Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Does the truth get changed
From time to time,
From person to person?
To do so,
Won’t God be an eccentric?”

“Change is not a change
And it is not for a change,
But for growth, as well as diversity.
Making the things in flow.

“Well connected.
With no contradictions and conflicts
In between
Except for apparent sight.

"It is the growth and flow
Meant to move towards perfection.

"Blossoming is not a change,
But a fulfillment.

"All faces are faces f truth.
And truth is in totality
Of all these faces and diversities.
In complete circle,
In making of a complete picture.

"Becoming of a tree
With different branches,
In different shapes and sizes,
To different directions,
Is there, instilled, in the seed.

"Becoming of different
Fruits, nuts and flowers
In different colors and taste
Are there, instilled,
In the soil or water or air.

"These all diversities should
Hint to the oneness
Or to the making of oneness.

"If you can’t see this oneness,
Or making of complete circle,
In these diversities
You will be made to feel
God is a fool or an eccentric
To have no position or idea
Of himself to stick with.

"It is not God’s changing of his idea and notion
When he was spelling
Different through Mohammed or Buddha
Or Abraham or Jesus
Or you or me

"All the Buddhas and Jesus Christs,
Abrahams and Mohammeds,
You and me,
Are part of the same flow and growth
And changes done by such flow and growth
To the making of complete circle
Or a complete picture.

"God continues to be talking
Through all the changes and growth,
Through you and me.

"You too are one of such talk
Or one of the words of such talks
Of God

"God is what you talk
And you are what God talked.

"All diversities are within
The flow of life,
And are the turns of changes
Such flows takes and makes
When required."


To see the truth, naked..?”

“My son,
How come you seek
To see the truth, naked?

“Can you imagine
Your parents or me, your master,
Walking on the street, naked?

“And, even if it happens,
Will you like to accompany
Such naked walkers
With pride and pleasure.

“Can you imagine
You to walk on the street,

“If your answer is “No”
Why should you expect and seek
The truth to be seen naked?


My son,
Though verbally,
You may seek to see the truth naked.

And in reality, you won’t like
To see the truth naked.

You can’t afford to see it naked.


My son,
You are dressed up
And you want to see the things dressed up.

And much of your life is spent
To dress up and to beautify this dressing up.


My son,
How is it easy to seek the truth to be naked,
Though it is the easiest of all the things?

My son,
How is it easy to contain fire
In a thin plastic cover in your hand?

My son,
How is it easy to take water
Without a cover for that,
At least from your own hands?

So, my son,
How come you seek to see
Only the truth, as naked, without cover?

The truth without a cover or a cup
You can’t afford.

And what all you see as the truth is
Its cover only.
Its dressing up only.

Monday, October 18, 2010


For me, to know me,
To seek and know God was,
As a first step to it, a must.

To seek and know God is
Equal to define
And see God confined.

But, for me, to know God,
To seek and know me was,
As a first step to it, a must

To seek and know me is
Equal to define
And see me confined.

So, all my effort
To define and confine
Me or God, got stuck
And reached a position of nowhere
Where un-defining both me and God,
Undoing all the knowledge and definitions,
Given or availed, was a must.

So, God undefined,
As un-confinable,
As well as me.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Why do you happen to talk a lot…?”

“The way God happens to create a lot.”

“Master, meaning?

“To have some fun of motion of imperfection
From the position of motionless perfection.

“So as to move from perfection to imperfection

“Thereby, to get a chance to seek and try for
The position of perfection again.

“And to continue so
Enabling thereby life to happen and continue.

“So, Master,
You don’t have anything really to talk?”

“Nothing I have got really to talk
And nothing to talk really I am bound.

"All my talks are to create
Imperfection intentionally...
So as to seek the perfection of silence thereafter

"Like God is never bound to create
All what he has happened to create
And all what you see now as universes.

“By creating, God in perfection,
Changes himself to be his own
Creations of imperfections,
Thereby, in a position of movements,
Seeking him in perfection, God, again.

“Perfection, is in a way imperfect,
To seek the imperfection.

“And for sure,
Imperfection is by all means imperfect
To seek the perfection

“Great fun
And big movements thereby.”

Monday, October 11, 2010



“My son,
Nothing is wrong.
Except your being good, bright and brilliant.

Even otherwise,
Nothing is there to be wrong and right.”

Then, right and wrong?”

“Anything that will support
And provide life (God) is right.

And anything that will
Obstruct and negate life (God)
Is wrong.

Right is what life (God)
Really needs.
And wrong is what life (God)
Doesn’t really need.”
Then, why the brilliancy and freedom?

The brilliance and freedom are
Two mostly mistaken terms or items.

At least not to know that
Freedom and the brilliance are not
For one to be consuming more,
But, to consume less than the least.

Freedom and brilliance yours,
When used by others,
To qualify and name you as useful,
Lead you and the world
To greater dangers
And disharmony.

Freedom and brilliance are not for one
To be a slave of something or someone,
Be it in the name of freedom and brilliance.

Freedom and brilliance are not
For one to be used by others
Putting a price for him
And to deny him to him and life (God).

Freedom and brilliance are,
And should be for,
One’s freedom from the needs and wants,
To the maximum possible and feasible.

There and then only,
Intoxicated by own freedom and brilliance,
One can really be bold and free

Than becoming bold and free
With the intoxication of alcohols.


Are you really there, my son.....?
And are you not getting me....?

This is not a priestly preaching
To advise you of good and bad
Or of do's and don'ts.

This is to remind you to look into yourself
To see what you really want and need.


What’s the point of realization?
What exactly is its point?”

“The point of realization is
The point where you are
And the point where you can be
With originality and spontaneity
In real harmony.”

When does it occur?
How do I know
This is what I want
And this is not?

“By going to the root.
Or undressing the self.

To know you have no need,
You have nothing to know,
But undo all your knowing.

Than undoing and unknowing
You can’t hope to see it in solid and concrete form?

Otherwise, would any one miss it?


Realization (or is to) lets you
To be ordinary;
Not an extra-ordinary.

All what realization is for
Is to regain the ordinary nature yours.

When ordinary and natural,
You are with the least needs.

You may play with the needs and wants.
And you can play with the needs and wants.

But will not be bound by needs and wants,
Except for mere physical survival.


“But, Master,
Where from comes the realization…?

“Realization comes from any where.

Possibility of a flower is there
Every where in a seed or a plant.

A tree is there every where
In a seed

“A realized one can behave, sometimes,
As the one who has not realized,
Pending all his realization.

Like a seed behaves
Especially the seed
That did not sprout

“Realization... is nothing
But one’s seeing reality of oneself
And everything around and within him...
To let him realize that he is already
In the state of realization.
It is his sprouting as well
To bring out more of such seeds.

It is not a matter of claim...

Where and when one claims,
Realization is not there with him.

Blossoming ad claiming
Cannot work together.

Claim will put out the flame...

Heat of the claim will
Evaporate the water
To be extra-ordinary vapors


“Every one is born normal and ordinary?”

“You are right....”

“Then, what if one lives a normal life
Yet he is asked to realize it?
Why one has to seek
The same again and again?”

“To regain,
If you have lost it,
Or if you have caused to lose it,
You need to seek.

Every one is born normal and ordinary.

But, with his eyes
Towards the other states
Than the state in which he is.
To be in any other state
Than the ordinariness his;
Towards the extra-ordinariness.
To be extra-ordinary.

So, he happens to seek,
And he happens to be
An extra ordinary.

Like water goes to be vapors
In becoming extra ordinary
To seek, return and regain,
By raining down,
Its water nature again.


Peacefulness is in and with ordinariness.

Downward flow the water.

And downward go the roots.

Not only in your ordinariness...
But also in and with your harmony
With such ordinariness...


For this harmony to happen,
Or to be able to stick to this harmony,
You need realization.
Acknowledgement and recognition of the ordinariness
As the starting and ending spot.
As the ultimate end and aim.


Until and unless you know
It is the starting and ending point,
Your ultimate of point of reaching,
You will continue to lose it,
By seeking else,
Whereby you will be made to seek
And regain it again.

That is why,
Because of sheer ignorance and dreams thereby,
The ordinary one is seeking to be an extra ordinary...

By pretension or by becoming busy or hard working

Or by being useful in the eyes of others,
And getting burnt in the hell of
Such eyes and its criteria...

Whereas, the extra ordinaries,
Escaping and trying to escape
From their state of extra ordinariness...
Seeking to reach back
The ordinariness and its peacefulness.

There, somehow, they are all realized.”


Then, about pain..?”

“Pain is because of fiction.

Friction is because of disharmony.

Disharmony with
What you don’t really want

When you are extra-ordinary,
You are in disharmony.
In alienation.

That is the problem with the whole humanity.

They tend and try to be extra ordinary.

By which they get themselves alienated
From the harmony
For which they are made to behave
Like a conquerors.
To the create further disharmony
With himself and his surroundings,
Within and without
And to lose the spontaneity.

To be ordinary is not because you try hard.

You become ordinary
When you stop all your trials.
When you do not try at all.
When you become spontaneous.

When you are unmade of
What you have been made to be....

When you are undressed of
All the dresses you have dressed...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


“I am not a slave”

This is the easiest talk
Any slave can make....

No slave ever will know and acknowledge
That he is a slave...,
Except for his physical confinement.

That is why a slave is a slave...

Or else he is a rebel...

No intelligent enemy will
Ever come to attack
Declaring he is your enemy...

No ignorance is there with any one
In the name of their ignorance...

Ignorance is for the ignorant
His knowledgeability.

He doesn’t know to stick
To what he really needs.

And to stick away from
What he really doesn’t need

There he is a slave, at least not free,
To have too much needs and wants.

What is a work

Nothing and no one to question
Nothing and no one to answer

Life is the question and answer.

Or God is the question and answer.


Work is not a work
When it is done by oneself
Or is done respected by oneself, at least,
Or is done, at least, not commanded.

It is the play….
Genuine sprouting.

Responsibility is one’s ability
To respond.
If answered in himself
No need to feel guilt.

The work should be done
And finished in present.
And the responsibility shouldn’t lead
One to his past backlog.

Work is a work
When one is made to do
Or is done disrespected by oneself, at least,
Or is done, at least, commanded.

It is the punishment in hell….
Real getting burnt.