Sunday, June 28, 2009

What is the food of a word uttered?

What is the food of a word uttered?

The food of a word uttered is
The understanding of the listener.

Than food, where the word uttered will be sheltered?

The shelter of the word uttered is
In its practice by the listeners.

So, Master,
The role of the utterer?

If he really didn’t cook the word well before uttering,
If he really did not understand and mean
What he was uttering,
He will cause constipation
In the minds of its listener.
A body without soul -
Easy decomposing with stench and worm.

And if he has not uttered the food/words
According to the level of its listeners
(as breast milk to the babies and biriyany to grown up)
Again he will cause difficulties for the listeners.

More than holding undeserved listeners accountable
The utterer of the words to the undeserved
Have to be held accountable as a big culprit.

So, Master what about the blame on you….?

I am a wayfarer.
I cannot get stuck in the way.
So, troubles will come in my way
To make sure I am not stuck
And am moving or passing by only.

Any one who throws the dirt,
Will have to be already dirtied.

And since the wayfarer
Moves every now and then,
Without waiting for any one and any reaction,
It won’t reach me.

See the fate of the one
If the dirt he threw did not reach the other end….! ! !

He is getting dirtied again and again
With more of his anger and waste of energy.

The real culprit is the one who has uttered the word

Words are spelt to give some meaning.

If not, they will be disowned
And will finally be orphaned to death
With no shelter and food.

Words could not be accommodated as well,
And sent to death thereby,
If the listeners were basically deaf,
Or were not knowing the word as such
For the reason that they do not belong to that tongue.

In both cases
The real culprit is
The one who has uttered that word.

Some seeds/words may get eaten up
Fast and immediate,
Such seed will have no further growth and future sessions.

Without knowing that their fate is minimized
Only to one such eating by some one,
Such seeds may get sheltered in pride.

Some seeds are ignored to be thrown out,
But knows, that they have further more sessions of
Sprouting, growing and blooming/blossoming,
In their long run in the mud and soil,
To give birth to thousands of such seeds.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The day-to-day facts before their eyes are tiring for them

Yours could be a real concern.

And I take complete responsibility,
If I happen to orphan the words uttered.

I do understand that
It is wrong to give wrong food or medicine to any one.

But only one correction, if possible.

Mostly, it is not the intellectuality or poetic nature
One is unable to accept and understand.

Rather one is unable to accept, and agree on,
The very simple logic of simple truth of day to day life.

The day-to-day facts before their eyes
Are tiring for them.

They don't want to witness the life.

They do need to go after illusions and mirages
Leaving the real and actual behind them.

They don't want to face and know the simple facts of life.

Rather, they go after the imagination and dream
Imposed by others.

One doesn’t wants to face himself,
Which, when it happens, he calls boring.
To avoid such meeting
They get engaged in,
Their work or prayer or drugs.

Very understandable.
Simple fact and truth.

Still, they blame
As not understandable and philosophical.

Life of bones and fleshes remains to them
As real mystery - un-attainable.
A big tiring philosophy.

They don’t like it,
Though they term it as not understanding.

They need the skin; not the core.

This their approach
Can be seen towards the films too.

What you call “art movies” are
The movies that comes to talk
The real facts, put in real simple natural way,
With no kinds of extravaganzas and artificialities.

All movies are supposed to be artistic only.
They are all creations of art work.

Still people do not like and accept them
And call some as untouchable art movies.

Why …?

They want more of dreams and unpractical imaginations.

They want artificiality and extravaganzas.

The beauty and heroism of wild borrowed dreams and imaginations.

Only the borrowed imaginations and dreams;

Not the facts and real simple logic and truth.

It is not the intellectuality and poetry
That they are not accepting.

Rather they don’t want to face the realities,
Through movies as well,
Which they want to avoid from their life.

They don’t want to see themselves.
They don’t want to be in front of mirror
Except to beautify their skin

They want to be dreaming and imagining
Seeing others, and as dictated by other superiors.

They will talk about those others more;
Never of themselves and their life in core.

They will try to imitate and ape others
And will never try to walk on their own legs.

Mostly they will forget that they too have legs.

Seeing the pure imaginary heroism and beauty
They would masturbate themselves
To get them out of their emotions and protests,
Otherwise stuck.

The sight of Ramba and Mammotty and Rajani
Will help them to masturbate out
Their protests and emotions.

Talking about Pinarai and Lavlin, in distance,
They will satisfy themselves.

No effect in and connection
They would need with Rambha and Pinarai.

Masturbation is only a one way traffic.
It will never give the orgasm to opposite.
But still they won’t mind it.

That is what the writings
And discussions about others in their absence.
An indirect method of masturbation.

Nothing reaching to the real opposite,
Only imagined.

Done because of helplessness, fear, jealousy.

Trying and getting tired.

When it comes to real way of putting it
To the opposite,
No one seems to be needing and responding,
Except in peripheral masturbation way.

Even to avoid hearing this,
Most of them will make sure
They are locked from inside.

So, helpless,
Wish they do not lock the doors from inside
At least because of this from me.

Intolerance becomes more dangerous when we fail to know we are intolerant

Our intolerance becomes more dangerous
When we really don’t (or we fail to) know we are
Really intolerant.

Intolerant ones are not becoming intolerant
Just with their intolerance.

Rather their intolerance is based,
Without their knowledge and intention,
Mostly in their fear, helplessness,
Envy/jealous, ignorance, denial, superiority feeling.
And their desperation and arrogance
Based on these all.

One has to know
An angel has become to be a devil
Just because of his denial of
Superiority of knowledge of Adam
Based on his desperation, arrogance and jealous.

So, that (those feelings) which made an angel to be a devil
Is the real superdevil,
Which always is staying in our heart.
We go after the smaller external devils…
considering it is our big enemy,
Leaving the real super devil
In our heart roaming.

Our external enemies can be defended
And we can at least try to escape from him.

But, if our enemy is in and with us,
How and who can save us from such an enemy?

That enemy will be there with us
Even when we are there in bathroom.

At least, take note

There were thousands of criminals and murderers
Through out the history.

One Socrates was killed
One Jesus Christ was crucified
One Mohammed was made to migrate
One Hallaj was sliced
One Bruno was burned
One Galileo was imprisoned.

That is what the intolerance,
Which we fail to take notice of…

We don’t’ mind thousands of criminals
But we mind one Hallaj.

People mostly do the treatment on/to the branches.
They pour water on the branches.
They beautify the skin.
They don't know it is the root
That has to get the water.
It is the blood and heart that has to change

Monday, June 22, 2009

Talk of Non-Violence by Goats and Sheeps

Did they know I did not build
A closed concrete house in my mind or heart..?

I am in the traffic physically,
Though I did not need and feel to be in.

Hence, for other's safety sake, at least,
Not to be disturbed with too many unwanted querries,
Going by traffic rule,
With a clear cut view of a world
Of no traffic and traffic rules....

As you may know it better,
All the persecutions in the past
Were based on that physical, from the society...

So, I am giving to the society what it needs,
Keeping me detachedly attached and attachedly detached...

Even otherwise, people who comes after the miracles
Will have to leave when there happens a farting....

That is public psychology....
Including that of master-disciple relationship.....

Can you understand me?
Though a father to his children, he is a man too....
His children has to understand it

Though a mother, she is a woman too....
Her children has to understand it

Master is a master,
With human physic.
Physically he can have anything
What a mother and father
As a man and woman would have
Do you hear me...?

Farting is a good trick to get away
From those who really do not belong to us in spirit and core....
Can you follow me...?

One can belong to us
Based on their romantism, escapism,
Imitation/aping, fashion, spying.
So, they don’t really belong to us.

They all will go away when you make different types of farting....
In different times.... when the time needs it
And they don’t expect or believe it to happen.

******************* *****************

And some ideologies could be beautiful to hear
But are based on fear or helplessness or envy...
When such ideologists get their chance,
They will not be and they cannot be different.

Mostly when one talks against power and beauty
There is every chance that he is supported
By envy or jealousy or helplessness.

The influence of beauty and power,
You have to overcome;
Than resist with words and talks…

One should talk and practice non-violence,
When he is strong and powerful.
When he is a lion.

Being a goat or sheep, to talk non-violence
Will be considered as a part of
Fear and helplessness or escapism....

Eggs are not stones and Master is not a Mad

What to write..?
Nothing ,
If you are in front of me
To hear my talk
And to feel my breath.

Then what to talk..?
Especially if your talk
Is mine too.

I will stop talking
Once you start
And I feel it is mine too.

God and truth
Are mine and yours as well
As equally.


Man gives, like a mad,
To any one in any direction.

Woman carries them
To make the man to be a wise master.

And she will lay, what he gives,
In practice and movement
As a little cute baby.

Eggs are made to be chicks
To show master’s words are not mere stones.

And to show they are seeds
That can sprout and
Have roots down
And branches up.

Seeking, you can.
But what are you seeking …?
Me or something from me…..?

Take care of your first leaf,
That comes after, and shows,
The seed has sprouted.

If this one first leaf is lost or spoiled
The whole potential in the seed and its sprouting
Is lost and spoiled.

Give it, its own time,
Take care of that first one leaf
With utmost attention.

Don’t imitate the big trees in withering the leaves,
In your this early stage of first leaf.

For sure, when you are enough grown up on your own,
Like a tree, the master, which you will by yourself,
By making yourself to be a master,
You can send thousands of leaves together down
With much more fruits and flowers too


Dear Noufal.
No gap is a gap
And no emptiness is an emptiness

Empty is full too
And silence will sound big
Giving what we call “sound”
The space and background
To have its presence and meaning.

Dear Noufal ....,
It is the gap and empty space in, out and around
Giving the picture its picture look and shape
And the words, their meaning.

So, I am sure
We were never alone without the company of each other;
But were giving more meaning to each other
With the gap and emptiness
Filled in between and around

Dear Noufal …..,
Looking for immediate,
You can use a seed only once, one time,
Frying or without frying.

But, getting the same useless for the time being,
And hence letting one to unknown and uncared for longer time,
It will have its own space of sprouting
And will become a tree with thousands of such seeds.

Seed is a seed in its minimum
But is a tree/plant in its maximum
With the potential of giving uncountable thousands of such seeds.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It is so needed to be repeated again and again

You have put it very simply and beautifully.

But the feeling of mine and their ?

There starts the problem.

Every one has this
No one wants to realize they are all reflecting
Or are made to be an instrument for the time being....
To handle or manage or reflect.

We can be playing
Meanwhile, watching the same our play while we play....

A child is very serious about his toys.
But when he reaches a position of observing him
He starts avoiding those toys....
Or realizes the silliness of those toys.

Through the attachment and being possessive
We may think that we have got something and someone as ours.

But who can own and what can be owned?

We all will equally be only passing by here.

But, just for that thinking of attachment and possession
We will lose the entire world around and all in it,
And will be obstructed from smooth passing by…..
Needing more of births for moksha…

I don’t say you are wrong.

You are cent per cent, but relatively….

Yes it is the case,
So, the fighting and quarrel remains
Based on illusory feel of differences.

It is so needed to be repeated again and again that

No one wants to recognize a fact
That, from the same soil/earth
Can come different taste of Mango, orange and tamarind

That from the same ocean
Can anyone take the water he wants
In the pot he has

Monday, June 15, 2009

Flow of Moksha / into novelties of Paradise. Uninfluenced

As for the influences….

I have been taught and brought up only in a pure Islamic atmosphere
With a chance of getting very good Islamic awareness.
Never I have had a chance to go through Hindu Vedas and scriptures
In my childhood or in my youth.
I too might have read
What ordinarily all others would have read.
So, never the issue of influence or undue influence comes in.

But, to reach the same destination/conclusion,
One has not to take the same path of others.
5+5 can be ten.
2+8 and 4+6 and 10+0 also can be ten,
Without being influenced by 5+5.

So, no issue of influence (of taking same path of others) arises….
But same God and truth is reached by all
Even if they make their journey through different paths.

When we reach a destination/conclusion,
We can simply consider
That we too reached such a destination.

Reaching destination by oneself
Has not to be termed as getting influenced...
(Even if others have reached there before him)
It is only our reaching where we have to reach finally.
Some may get delayed, some get stuck on the way
For many reason.

That is why even according to Islam,
One may take thousands of birth in the Hell
To reach the same destination / paradise - Moksha,
Which others have attained before.

Rebirths are to erase your actions/karma and its results.

And to emancipated is
To reach the Paradise/moksha of permanence.

So, this is an Islamic norm too,
Which most of the people do not or could not understand
In their mistaken way of defining the hell and paradise only physically.

It is true,
We are all influenced by our birth, bringing up, surrounding,
Each moment and each event of life
That takes place in and around us.

The food we eat influences and builds us.
The sight we see and conversation we make, all influence us.

But such influences should not cause stagnancy.
We should live/filter in such a way that
We will unmake ourselves.
Like each cell die and new cells come in each moment.

We will dis-inform us and undo ourselves (our past) as well.
We will go through a path, but being not stuck.
And path will go through us as well,
Without being stuck in us.

Then only is it a real flow.

Flow of Moksha / into novelties of Paradise.
Never repeating and never having to feel
Boring and monotonous.
Ever in the state in which we are.
Without having to feel any conflict or friction.

So, in the path of our freedom and realization,
We will have to unmake and undo many things.

If being known confines us,
We will have better to choose to be unknown.
So that it will not stop our smooth passing by/ wayfaring.

If, being respected and recognized
Obstructs our wayfaring,
We should be prepared to be
Disrespected and unrecognized,
So, that you will never be influenced and stuck.

You will ever be just passing by
Like a good wayfarer
Considering every shelter you seek or make
Only as a wayside (Vazhiyoram)
During your passing by through different,
But one and same, path

Thanking you once again for being in touch
And breathing in and out.

Awaiting to hear more and more from you

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Setting up a Nest

Setting up a nest, a wayfarer's tent,
With the great knowledge
That we all will
Only pass by here
And will take final shelter or nest
With the same one
From where and from whom we started
And have a illusory feeling of separation,
Is really great.

All our efforts are
To return to the beginning
Of no beginning

To be one with the one
Not to be one.

Sorrows and Sadness

Forgetfulness is a great blessing,
It allows life to continue smoothly....

But not all kinds of forgetfulness will be appreciated...
As helping the continuity of life of relationships...

Birth and death are just God's (life's) breathing in and out
And it is in death, life takes its cradle
To play all its plays.
Death is a kind of rain,
That, beyond our reasons,
Makes the life more fertile and continuing.

Like I feel and happen to say every time,
The formal words can’t cure the real wounds,
Like the water in picture can’t quench the real thirst
And it can't fill the gap that is really in.

The sorrows and sadness
Finds its roots deep into to the very life
That we all live for the same cause and reason
Our fore-fathers were living or have lived.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Shaking cold water, You can't make it boiling

I was thinking about calling you.

But since I was and am flying myself,
And as it is easy for me to see and talk with you,
During my such flights,
Whenever and wherever I want,

I thought, better, not to call you, at least now.

So, don't worry...
For sure, I will be in continuous touch.
As also I want to hear you more and more
Than one or two short line of your breathing.

After all, this is our inhaling and exhaling
To live ourselves.

So, to be more living, healthier and happier,
Please breath in and out well,
With enough strength and interest
In enough uncountable numbers.

Prayer is not in prayer,
But in your actions and efforts.
Each your breathing in and out
Is a prayer in each fraction of each second,
And continuity of life is the answer given to it.

Brooding over the eggs,
Chicks will be the answer to such an effort.

The sound of boiling water should be your prayer.
No extra effort of aping.
If you are hot enough
Automatically you will get boiled,
And that is your prayer.

Shaking cold water
You can't make it boiling…..

If your body is hot
That heat of your body
Is its prayer,
And sweating will become an answer to it.

No, prayer is without an answer with and in it
And no question is without a reply in and with it.

Digging is your prayer and question.
And what you have dug, the well,
Is the answer to that your question and prayer.

If a mango seed is a question,
Answer of mango tree is hidden therein.
Not outside it.
Its own becoming of mango tree
Is its answer.
Not an answer imposed from outside
To be carried over its shoulder.
It is only its evolving through.

Only you have to use maximum
The elasticity of each fate and destiny,
The seed.

And without seeing this elasticity of each seed and situation
Please don’t curse your fate and destiny.

Fate is only a seed
With the inbuilt potential of becoming a tree.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Your good mother is living now as one with God. Loving Him

Formal words can’t cure the real wounds,
Like the water in picture can’t quench the real thirst.

Death is beyond all formalities
And takes all the dresses of formalities out.

Dear .....,
Don’t be afraid of God at all,
Rather be knowing and loving him.

To be afraid of God and after death
Is to be doubtful of God
And is equal to limiting God
To the relativities.

With doubts and fear
You can’t go near God.
Without going near, then
How to know and love God?

Just understand
God understand us and ours
More than we understand us and ours,
And more than we can ever understand us and ours.

Just understand
God understand us and ours
And more than we understand God and God’s
And more than we can ever understand God and God’s.

Your mother is in and with God, the eternal.
In the very safe wings of the eternity, God.
No foul plays will happen there.
Nothing she will have to depend on.

So, don’t worry at all.

God is not there to punish
One who is helpless and week.

God is not waiting for one until the death
To get the chance of getting him/her alone.

If he wanted he can punish us even before death.

Even otherwise,
It is the life with limited knowledge and understanding,
A big punishment.

With no doubt,
I would let you know that
Your good mother is
Living now as one with God.

Loving him

With regards,


Sunday, June 7, 2009

One can be really courageous only when ......

It is really great to see someone ever open,
Allowing anyone to get in and get out,
With no worries and fear.

One can be really courageous,
Only when he is convinced that there is nothing to be stolen
From him or his (house or palace or anything).

A stealer or thief becomes a thief or a stealer,
Only when he mistakenly happens to go after others
Without seeing it is there in him and in his (house or palace or anything).


No Problem at all……
You can call me any name.
Name will not change the content.
Orange will be only an orange
Even if you call it with the name of Apple

The way you like it to call……. you can call

Whatever be and whoever be
It is only what is and the state which is....,
Who/which has no definition,
Hence free of and from and to all....

The dress of formality won’t go for long.
An orange, which you buy by seeing its skin,
Will be eaten up without the skin.
The very first thing you will do, before really tasting it, is
To peel its skin off.

The real experience of life is,
Beyond the skins and dresses of formality,
With no covers and dresses.

The skin of formality have nothing to do
With what is in core.

Just to protect
And to be thrown out.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

There is a sweet in your pocket - Don’t pour water into well

(Sorry for not being able to respond soon,
As I told you, the office was too busy with its work.
And never think I am busy.
I am purposelessly not busy - A Fool)

I can understand you
The way you understand yourself,
Especially as the life (what you call God)
Being same in all.

So, whatever I say to you
You can take
As your say to yourself;
Not as a preaching
Or a hearing from external tongue.

Just your looking into
And hearing from you.

Anything that is digested,
Becomes one with the body.
You can’t smell or taste them
As oranges or apples once they get digested
And is in your body as your body.
Only you will remain.
Neither the master nor the disciple.
The same egg will become
Chick, then hen or cock,
Without giving chance to egg to remain,
Rather giving chance for more of such
Eggs and chicks to come again.

I am not writing to you
Because I want to write
And you to read it.
Rather I want to make sure
You understands you;
Not me.
Just I am aiming you to touch
What is already in you.
Just letting you know there is a sweet in your pocket
And you to take it.

That is all in relationships too,
Including Master disciple,
Mother - child
And man - woman.

A mother gives birth to a child,
Not only to keep that child as a child for ever,
But to make and see
That the child also become a mother or father,
Which is there in everybody.

Each one’s growth will bring out
What he has in him.
So, to grow, each one is seeking
To realize what he is for
And what the meaning has, as word uttered.

If it is not there in you,
No one can get it for you.
A man never gives his opposite sex any orgasm.
Only he helps her to reach it and realize
As it is there in hers already.

When one digs for well,
He does not pour water into it
To make it a well.
Rather, what he has dug,
By itself becomes a well,
Just because it has water in/under it.
So, digging is to seek and see
What is already inside there.

For sure, if you
Happen to understand me and what I say,
I would say,
You are understanding you.
If you cannot understand yourself,
You can’t understand me too.
Only I am becoming a tool
To make you understand yourself
Like the context, with no special meaning,
Give the picture its meaning and beauty.

No one is troubled by external,
Rather they are disturbed by internal
And put blame for the same on external
Using their power and position.
The enemy inside is more dangerous
Than the enemy outside.
You can’t have no escape.

The gap you feel as unnecessary is not unnecessary.
Such gaps, which you may feel silly and wasting
Are not silly and wasting.
It is these gaps, that is giving a word
Its existence and meaning,
A sentence its existence and meaning,
A paragraph and lesson
Its existence and meaning.
So, without such gaps, thought to be unnecessary and silly,
Necessary and meaningful things and words
Can’t have its meaning and beauty.

A picture is picture
Because there are gaps in and around it.
Otherwise it will be only a drop of paint or dirt.

One can solve, and one is solving too,
Any kind of problems and riddles,
But the one real.
Himself or herself.
It is mostly he/she goes after the other external
Problems and riddles
Just to escape from and forget this
Big riddle and problem
Of his/her self.

That is why he/she happens to say,
When he/she happens to be alone
Only with himself (God),
As very boring and dreadful.

He can’t face the big problems of himself.

God too is for him
To seek more and more of selfish external desire;
Not to seek and meet him.

On his way to seek and meet God,
Either he is afraid
Or he gets bored.
Just because he finds too much gap,
Only gaps of loneliness and no-action,
To be able to read
Only one word,
His self.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I have only one say. That way, you can be enlightened too....

I have only one say.

Please don't run within the running train.

It won't put the train in more speed.

Nor it will change the direction of the train.

Rather you will get depressed and exhausted.

And you won't be able
To know and get down at
The station where you want to....
And move further from there onwards...

So, be relaxed and passively watching,

With no purposes.

Purposes are with edges on both sides
It will offend us and others as well
And will tire all.

So, watch out to see and experience more.
Observe and absorb.

Don't think you are alone.
We are all there with you in this world
With the same strains, stresses, pains and pressures.

And whatever the pain and pressures
You/we are taking and facing now,
Are not yours or ours only.

Those pressures and pains are of all.
It is of the face of the whole world and life therein.
And you/we happen to become, luckily,
Like mirrors to reflect them for all.

That way, if you want to be,
You can be enlightened too....

Hope I can hear from you more and more....