killed him to be dead.


Fear is a veil
That denies real sight, hearing and touch,
And the natural action reaction thereby,
Hiding to him all those natural and beautiful.

So is he unable to love
What he does

Any one who doesn't love what he does
won't enjoy what he does.
Without enjoying what he does
One cannot be alert and careful
In the way loving one happens to be
In the case of loved ones by him.

So is he unable
Take all the actions necessary,
Spontaneously and naturally,
To save himself  and his beloveds
By doing necessary naturally and spontaneously
To save him and his beloveds,
By letting him connect with himself
While he plays in the matches
Or make speeches on the stage.

Fear and anxiety are the real poison, pest and parasites

Fear and anxiety,
The final outcome of all negativities of
Ignorance, cowardice, blindness and fear,
Are the real poison, pest and parasites
That come upon you as big friends along your way
To kill your core and spoil your soul of great innocence
And its dancing free actions, reflections and reactions.


Silence is not the silence
Of tongue and mouth.
But it is the silence of the mind 
With clarity and without fear.


Maturity stays in
Only when there is no fear.
Light is not only the light
But is also vanishing of darkness.
Fear seeps in only when
There is no maturity of clear knowledge.

Respect is not
The respect of fear.
It is one’s reflection
Of recognition to say
The mango is sweet or sour.

Fear will cut off the shoot
Of respect from the root, 
And will make one 
Not to reflect or react
But imitate and do plagiarism

Eyes’ openness is
Not the alertness.
Alertness is the openness of
Mind with with clarity and with no fear.
It is when the mind is calm and cool.

Alertness is not the reflection of
The troubled water.
Troubled water never
Reflects properly.


Respect and alertness
Silence and maturity
May be reflected
On branches of leaves.

But it originates from the inner soul,
From the root that is spread deep in free soil.
Not from the branch or its leaves above.

Alertness, as an output, comes up
As one’s reaction and reflection,
Spontaneous and natural,
On the leaves or branches.


Fear and anxiety
Encroach on outer mind,
On the branch or leaves,
On the external mind,
As a dirt or a dust.

Fear and anxiety is
Artificially attached externally
For the reasons external.

Unless it seeps into the roots
And affects it, one has not to worry.

Thousands of such branches
Can cut off and be re-created.

The root is your real mind.
Mind is your real root.
The subconscious mind.
There lies your ability for
More of imaginations and creations.
For more of branches and leaves.
For more of flowers and fruits.


Fear and anxiety are
The dust or mud or parasites
That come up on the mirror.
That come up on the leaves or branches.

Ability to reflect will be lost.
Ability to bear fruits and flower will be lost.

You can’t react and reflect
And you won’t react and reflect.
You will become barren and impotent.

That is the reason why
You are unable  
To play in the matches
As you expected
Or pre-planned
Or to make a speech
As you wanted or pre-planned.


You won’t be able to talk
When you are invited
To make speech on Dias.

Because of your anxiety or fear
In upper conscious mind.
You get disconnected
From your real and deep
Subconscious mind,
From your root,
Where from the original
Mineral salt and water of
Creativity and imaginations
Flow for no fear or limit.


Imitation is for the one
One who has no self-belief.

One who has no self-belief,
Even merits will be made to be demerits.

But for those who have self-esteem,
Means confidence,
Even the demerits will be

Made to be merits.

To be alert doesn't mean to be afraid

To be alert
Doesn't mean to be afraid.

Being afraid,
Distracted off the focus
Due to fear,
One cannot be alert.


To be silent
Doesn't mean to be
Ignorant and, so, afraid.

Being ignorant,
And so afraid,
One cannot be silent.


To be mature
Doesn't mean to be
Coward and, so, afraid

Being coward,
And so afraid,
One cannot be mature.


To respect
Doesn’t mean to be
Threatened and, so, afraid.

Being threatened,
And so afraid,
One cannot respect.


Fear of threat is not the respect.
Fear due to blindness is not the alertness.
Fear due to ignorance is not the silence.
Fear due to cowardice is not the maturity.


Respect, maturity, silence and alertness
Sprout and prosper only in the land of freedom
Where real knowledge, clear sight,
Real courage and clear confidence
Clears away all the factors of
Imminent threats, darkening blindness,
Unsure ignorance and confining cowardice.

Acts and reactions of disrespect, immaturity,
Noisiness and carelessness sprout up only from
The ground of fear, ignorance, cowardice and blindness
Where lies the confined world of dreads
Threats, ambiguities and uncertainties.

(Continued in the next post ..... "Fear and Anxiety are the real poison, pests and killers")

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

I am not in distance from me – Asking God is asking oneself. Asking God is doing by oneself.

I carry and call me, as if I call and carry the whole, God.
Belong to the one, the whole,
Which never owns you for ever
In the form and name you are in now.

To the same one, you need to owe and bow
For the reason, it confines you not
In one and only form or name.

It does such justice of freeing you into all
That it confines itself not in any.


I don’t belong to me 
As I never own, or owe to, me.

I am of the so called whole, 
Which never claims and to which I owe.

I being not mine, 
Anything mine being not mine,
I did have nothing as well 
As mine to ask for.

I carry and call me, 
As if I call and carry the whole, God.

I carry and call God, the whole, 
As if I carry and call me.

(continued in the post after this)

I am not in distance from me –
Asking God is asking oneself.
Asking God is doing by oneself.
Distance in between
Makes one to seek and ask for.

Ignorance of each other makes
One to seek and ask each other.


I am not in distance from me
Hence, not from the whole, God, too….

Needing nothing to ask me for any,
I don’t need to ask the whole for any.

If at all, I need to ask,
It is like the whole, God,
Asking itself.

The same way, foolishly, I ask me.


Would anyone need
To ask and pray to oneself,
Than give it and do it?

Asking God
Is asking oneself.

Asking God is
Doing oneself, by himself.

Asking and praying is equal to
Exerting sufficient effort
To get and meet it.


One asks,
When he does and meet it.

One does and takes effort to meet,
When one asks.


I can’t see me as en entity separate,
Other than the whole, God?

I can’t say I know, as separate,
Better than the whole, God, knows me.

Knowing me is
Knowing the whole, God.

And knowing the whole, God, is
Knowing me.

                                 (Continued …………….)

Why shall there be any need to ask?
If he forgets me, It is his forgetting himself

Then, why shall there be
Any need to ask him, God?

Can I mean to say
He doesn't know me
Or I know me better than him?

Or can I mean to say,
I don’t know him
Or he forgot me and mine
Or I forgot him and his.

If he forgets me,
It is his forgetting himself
Or my forgetting myself.
The total death.

If I forget him
It is my forgetting myself
Or his forgetting himself.
The total death.


If I am not me and mine,
And If I am his and him,
If he is not his and him,
And if he is me and mine,
How can I call him “you” or “he”?
And how can he call me “you” and “he”?
And how can he or I ask each other
For anything?


I am of the whole, God.

Everything that I think as mine,
For relative security,
Is God and God’s.

And the whole and God is mine.