Sunday, June 28, 2009

What is the food of a word uttered?

What is the food of a word uttered?

The food of a word uttered is
The understanding of the listener.

Than food, where the word uttered will be sheltered?

The shelter of the word uttered is
In its practice by the listeners.

So, Master,
The role of the utterer?

If he really didn’t cook the word well before uttering,
If he really did not understand and mean
What he was uttering,
He will cause constipation
In the minds of its listener.
A body without soul -
Easy decomposing with stench and worm.

And if he has not uttered the food/words
According to the level of its listeners
(as breast milk to the babies and biriyany to grown up)
Again he will cause difficulties for the listeners.

More than holding undeserved listeners accountable
The utterer of the words to the undeserved
Have to be held accountable as a big culprit.

So, Master what about the blame on you….?

I am a wayfarer.
I cannot get stuck in the way.
So, troubles will come in my way
To make sure I am not stuck
And am moving or passing by only.

Any one who throws the dirt,
Will have to be already dirtied.

And since the wayfarer
Moves every now and then,
Without waiting for any one and any reaction,
It won’t reach me.

See the fate of the one
If the dirt he threw did not reach the other end….! ! !

He is getting dirtied again and again
With more of his anger and waste of energy.

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