Tuesday, December 30, 2008

No devil but God

To think positive,
You have to be able to see everything positive,
And basically there is nothing as negative.
God and truth are the states
Beyond positive and negative.
So, only positive or only negative
Of No-Postive or No-Negative

For this,
You have to be able to see
There is only God
And there is no devil at all,
Where God becomes no-God
And no-devil.

To think there is devil
Is polytheism.
Believing in two power centers.

Believing there can come
Any challenge to God
Other than from God.

And if God challenges God,
It is only a game. Leela.
Like we hear in Krishna leela.

As such, everything in this universality
Is the play of God,
Changing himself
To be negatives and positives.
The play, play-tool, playing teams and playground.
The real unintended leela of para-brahma.

So, you have to be able to see
Only God.
And not devil too.
And know there is no devil at all.
That is what positive is.
Thinking, seeing and doing positive.
Where positive is not even positive
Than the state which “is”

When there is only God
There is no need of thinking of him (God) too.
Because, there is no one other than him
To be shared.
And God would (or would not need to) know this fact
That there is no one in sharing with hm.

So, he (God) won’t ask for respect and obedience.

The question is
Who brought the significance and presence of devil (negative) in?
Even when devil (negative) has no role in any of basic functions
Of creation or sustenance or destruction…..?

Here come prophets.
The Semitic prophets.
Politicised prophets of politicised religions

It is the Semitic prophets
Who brought devils (as negative) into the picture and significance.

If devil had no role in any of the basic functions
Of creation or sustenance or destruction,
Why he is brought in by all our so called
Semitic Prophets of God?

Answer is
Just to get justification for issuing
Orders and commandments
And rules and regulation
In the name of God.

In the world of relativities,
To see the white as separate and to call it white,
A context of black or some other colors comes in.
And this they applied to God too.

But God is one and only.
The absolute and ultimate.
Nothing beyond him
And no way can you see him in any other's context.

If so, are the prophets really the prophet of God (positive)?

If there is only God,
God won’t need any declaration
And he won’t need any prophet
To declare him God.

Even otherwise,
God seeking the assistance of humans
To declare him as God is a stupidity.

When there is only God,
Against whom
God has to declare and win
As a God?
He is all and the whole
And all and the whole is him and his.

Speaking from Islamic and other Semitic religious perspective,
There was no devil
Before Adam was created.
So, devil came after human-kinds.
True to say, devil came after human-kinds
From and through human kinds

So, how and when devil emerged after or through Adam?

As the one who denied the supremacy of knowledge
With his feeling of pride, arrogance, ignorance and superiority.
Hence, the denial of supremacy of the one who knows (human – Adam)
With the one’s own inner aspects of egoism, arrogance, pride, ignorance, etc.

So, this first devil was made to be a devil
By himself. Through himself.
By his own inner aspects of egoism, arrogance, pride, ignorance, superiority feeling etc.
Not by any other super devil.
Without any external influence or temptation.
So, one’s feeling of egoism, arrogance, pride, ignorance, superiority etc is the super devil
That made the angel (humankind) to be a devil
And that can change anyone to be a devil.

Then how come the targeting of
Relative ordinary (semi) external devils,
Which any one can be at any point of time?
Ignoring the super inner devil of
Egoism, arrogance, pride, ignorance, superiority feeling etc….!

Since they needed more personified one devil against God
Other than subtle super devil of
Egoism, arrogance, pride, ignorance, superiority feeling etc
To get justification for their issuance of
Commandments, rules and regulation in the name of God,
They became prophets of non-existing personified one devil against God.
So, their verses.
More justifyingly,
The verses of non-existing personified one Satan (devils’) verses.
The concept of right and wrong.
Bad and Good.
Negative and Positive

When there is no devil,
And when there is only God,
There won’t come commandments of God,
Except to let you know of God’s own leela.

Everything is good and for Good only,
Which is not different from bad,
Though we may not feel it from our relative perception
And our relative requirements’ perspectives.

Even otherwise
Only the wishes and wills of God
Is what our practical and theoretic world is

There cannot be any other system than God.
There is no God’s system.
Rather, God himself is the system and the universality

So, no need of an extra command from God
To be implemented/injected artificially,
That too, with the support of one of his creation or image.
Whatever he wills happens.
Whatever he doesn’t will, doesn’t’ happen.
(Maa shaa’a Allahu Kaan, Wa maa lam yasha’a lam yakun)

Whatever the things
Man and animals are doing,
Are the deeds of God.
Nothing is other than that of God.
Everything is God and God’s. Be it Positive or Negative.
Nothing is devil and devil’s. Be it Positive or Negative.
And what we feel negative is positive too.
Mud is mud, also will be a flower too.
Good can be bad too.
And bad can be seen as good too.

No positive, no negative.
No good, no bad.
No God, No devil.
Only the things and phenomena that are.
If at all there is any, that is to say,
Devil is part of God
And there is God in every devil.
Both are not different.

Pain and pleasure too the same way.
Both are one and the same and are in one and the same.
Departing from one and going to other won't mean that
One is departing from pain to catch only the pleasure
Or departing from devil and reaching God.

There is pain in pleasure
And there is pleasure in pain.
Mud is the base for Lotus
And to the mud lotus will be going (returning) to.The problem (relatively) is arising from
Separation and looking in part.

So to get the positive outlook and meaning
We have to take everything in a holistic way.
Never seeing and treating from a portion
Thinking that this portion is the whole
And this portion is by itself.

Everything is connected with the other.
Everything is in the whole
As part of the whole and as the whole.
Hence, no treatment only to the finger,
Seeing and thinking finger as a separate complete entity.So, the bomb explosion,
Menstruation of a young girl
And blossoming of a flower
Are not different affairs.

Everything same.
Nothing good.
Nothing bad.
Only God and God’s.
Not opposites to each other
Since there is no opposite to God

No positive and no negative.

The milk, when it is vomited is not milk.
No body looks at it.
Meaning there is devil in every God
And there is" bad" in every "good"
And both good and bad
And God and devil are one and the same.So, there is only truth and only God.

Never two different entities fighting each other.

Feeling two, fighting each other,
Is the feeling of the relative/karmic/physical world.God is the life that we are living.
Life and God are one and the same.
Human kinds don't have any separate/special higher stand and status.

God is god only.
Neither higher nor lower.
So, humans too.

Rather, humans (relatively) are elements
Behaving like a conquerors/poison.
Everything (be it bacteria or human being) in this universe is living God
Or living part of God.
And they are all living in (the) God / life.

Life is what God is
And God is what life is.
And spontaneity is the language of God/life.

Once the freedom and spontaneity is lost,
God gets changed to be the devil.
That is what mostly happening with human beings
Who are not near enlightenment

************** *************

Images in mirrors are not real.
It shows and proves that there are some problem/things
Persisting other than the problems
That are reflected in the mirror.

The problem gets reflected in each one
Just because he is a mirror for it for the time being.

Other day, it will reflect in some other,
As they will be the mirrors at that time to reflect the same.But people, usually, go after the reflected images.
So, the karma – worldly physical activities.
Better not be that touched by these reflections.
Give all such reflections a look of mercy.
A look of good understanding.
A look of good onlooker – the enlightened one.
And co-habit with it.
It won't disturb you, if you don't disturb it.
Take the life as a play.
Don't be serious.
After all you are on the way, hijacked by some magic.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Tolerance doesn't and cannot come by itself -

Dear all…..,
Tolerance doesn't and cannot come by itself
Or by the usage of the term "tolerance" on our tongue.
It is a state of level that one attains
When he happens to see the things
From the above, as detached, but attached to all.

Broadmindedness is there when one is open at both ends.
Broadmindedness is connected with having more space
That one gets only with the good flow that happens in him.
And this good flow happens to be there
Only when he is open at both ends.
Otherwise there will happen to be
Great trouble and intolerance of great stagnancy.
He cannot get in any new thing
Since he is closed.

They pretend as they know God
And consider God doesn’t and cannot know them.
So, their all problems come from a concept
That God cannot understand man and his limitations.
That is why their God is a type of non-understanding,
Like mentally retarded and maniac.
Having no concern of his own children,
But waiting to punish and torture them.

It is easy for God to know them
And it is very tough and mostly impossible
For most of them to know God.

Let them know one fact at least, that
To be able to give and receive
They will have to open their hands.

And openness only can make them tolerant and broad.

With regards,

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Petty Tyrants - the Real Master

Dear .....,
No problem is a problem
But a solution too
Or it evolves to be a solution by itself.

No question remains
As a question for ever
But an answer too by itself

That is how
An egg is made to be a chick
And a seed is made to be a plant.
Qestions' becoming of answers.

A well is not found saperate
From what you have dug.

So, your bearing with the petty tyrant
Any where in your world
Or in your fields of work,
Is to give you a cause
To strengthen you.

Such petty tyrants are there to train you
And to guide you to be more stronger.

Don't consider them as enemies.
They are your real masters.
They give you the reason and resources
To exist and survive.

And with such sturggles and strains only
You get your muscles stronger
To let you sustain yourself.

with regards

Monday, December 1, 2008

Why the extremism? Was it there in the seeds? Are unqualified babies (shudras) given with heavy indigestible food of vedic lessons?

Each one can have his own way
To look at and reach God
And can have his own version of God and truth.
Apparent differences shall not mean in
Any difference in core and spirit.

If the soil, water and light can come
In thousands of forms, colors and tastes,
According the change in the seeds and roots,
Truth and the view on God too can be.

The food that is not digested
Is not just only a food not digested.

Or an idea that is not understood
Is not just only an idea not understood.

Rather this undigested idea or food,
If it can’t do
What it could do if digested, positively,
Will start doing its opposite, negatively.

It will start troubling
The mind or stomach of the one
Who has swallowed this idea/food.

The stomach or mind will get troubled
And such trouble will get the body or mind
Weaker and weaker.
This troubling
By indigestible food or idea
Is the problem of the extremists.

One day more
With these undigested ideas
They get/become more weak
In their mind and body.

This weakness,
In their mind or body,
May lead them again to consider
Them as strong.

They would take the weakness
As strength and quality.
Like little children play with fire
Until they get a real burn.

A TB patient
Won’t have the appetite
To have more food and nutrition;
But it won’t be because of his physical health
And won’t be because he really doesn’t need.

This is the case of the extremists,
They accept and profess only one sickening element
As the only true and right path and faith,
That too indigestible to them, sickening them.
They become real extremists
With their disease element
Of stomach troubling extremism

They have swallowed
What they can not digest
Or what they cannot accommodate in.

They are given with
What they should not have been.
The indigestible and heavy
Final conclusion ofMohammed or Jesus or Moses
To those who are at preliminary levels.
Heavy biriyani (food)
To the new born babies.

Hence, they are troubled.
Troubled to death of themselves.

They are even troubled
To consider that this indigestible one
Is the only truth,
That too even when
They are unable to digest it.
With their troubled mind
They become more and more sick, exremistic.

That is why Hindus considered
“Shudra (the unqualified, not by birth) shouldn’t be
Given Veda knowledge”.

Because of the trouble he will have
And the trouble he will make.

He will misconceive.
His misconception will kill
Himself and the child.

That is why
Omar slapped on the face of Abu Hurairah
When he started to report
One saying of Mohammed
(“Any one who says
There is no God, but God
Has entered the paradise/heaven”)
To the general public.

It will spoil the whole general public.
Each one has to experience by himself.

Because it is a conclusion,
To which one has to reach
After a long journey.

Because this is a conclusion
One has to make by himself
Not to be given to or imposed on him.

No one cannot win the race
Without running the race.

That conclusion should not be there
At the beginning.

There can be an aim or a target
From the beginning.
Aim and target of
Reaching the unknown ultimate and
Achieving the immeasurable maximum.

But it should not be an achievement
At the beginning.
The prize of such conclusions are
At the end.

And there cannot be a prediction
For the beginner to decide as to
What will be that maximum and ultimate

And as to what will be that conclusion.

It is what he will get
When he reaches there.

It could be mango or jackfruit
Or guava or coconut.

It could be anything
As a conclusion.

Conclusion of Muhammad
Or Jesus or Moses of Buddha
Is a heavy food
That new born baby
Should not be given with.

It will kill the baby to death
Even if you give it
With too much of love.

That is why we say in
Our own language.
“Paathram Arinhu kodukkanam”
(Give knowing/seeing the pot/plate).

That is why every one in Islam
Is asked to pray by himself
One and only prayer .
In Islam there is only one
Compulsory prayer
(17 times at least a day)
“Guide us to the right path”.

This only compulsory prayer
Would mean to say
That the right path is yet to be met.
It is never got by being a Muslim.

So, don’t make the conclusion that
One has got the right path
When he becomes a Muslim

And this seeking of and praying
For right path
Is and was compulsory for all
Including Prophet Mohamed
And his disciples.

It is true and good
If one can really reach
Such a conclusion of heavy food.

But, It cannot be by tongue.
Not by imitation and emulation too.

So, not applicable for
General public.
So, Omar slapped on the face of Abu Huraira

General Public
Are, and most of them are,

Let them lead their life and search
On their own
And reach the conclusion,
If they can, by themselves.

In this case
No one can help the other.

Tasting sweetness is possible
By any one.
But no one can taste
Sweetness or bitterness
Or pain or happiness
For others.

And no one can exchange
Such feelings and tastes.

That is why it is also said
In hereafter of reaching conclusion
Every one will be saying “Nafsi Nafsi”
(“My own self" or “My self” and “my own self” “My self”)

************** **********

The kind of seed,
And its roots when it sprouts,
Decides what kind of taste should come out
From the tasteless soil or water or light
And how deep the roots should go.

Like is the truth from God
And the approach to God.

Each seed and its roots
Will decide what to bring out
From tasteless soil.

According to the seed,
Version of God, as a fruit
Appears in the branches.

Each mind is a branch
For reflecting God and truth.
In different ways, colors, shapes and tastes.

Hence, there can be
Different and many kinds of truths
And paths from/to the same God
In one and the same time.

Different people can take water
From the same ocean,
In different pots and cups
And in different times.

So different relative truths from the same God.
Each according to his cup or pot.
Each according to the type of seed and root.

******** *********** ***********

Extremism and terrorism emerges
When one happens to say there can come
Only one color or only one taste
From the same soil/earth,
Only one has got the water from the ocean
And only the water in his pot
Is the water from the ocean.

This extremism may go
Unto one's saying that
His cup only is the ocean
And there is no other ocean
Than his cup and water in it.

This is the example of one
Who will say
There can come only one way
And one truth to and from God.

Extremism also emerges
When one happens to say or believe that
All the roots of different plants/trees
Have to go to one and same direction,
To the same depth and same soil
And have to bring out
One and only color,
And one and only form and taste.

They want only one kind of fruit
In one and only color, taste and form.

************** ************
India and Indian (Hindus) have ever been,
Through out its history,
Considering all religions and paths
As equally true.

That is why they could keep
Their doors open to all.

In Indian and Hindu concepts
Nothing can be absolutely wrong
And nothing can be absolutely right.

Hindus have never been trying to say
Any other religion as wrong.

But Semitic religions
And its followers were
Very strong to conclude and consider
That any one
With any other faith and direction
Than that of theirs
Is and will be wrong.

This is the problem with Semitic religions.
They think and order every one to take
The same direction, method and path to God
And to consider all other paths and directions
As devil's and wrong.

Hence, they become intolerant.
This is the basic factor/seed of intolerance
Of Islam and Semitic religions,
And, thereby, extremism.

These aspects of intolerance are not
Of any community,
Be it Muslims or Christians or any.

Muslims or Christians as a community,
And as a whole, in India,
Won't have any such intolerance,
Especially since they don't know
Or follow Islam or christianity very strictly.

But in the case of Islam,
Take the case of Islamic world
(Muslim countires),
Especially, if such world follow
Islamic postulates, at least partially.
Countries like Saudi Arabia,
Iran, other Gulf countries,
Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.

They won't give freedom to other religious people
And they won't be ready to consider
Other religious path as equally right path.

Semitic religious believers
(including Islam and Muslim)
Can be only extremistic, especially
When they tend to say
Theirs is the only one right path to God,
And their religion only has
The true revelation
And the real truth
From God.

They become more extremistic and terroristic
Whey they again tend to declare
Other truth and revelations
As outdated or worn out.

This is on which and how
Particularly, Semitic religions are based.

The problem is not of any community.
Any community is a collection
Or group of individual human beings,
Who individually has nothing to do
In deciding the true and right path.
Rather, the problem is of the faith they hold.
The indigestible food they have swallowed.

***** ******* ****** ******

The food that is not digested
Is not just only a food not digested.

But, it will also be the food that will
Trouble the one who has swallowed it.

This troubling of indigestible food
Is the problem of the extremists.

They have swallowed
What they can not digest.
Or they are given with
What they should not have been.
The indigestible and heavy conclusion of
Mohammed or Jesus or Moses.
Hence, they are troubled.
they are even troubled
To considered that this indigestible one
is the only truth.

With their troubled mind
They become more and more exremistic

******** ******* *****

Any religion (from Semitic religions),
Claiming to be the last, final and only true message/path from God,
Cannot accommodate and tolerate other faiths.
So, the real believer (Semitic religious believer) is not allowed
To tolerate and accommodate other faiths
And he cannot consider other faiths and method of lives
As right and correct.

E.g. Quran, very specifically declares this by saying that
“You can’t see one community, who believe in Allah and hereafter,
Loving those who dissent with Allah and prophet
(in enmity with Allah and Prophet)
Even if they are their fathers or children or brothers or relatives…etc.”

This verse was revealed praising the believer son for killing his disbelieving father

Can any one be in enmity and dissenting with GOD?

According to Islam,
Any one who goes out of Islamic faith
Should be killed.
Any Islamic state is bound to implement this rule
When a Muslim converts to other faiths or abandons his faiths in Islam.
For this reason, such a religion does not stand
For freedom of faiths and choices
Except to convert people of other faiths to its hold.

Here come the problems of Semitic religions.
They want all places to be open for them
To propagate their faith and message,
Whereas they won’t allow their place to be open
For other faiths and messages to be propagated.

And this would go to the extend that
They won’t allow a new interpretation to their own faith even.
Hence, the killing of many
And threats to kill Stallman Rushdi and Thasleema Nasrin
Becomes simply acceptable issues to/for all Muslims generally.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Dear all...,

Physicality of a deed does not give any meaning to it.

Shape and color will not give us
The sweetness and taste of an apple.
Shape and color only cannot fill our stomach.
That is why toys are not useful in our day-to-day life and activities.

For that,
Things have to be real from inside
And the apple has to be a real apple from inside.
Grapes in the painting can’t quench our thirst
Like the fire in paints can’t cook our food.

See what Quran says: "God doesn't get its meat/flesh or blood.
But, he gets only the "Thaqwa" (sharp awareness/ good sight) from you.”
Thaqwa is the level of sharp awareness and sight
Whereby you reach in harmony with the whole.
The life and God.

But did you ever think as to how,
From these activities,
God will get “Thaqwa” (sharp awareness)?
Especially when such deeds are
Just emulations and physical actions.

That too, with selfishness
To get paradise and Houries therein;
Not to seek and see God or truth.

Without knowing what is what,
Without knowing why should he do such things,
Without being convinced
Of its relevance and significance,
And without having the real urge to do such deeds.

******* ******* ******

See, how the humans got distinguished
According to Islam?
It is with his (Adams’s) knowledge.

Then, why this aspect of knowledge
Is not applied in day-to-day life, belief, activities and rituals?

Adam got promoted, according to Islam,
That too above angels (Devas),
And Angels (Devas) were asked to prostrate before Adam (man),
Just because of Adam’s knowledge.

Then, why people are afraid
Of believing or denying with the knowledge?

Then, why do they defy those who know better
With physical strength of their ignorant unsupported beliefs?

******* ******* ******

Dear all...,
According to Islam
"Man" represents (khilafath) God;
Not the "Muslims" represents.
That too on earth, not over the humankinds.
The whole humankind is Representative (khalifa) of God;
Not a particular group/sect of Muslims.

See what Qur’an says:
“When your God told the Angels (Devas)
Surely, I am going to make (create) on earth
A representative (khalifa/ruler)”

The above Qur’anic say
Never denotes to particular sect of humankinds.
It is said about the creation of the seed
Of the whole humankind on earth,
(Adam as a seed of humankinds) and its purpose of
Being representative on the whole earth.
Not of Muslims or of Muslim community
As rulers (representatives/khalifa) over the whole humankind.

To be a representative (Khalifa) of God
You don't need to be a believer or a Muslim.
You don’t need to profess Islam or any faith.
By being born as a humankind,
You become with that quality of representation.
It (representation) is encrypted in the seed of mankind (Adam).
Hence every one of this humankind is a representative (khalifa).

Among men, (Khalifa or representatives),
According to Qur’an,
Those who know,
Will surpass the supremacy of angels (Devas).
That is how Adam sought and was taught knowledge,
And surpassed the supremacy of Angels (Devas).

Qur’an says:
“We taught Adam all names ....."

Based on that knowledge
When Adam excelled,
Again Qur'an says :
"When we told Angels (Devas)
Prostrate before Adam (man)”

Why don’t Muslims give supremacy
To the knowledge and conviction?
Be it of any community of
America or India or Europe or Russia or China
If the same is supported
With the knowledge and conviction.

According to Islam
One who denies the supremacy of knowledge
Is the one who is Devil (Iblis).

Be it anyone, including a Muslim,
If he denies the supremacy of knowledge,
He is a devil.

Even an Angel (Deva)
Who denied the supremacy of knowledge
Could be converted to be a devil.
That is how Iblis (Devil) is
According to Islam and Qur'an

See what Qur’an says:
“All Angels (Devas) prostrated,
Except the one (Angel/Deva) with frustration (Iblis).
He denied and became proud of himself.
Hence became among the deniers”
This is how Devil Angels or deva) is made to a devil.

Adam did not become Khalifa
Or did not get promoted because of
The strength of his physical worship/rituals (ibadath).

Adam did not become Khalifa
Or did not get promoted because of
His monotheistic beliefs (Iman).

Adam did not do rituals, thasbeeh and Thahlees (praising) at all
Before he got to be Khalifa or above Angels (Devas).

And for getting promoted above Angels (Devas),
Not for becoming Khalifa/representative on earth,
He needed to have knowledge.

******* ******* ******

Adam (first supposed seed on humankind) just knew.
He had the knowledge
For both believing and denying.
From his knowledge he got convinced (Iman).
From this conviction, he got to be intending (Niyyath)

So, what does this mean?
Only with real knowledge of what is what,
How and why
One has to decide to be doing anything.
In a convinced way with a real intention.
The physicality of deed can not carry with it
The knowledge, conviction and intention.

See the basis of all activities of Islam.
“All activities are according to the intentions”.
Without intentions (Niyyath)
No deed is considered as a deed from the doer.
Rather, if one does any act
With no such strong intention,
He is a wrong doer.
Credit will not go to him.
But, responsibility and liability
To bear with its consequences (Karmaphala) will go to him.

To have intentions,
You have to be updated and be knowing.
You have to have the knowledge of the things.
You have to be aware of the situation.
Without such knowledge and awareness
How can one be intending?
Without knowing about his mother’s sickness
How can one be intending and acting for her treatment?
Hence, rushing for the required medicine…?

The basic tenet to be a Muslim is “Iman” (conviction).
This conviction has to come from
And be supported by the right knowledge.
Conviction/belief (“Iman”) has to give birth to intention (Niyyath).

So, all these denote to one and only thing.
Not to do and emulate things just physically.
Not to do things because others do,
Or because one is born as Muslim
Or in a particular sect.
Not to do anything
Without questioning and rechecking.
This rechecking by the self is also called “Thaqwa”
(Application of the ultimate and sharp awareness / microscopic look/sight).

“Thaqwa” means looking at things with microscopic eyes,
By which one can see what cannot be seen otherwise,
What is real and what is unreal,
What is farther and what is near,
And what is smaller and what is bigger,
By which one will avoid much of his deeds
Which he is supposed to do otherwise,
By which one will be bound to do a lot
Which are not supposed of him otherwise.

This microscopic eye won’t let any one
Do anything because others do.

This microscopic eye would make one
To be responsible of /for his activities/Karmas.

This Microscopic eye would require him to be certain
And will give him certainty before doing anything.

This micrscopic eye would make one afraid
Of doing any activity for sake of doing,
And he would abstain from any such activities
Just because he happens to see
It is not necessary or good with his micrscopic eyes,
And for this reason, before the general public
He would become like a Sanyasin.

This microscopic eye would make him aware
As to the results/consequences of his activity (karmaphala)
Which would further stop him from doing anything
Without certainty (Yaqeen).

So, for a man with Knowledge, Conviction (Iman),
Certainty (Yaqeen) and intention (Niyyath),
Just doing any ritual because it is commanded
Doesn’t make sense
Especially doing things/rituals,
In the way, language, tone, time and content
Decided and dictated by someone
Far behind.

The water is never boiled
Unless it is heated up sufficiently.
Hence, the prayer and seeking too.

A prayer or seeking becomes
Prayer and seeking
When it is done
At the time one is really heated up
To be boiling,
According to the level,
State and situation in which he is,
In the tone, language and content
He decides for himself
According to level
Of his knowledge, conviction and intention

So, in this case,
If Udhiya (sacrifice of slaughtering) is to show
Your preparedness to sacrifice
At the cost of your dearest possession,
It should not be at the cost of
Innocent lives of millions of cows and goats only.
And it should not be
Just because there is command in a religion,
Which one happens to be born in
Without his choosing.
It should not be done by one
Who is not prepared to sacrifice himself
For the cause of seeking and reaching the truth.

At the time when this practice
Of slaughtering animals was introduced
Cows, camels, goats, etc were
The best and dearest earnings and possessions.

But, now the nature of
Earnings and possessions has changed.

At the time of Abraham,
Since the nature was full
With abundance of resources
And less humankinds,
Children were considered to be
The biggest earning.

So, symbolically
Children were asked to be sacrificed.
(Still unbelievable to consider
The ultimate and almighty asks for these silly).

This change process has to occur to now also.

It has to be leaving your
Luxury cars and ornaments.

It has to be the shares in share markets
Give them to the poor those who are near.
No need of going to Mecca
And give the same there.

It has to be newly constructed buildings.
Give them to the poor to stay in

It has to be good real estate land properties.
Give them to the needier to construct their houses.

It has to be power and money
Use them in such a proper way
That it solve the problem of poor.

Quran says:
“You will now get reward
Until you spend for what is dearest to you.”
For sure, now the dearest is not the goats available
In Mecca market at the time of Hajj.
It is your money and other possessions
In your village or city.

Killing is wrong,
Especially if it is in the name of God
It is true one cannot live
Without killing other.
If so, it should be only for
Sustaining life and survival.
Not for sustaining God and belief.
Limiting God into silly wants of blood
Is cruelty towards God and concept of God.
Such Gods of wants and orders are not Gods.
But are devils.

If need be
Slaughter where people starve
And need food of meat.
Don’t do it in a particular place
In a particular day.
To seek God,
There is no particular place,
And there is no particular day.
Qur’an says: “Wherever you turn your face,
There is face of God”.

God is there with you
Even if you didn’t seek him.
So only is God is God.
He doesn’t seek your seeking
And you prayer
For him, as a need
To sustain and survive.
And you need him (God) because
You want to return to your nest.

God is there in sand-grain too.
But never try to say
God is there only in sand grain.
And not any where other than sand-grain.

Qur’an again says:
“Did you see the one who deny the Religion?
He is the one who shuns/turn away the orphans
And doesn’t encourage giving food to the poor”

Hear again what Quran says
“The righteous deeds are not turning towards east or west
But is believing (with knowledge and conviction)
In God and hereafter
And giving the richness, on his own liking,
To near and poor…….”

“The true guidance is only to the one
With “Thaqwa” (ultimate and sharp awareness / microscopic sight)"

But, who has this awareness, good intention and good sharp sight.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It Is Stale. Truth And God Have No Content.

Seeing a mountain
You don’t see anything.

But seeing inner story of
A sand-grain or an atom
You will happen to see
The secrets and tastes
Of the whole universality.

In silly and small lies
The secrets and taste
Of universality.
So, of life too.

Truth and its taste
Has nothing to do with
Anyone’s accusation
Of truth
Being stale or not stale.

For those who accuse
It is stale and outdated,
It may do one help.
It may change its dress
In a new design and color
But, not in content.
For, the truth,
And God too,
Has no content.

Truth, Life and God.
Will be
Repeated and repeated.

Of God, life and truth
Can ever change.

Like nothing of,
And none of your needs for,
Water, light and air
Can also ever change.

There can be different and many kinds of truths and paths from/to the same God.

The basic minimum understanding should be:

Each one can have his own way
To look at and reach God
And can have his own version of God and truth.
Apparent differences shall not mean in
Any difference in core and spirit.

If the soil, water and light can come
In thousands of forms, colors and tastes,
According to the change in the seeds and roots,
Truth and the view on God too can be.

Nothing can be absolutely wrong
And nothing can be absolutely right.

One can be reflected
Into thousands
As thousands.

Thosands can be reflected
Into one
As one

******** ******** ******** *********

The kind of seed, and its roots when it sprouts,
Decides what kind of taste should come out
From the tasteless soil or water or light
And how deep the roots should go.

Like is the truth from God
And the approach to God.

There can be different and many kinds of truths
And paths from/to the same God.

Different people can take water from the same ocean,
In different pots and cups in different times.
So different (relative) truths from the same God.
Each according to his cup or pot.

Extremism and terrorism emerges
When one happens to say there can come
Only one color or only one taste
From the same soil/earth,
Only one has got the water from the ocean
And only the water in his pot
Is the water from the ocean.

This extremism may go unto his saying that
His cup only is the ocean
And there is no other ocean
Than his cup and water in it.

This is the example of one who will say
There can come only one way and truth to and from God.

Extremism also emerges
When one happens to say or believe that
All the roots of different plants/trees
Have to go to one and same direction,
Same depth and same soil
And have to bring out one and only color, form and taste.
They want only one kind of fruit in only one color, taste and form.

Monday, November 17, 2008

You got into the train very early.

Dear ….,

What happened to you?

You did not come back..?

Are you comfortable with the situation and happenings there?

But, wherever a dewdrop may choose it to be
And whatever the situation
It may have opted for its better survival,
I would remind you of only few things.

Running inside the train
Won't put the train in speed or more speed.

Changing the sitting direction inside the train
Won't change the direction of the train.

Either you will have to get out of the train
Or you will have to decide to continue in the same train,
Making a conclusion that even if you get out,
Life, at least in physical sense, won't be a different.

What you did was..

You got into the train very early
Even before you were able to decide
"Where to go" or "how to go"
Or "whether you really need to go",
Except for physical reason and unproved fancies.

Basically at that time, except for the fancies,
You did not have any destination at all to go to
In that train you got in.
Hence, you did not need such a journey
In such a train.

But, still, though you have got in to what you have not to,
You don't have to worry.

Anywhere and any place could be the destination.

The difference in places and destinations
Doesn't make any real difference in core and conclusion,
If you are really able to observe and absorb.

No particular place is better or beautiful,
Except for our fancies and temporary physical reasons.

From anywhere, you will/can access the same aspects of life.

You told me that you will come back with a detailed email....

I can understand your difficulties
To detail in an email what all you feel
And what all you want to say face to face.

Also I can understand the pressure
You may be facing in your new work place.

The tele-talk (tele-conversation) with you was not that useful,
Since most of the talks were unheard for the reason beyond our control.

You are silent.

Your friend also is silent.

Silence can hatch the real chicks out.

With regards

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Irrespective of where you stay, you are my neighbor

I am wrong to consider you
As haling from such and such
And so and so place.

Irrespective of where you stay,
You are my neighbor.

Physical nearness is not the reason
By which one can be neighbor to the other.

When the life and God are
One and same for all
When there is no devil, at all,
Even as a concept,
To cause the separation and distance
All are in one and the same world
As neighbors to each other.
In paradise....

Paradise is there
When we get lost of Devil and its separation,
Ego and its illusions,
Me and my world as distanced from
You and your world.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

To forget to breath in and out

Lets the life to be smooth
And flowing,
Without letting
To be stuck
On the ways.

But to forget
To breath in and out
Will cost
The very life and being.

Liking, it gets to the brim, then you start to dislike

Liking is with the reason.

Because of sweetness or beauty,
You happen to like.

Once the beauty or sweetness
Or any such reasons get lost or are over,
You start to dislike or hate.

So, mostly you only "like" others.

Mostly what you call “love” is not love.
It is only your liking for the reason known or unknown.

Liking, it gets to the brim.
Then you start to dislike...

No other person is cruelly insensitive.

No other person is cruelly insensitive.
Like I told you before,
When things get to brim, they are made to stop.
Like we stop our eating when the stomach get fill.

Love has no reason to make you love.
When you love yourself
You have no reason to love.
You are made to love.
It is not a liking and disliking game.
It is life loving life.
God loving God.
The whole universality

Pessimism and frustration...?

Pessimism and frustration...?
When your reasons and conditions get broken.

That means..?
Getting your desires not fulfilled.

Do you remember, our master Buddha's teaching?
Desire as the root reason of all sadness and pessimism.

Truth is such.
In your illusion, you can be optimistic.
But it has nothing to do with your core.

And truth never wants you to be either
(Optimistic or pessimistic).
It gives you back
Your flow in spontaneity.

Just your question will reach you there

Just your question "how do I reach there?”
Will reach you there.

But the question has to be
A real question too.

Semen has to be real semen
And has to enter the uterus.

Then a new baby in the process
As the answer...

If you are confused, very good.

If you are confused, very good.
It would mean you are sensitive.
And that sensitivity would mean
You are living
And are able to reflect and react.

If not for reaction and reflection,
You are dead.

All things that you reflect
Are not the problems/images of you only.
Those are the problems/images of all.

There you will get the realization.
From that point.

When you happen to know
The problems are not only yours,
But you are only reflecting
Of the whole world and universality

Be not addicted

Sticking to you not to be addicted
To physical habits....

Physical means something not needed to your core.
Physical means unnecessary by its nature.
Physical means which will dissolve and which can be avoided.

Did you have really reached that "enough" with love?

Did you have really reached that "enough" with love?

May be you mistook your ‘liking’ as ‘love’.

Love is unconditional and without reason.

So itself, it will never reach brim and enough.

Love will not tire or exhaust you.
Love is, and it is for, spontaneous flow of life.

But, liking is for the reasons.
When the reasons are over,
Liking will become disliking or hating.

Whatever the problem you have,
Don't hesitate to share with your old father/mother.
May be they are an old fashioned.
But love, wisdom and openness \
Are neither old nor new.

Don't put covers on your eyes.
It may get you out of sight, but not out of the problems...
The problem will get more strengthened
Since you have become blind to it
With your covers.

For God, there is no reason. He is because he is...

If you start loving,
You start to be an insider.

But, as an insider,
You will have no chance
To say "I love you".

To say “I love you”,
There needs to be some distance.

You can only just live with love.
Like you live with yourself.
There, loving will be your living.

Your living is your loving.
You live, because you live.

Love is not a claim
To declare "I love you."

But, still, it is good to see
You make such claims.

Life is the reason for life.
And love is the reason for love.

For God, there is no reason.
He is because he is...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Only Realization Can Make One Simple and Humble

Yes, You are right.

Truth is ever the same
So it is old.
And I am with that old truth.

And I am helpless to create new truths.
And I can not artificially create new truths.

May be, I can create
New ways of presenting
The same old truth.
But truth can not change.
It is one and same
From the very first day of universe.

Also you are right.

I was just trying to scribble
For the beginners to understand.
Because they are the ones
Who has to understand.

If you felt it is for beginners
I am successful.

As for me,
All are, one or other way,

No one reaches at the end
Except with the realization.

And the realization makes one
To put the things simple.
For beginners.

And only realization can make
One simple and humble.
Realization to know
That in ordinariness
God resides
And truth dances

The whole world and life
Is old, but new.

We have to be able to find old as new too.

Our life is a repetitiion of
All old things and habits.

One second is enough to realize
What life is.
No need of hundreds of years.

Master, Am I right To say I am Right - And Is God a Eunuch?

Master, Am I right
To consider and say
I am right?

Yes, you are right
To consider and say you are right.

But, meanwhile,
You will become wrong too
If you consider and say
Only you are right.

Viewing points may differ.
So, the sights and perceptions too.

Master, how others are right
Even when I am right?

When sun sets for you,
It rises for others.
Whereas the sun
Never sets or rises at all.

The dresses that match for you
Are not the dresses that will
Match for others.

Master, can there be many truths
At one and the same time?

Mango as a fruit
Is good and right
And it is from the soil.

But is mango
The only good and right thing
That can come out of the soil?

No, there can be guava, jack fruit
And any other kinds of fruits,
Vegetables, seeds and nuts.
All are equally good and right.
All are equally true
If they claim to be true.

Each one’s roots
And type of its seed
Decide what it has to be
And what it has to
Search and find
In the soil

Master, So, don’t I need to take
The path of other
To access truth and God?

You can't walk
Other than on your legs.

You can't taste
Other than on your tongue.

To the same destination,
There can be many paths.

But your path is only your path.

To have many paths
Won’t mean there are
Many truths or many Gods.

The same truth and God
Can have many different reflections.

Each tree, Each flower, each fruit, each seed
Is a separate reflection of the same
Old soil, water and air.

Each one can depend on
The reflection he gets.

To attain the same truth
the path has not be the same.

Master, then what is wrong?

It is wrong
If any one of these items claim
That it is the only true item
That has come out of the soil?

Like is the truth from God.
It can be the way you look at it.
Each one can have his own truth
And his own link and access
To truth and God.

Master, Can truth and God differ?

Truth can differ
According to your growth and capacity.
The way you view it.

The food of a grown up man
Can not be the food
Of a new born baby or little child.

Master, but does God and truth
Change in it or in him?

Truth and God
Never changes and differs
In it or in him

Master, Will that mean
I am not true
And the truth I have
Is not true.

You are true
And the truth you have is true.

You have water in your glass.
And it is true
That water is from the ocean.

But it becomes wrong
When you consider
You only have the glass
And the water from the ocean.

And it is again wrong
If you happen to say
This glass in your hand
Is the ocean
And it is the only ocean.

Master, then what?

Any other like you
Can also have the glass
And the water
From the ocean.
The ocean is different
From the glass in your hand.
The truth is different from
What you perceive.

Can truth be wrong/false too?

Truth is wrong/false too
And from truth,
Wrong/false originates.

Vice versa,
Wrong/false is truth too.
And from wrong/false,
Truth originates.

Flower can become mud
And from mud can flower originate.

Master, how is it?

The food
That is good/true
For a mature man/woman.
Is bad/false
For new born baby.

Also, the fruit or food
That is good and tasty now,
Is bad and false
After a limited time.

The fruit and food,
Once you eat,
Can again be bad/false
If you happen
To vomit or excrete.

Master, about God.
Is he a eunuch?

No. he is not a eunuch.

Only because God has no sex
It should not mean he is eunuch.

Eunuch is because
Of man and woman concept
And he failed to be in either or both.

God is not because of any.
Whereas he has all in him.

God is beyond,
Not denied of any.

Eunuch is below
That is why he is the one denied.

Eunuch lacks, and is not
What he was to be.

Whereas God is
As he is
And as what he has to be

God is not helpless
Like eunuch.

If at all God is helpless,
He is helpfully helpless.

God can, whatever he wants.
But he doesn’t want.

Eunuch doesn’t have capacity
To originate from him
Man or woman.

And eunuch
originates from man and woman,
Whose origin is from God,
Like man and woman
As another kind.

See the soil, water and air.
Like eunuch, but not eunuch.
From them come
All the shapes, colors and tastes
Of all flowers, fruits, nuts and seeds.

But, can you see or feel
These shapes, tastes and colors
In the soil or water or air?

God is like and more than
Like soil, water and air.
Beyond comparison.
Base for all qualities and feature,
Including that of water, soil and air.
But, without any particular feature
Of any of the items that comes out from him.

God is full and complete

To be full and complete
Is to have no-form and no-quality.

When all colours come together
It becomes no-color,
Whereas there are all colors in it.
Whereas eunuch doesn’t have any.

One (God) is full, but empty.
The other (eunuch) is empty only.

One (eunuch) is relative to relative
And denied of even relative one quality.
Whereas the other (God) is absolutely absolute
And full and complete with all.

Master, Is God a good subject for discussion?
Is it not an old one?

Drinking water and breathing air
Is an old practice.
And it is an old subject.

But only because it is
An old practice or and old subject,
Can you live without breathing or drinking?

If you live,
You will have to live with life,
Be the life an old practice or subject,
And you will have to live
In the same old soil.

Thinking about life is
Thinking about God.

Life is not different and
Separate from God.

You can’t live without life
So, discussing about life
Is about God too.

At least to try to know
What and where from and to
This given or availed life is?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Universe - The worn out toys or dried out breast?

Reason that makes you start with
Won’t be the reason by which
You will continue and end with.

Mother’s breast and toys
Were serious subjects to you.
Now, the whole universe is silly
Like worn out toys
And dried out breast.

You know that
The skin’s color and beauty
Didn’t stands for orange’s taste.
Skin is thrown and dropped

As you progress more and more,
Many things for which
You did spend your life
Will be again dropped.

Bride’s beautiful dresses won’t
Withstand the bridegroom’s presence.
The cover can’t represent the core.

But, still, the reason
Is ever one and the same.
The reason of life.
Be it at the start
Or middle or at the end

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"End" did not mean an end

"End" did not mean an end, but only a direction.
"Direction" did not mean any direction,
But the relative confinements of illusion.
But still you went very deep with that end of no end
Questioning the credibility of seeing an end spot in a circle.
It will continue and continue,
In what ever the form Life or God may take for or by itself.

You are to that end

For sure, you are to that end,
You will reach that end
And hopefully, you are at that end.

You have that touch and strength.

I don't have specifically to say
"You" or "me".
All just represent
"Nothing" in the "whole"
And the "whole" in "nothing".

But still you are beyond the formal words
Of praising and comparing.
Any seed can get rooted
To grow like a plant.

Happy and proud
To see one
Who can reflect and accommodate
And one who has not lost his/her
Features and nature of a mirror
With any karmic and physical veils of
Ignorance, pretension, (unnecessary) luxuries.

The knowledge you represent will be
The knowledge of no-knowledge
Or no-ignorance of enlightenment,

The creativity you show will be
The creativity of no-creation
Or no-destruction of enlightenment,

The Love you radiate will be
The love of no-liking
Or no- hating of enlightenment

And hope
The wisdom you expose will be
The wisdom of no-purpose (no- disturbance)
Or purposelessness of enlightenment.

A flower is a flower
Even if it is not claimed
Or proved to be flower
Until the flower
Is with no-doubts and no-splits.

Outward approvals (illusion)
And its physical (karmic) heat
Will dry the flower
To be no-flower.

The cover (of illusion)
With which the flower may have to claim
Will become a burden to its core
Causing the death to the real flower inside.

The flower (fire) is in you.
Whether got approved or not.
Approval won't make
Any difference to the flower.

Unknown to other,
You will know you (God) more.

Known to others more,
You will happen to send
Your eyes out
And will happen
Not to know (God) you at all.

My physical form has the age of 40.

About myself,
I have nothing to spell.
My physical form has the age of 40.

What all other things
You may know about yourself
Is about me too.

What all other things
You may happen to know
About others and the wholeness of life
Is about me too.

Detailing relative aspects of life,
Would do nothing good
In terms of touching the real core.
And mostly those details
Would be a claim than a flame.

A flower's claim of its physicality
Is only for one or two days.
Should that one or two days
Be spoiled for claiming
Than trying to know what it is and is for
And run in its course of reaching the ultimate?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

God never called him God.

God never called him God.

It is the humankinds,
Out of his helplessness and blindness,
Who called him God.

For his blindness and helplessness
To go farther
He called the sky too as sky.

He defines and confines.
Whereas, God and sky is not
Only in his definition and confinement.

"Mango" is not the name
Attributed to its fruit mango
By mango-tree

Even when he is in God,
Because of his unawareness,
He tries to see the God
As an entity separate from him.

Once you happen to know

Once you happen to know
You are with that
(Even otherwise you are with that),
You have no other choice
Than to spell that, the truth.

And, then, whatever you spell
Becomes only that, the truth
Giving you one and only language and option
Of spelling the truth.

The helplessness of helpfulness
The purpose of purposelessness.

With the truth undressed.
Without any particular direction
Of any definition.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Lalit was simply simple (lalit)

Lalit was simply simple (lalit)
And he has shown it to be lalit (simple).

Life of our physic melts in time
Like the ice melts in sun.

All of us, with our physical life, are
Like ice sellers.

Each moment’s delay in sale
Causes loss of each drop.

Loss of each drop is our physical karma
Leading to physical karmic reactions and results

He who can sell out
Without too much of physical losses (activities),
Gets the emancipation (Moksha) easy.

One who meets the real buyer for that,
For his physical being,
He meets the ultimate.

He will sell it (his physical self)
And be with that ultimate buyer.

With nothing to remain
As of his or others
But of the real buyer.


Words will not represent the meaning
And physic will not represent the spirit.
So is any of our real experiences in life with God.
Especially when we happen to see
The time and event fit each other.


One may wait for the chances
But in the case of real seeds
The chances wait for them to fit.

Deeper goes the roots, higher goes its branches.

Quality of any seed is
Shown in the branches, flowers and fruits
In the high skies.

Monday, September 22, 2008

God, words and listeners.

Use never the terms
"Lover" or "seeker" of truth
Since the truth is not something outside us
As unattainable.

Also, don't be only the seekers or lovers,
Considering you as a separate and faraway entity,
Than being one with the same truth or God.

Nothing can be other than
Godly and divine.
Toilets are as divine as
The mosques, churches and temples.
Like the soil sends out its qualities
In different tastes, colors and forms
God too has millions of versions.
All are equally divine and godly.

God loves himself, so he loves the whole universe.
We love our self, so we love (so, we like or dislike) others too.
We love the truth because we are bound to love ourselves.

Lovers and loved ones are one and the same.
The seekers/lovers has not to be
Only the seekers and lovers all their life,
Never attaining their dreams
Or never knowing that they have reached
What they have been seeking and loving.

They have been seeking harmony with themselves.
They have been seeking spontaneity and its flow.
They are one with what they have sought.

Any seed seeks a fertile land, home,
For it to sprout and grow with its intended meaning.
Any spelled word, like a seed, seek a listener
Who may understand its intended meaning.
It would be a justice done to such seeds or words
To throw them (sow) into such fertile lands.

So, God, words and listeners.

God spelled the words from him
And he himself became, in different and same forms,
The listeners for his words.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sun that needs decoration - Reason is that I never knew my self/soul.

To cause the seeds sprout
You need to do nothing.
Just leave them to their fate,
Uncared and untouched.

To cause the seeds not to sprout
You need to do something.
You will have to fry and burn them.
You shouldn’t leave them to their fate.


God, I look into myself to see
How much time I take not to call you
And how much effort I take just to deny you.

But, though the branches and roots
Do not know what the light and water are,
They bend to the sides
Where there are light and water.

Like the seeds, roots and branches,
I am left out of fry-pan of efforts
To my own fate of sprouting
Without having to change life
To deny and not to call the one
Whom I don’t know,
And without having
To make others call and consider me
As someone special or very special,
Even when
I know that I don’t know my self/soul at all?

In such a way,
Though, hitherto,
I worked very hard to close all my doors
To deny the sun into my house/soul,
I would sprout my self/soul
To the heavenly heights yours.
The self/soul mine won’t be
Closed against the oceanic expanse of your openness?


Love needs nothing but
The prosperity of the self/soul,
Its expansion and openness.

To hate,
I have to dirty the self/soul
And be shrunk
By closing its doors and eyes
And by spending it
For explaining other way round.

Sun that needs decoration
Is not the sun.
And truth that needs explanation
Is not the truth.


When I hate you,
I make sure that I don’t give
A specific day or time
For you to come to me
Or for me to come to you.

The reason is that
I never knew myself.

As I never knew myself
I am unable to face myself.
When I can’t know and face myself,
God, how can I know and face you?


I can’t know and love the other part
Unless I know and love my self/soul.
The moment I happen to know and love
My self and the other part, God,
I get free out of the covers and dresses
And become one with the openness of the other part, God
In his commonness and ordinariness,
As everywhere, but nowhere,
Never caught and never touched
As special or very special.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Life Is Never Burnt - Like the Face of God - The Real Smile

Smile. It will shorten the miles into mill.

In cooking, you can forget anything,
But the salt.
And that salt is the smile on your face.
The big zero of uselessness and purposelessness.

Put this big zero as decoration in your front,
It will give meaning to meaningless.
Fruits that come up the branches are beautiful.
Never like those in the backsides
Of your excuses and pretensions.
It would demean you to lesser and lesser.
Fruits that are under the ground are
Nothing, but dirt in the form of soil and mud.

Effortlessly you can wear it,
At any time
It would reduce your efforts
And its after effects.
The term "fruit" and "flower" are
Beautiful names given
To the dirt and mud when they smile.

There you will gain, but will lose nothing.
Unlike just "trying and getting tired",
You may gain
Without trying and getting tired.
With big Zero. The face of God.

Your father called me just now
To make sure that
I too smile with him selflessly.
He made sure that he hears me.
That was enough for both of us.
To be smiling and make others smiling.
One who is plugged into God
Will ever be smiling.

There came no excuses
Not to smile and not to make others smile.
Excuses are made
When you really don't want
To do what you have to do and smile.

The unaccounted aspects of life
Cannot come
In the mathematics and its calculations.
You may be worried about the petrol
And its cost that you may have to incur.
But the life is never burnt
And the feel for life is ever lit.
Like the real face of real God.
The real smiles of
No excuses and no explanations.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

One who asks, never gives

No categorization and no seperation.
All are equally silly and serious.
Pretensions don't change the silly to serious.

If not for the silly, life won't be entertaining.
Dirt is not diirt, but flower too.
Without doing small and seeing small
You can't do and see the big.
Try to understand that
"One who asks, never gives".
So, just do with your spirit,
And don't be formal to ask .....

Monday, September 1, 2008

Back in Kuwait - Silly and Serious Are Equally Serious And Silly

Back in Kuwait.

This vacation could be spent
Almost the way it was supposed to be.
Beginning to end
With Z to A and from Z to A.

His choice is good
Especially if he is running with that choice.
So, support his choice, since he has already chosen.
No one can choose for him.
And choosing for others is not advisable.
It will be equal to killing other’s self.
But, we could have given light in his choosing process.
Now, we can give light to his already chosen path.

A tailor can choose for you the cloth.
But usually, each one chooses his clothes himmself,
And tailor only stitches to the size and shape of our need

If we don't belong to any particular faith
We have to be able to be viable.
The real master can play and run to any direction.
Like air and water.
Able to take any shape, but shapeless.
Able to dress any color, but colorless.
With no kind of adamancy and arrogance.
Without identifying the self as something and someone.
Without giving the dress and packet
The authority to decide individuality and meaning.
If not for adjustment and compromise,
Our physical body and this physical world
Won’t last more than a second.

Tell this to ……. (him)

His father is a real example. He is wisely viable.
He is able to understand and be understood.
He is able to see and read both mob and individual psychology.
That too with his deep rooted allegiance to a particular faith.
He is able to bend, adjust and compromise.
He is able to forget himself for others.
He became like a mirror reflecting others.

But those who say they don't have any allegiance
To any particular faith,
Don't show any allegiance to human feelings.
They are after keeping their “reputation GOD” upright.
They don’t know that a real Buddha can be
A priest and scoundrel together.

Because, they are in the “Prison of Reputation”.
They burn themselves for satisfying “Reputation GOD”.
They make more of walls for “Reputation Prison”,
And become secure therein.
They have only one “God of Reputation”
And they believe and live for the same.
They sacrifice all their soft feelings for the sake of
“Reputation GOD”.
They live and die for “Reputation God”.
They cover their whole self inside the “Reputation Cloth”.
Hence, they are unable to reflect (except for reputation).
Their face is covered with the “Cloth of Reputation”
So, the mirror’s inherent feature is lost.
The face of mirror is dirtied and covered with
The “Dirt of Reputation and fame.”

‘Individual human wants and feelings’,
They consider them as silly and small.
But they don’t want to know
That it is what for, at least, the physical life is,
That the mountains are made of atoms and sands,
That the whole world is made and living for children,
That all philosophies are only the play toys
In the hands of children,
That all the works and efforts are made and done
To get the answer and result of ‘silly, small, nothing and none’,
That if they can’t touch and care the silly and small
They can’t reach the big and serious,
That every one is silly and small in himself
In their real naked life,
That no one can make start without a slow and small step,
That no one can make finish without a slow and small step,
That the rising sun and setting sun are
Silly and small without too much of light,
That there is nothing as silly and serious
And both silly and serious are
Equally serious and silly
Without having a separating wall in between,
And that the mud will be made to be flowers and fruits
And the fruits and flowers will be made to mud and dirt.

If not for adjustment and compromise,
Our physical body and this physical world
Won’t last more than a second.

We have to learn, teach and train ourselves
To be no-one and nothing,
To be unknown and uselessly purposeless.

I am very happy to have one very good friend.

Let him be the symbol of "virtue and beauty"Understanding and being understood.

Monday, July 7, 2008

What after home settling?

What, after home settling?

When you ask me,
I need to ask to God too.

He is the only one
Ever at home.

What does he do there,
And how does he spend himself
When no one is there for him to share
And nothing more he has got to do
For making or unmaking him?

As for me,
When I am at home,
I am with him (God / no-God).
Because he is my home.

Whatever the way he does as God or no-God,
At his home of making him God or no-God,
That will be my way of living at home.

The way of letting one
To be in the state in which he is.
Like a wayfarer does his wayfaring.

With no question of action or inaction
And with no conflicts of making or unmaking.

All the same.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Child asked for the bottle of medicine
In his mother’s hand.
It was a beautiful bottle.
He was sure that,
Being her very dearest child,
His demand won’t be declined.

But his mother did not give.

Child took her very wrong and cruel.

His mother did one thing.
She gave him a simple available toy.

Do you think mother was wrong?
Or was not his mother wise enough?


Mother ate for herself
Very heavy delicious food,
And gave her dear little child
Her breast milk
And some biscuits.
That too when he cried
For the food she ate.

Wasn’t the mother wise enough?
And did she do anything wrong
Towards her dearest one?

Let us wait till the child grow up
To get the answer to this.


Draw a simple circle
And think this is the picture of the whole universe
You live in.

Then, think where will you be in this circle?

A very minute dot or spot in it.
In the middle or any where.

Then, think where will be the god?

Every where around you.

So, then how will be your path and access
To God?

From any where
Through any where.

Not confined to the one defined.


Again, draw a simple circle
And think this is the picture of the whole universe
You live in.

Then, think where will you be in this circle?

You are every where in this circle.

Then, think where will be the god?

A very minute dot and spot in it,
In the middle or any where.

Then, then how will be your path
To God?

From any where
Through any where.

Not confined to the one defined.


It is true.
The cup in your hand is filled
With the water from the ocean.

But, don’t be that eager to conclude
That you only have got the water from the ocean
And no other can get such water from the ocean.

Also never try to conclude
Water in your cup only can be the water in the ocean
And the ocean cannot give its water to any one else.


True to say,
Child’s dearest mother was afraid
That the medicine bottle will be broken and
The medicine inside the bottle,
If her little innocent child happen to drink or taste,
Would cause serious problem to her dearest.


When you search God
It is your search for your home.

When you reach him
It is your reaching your home.

Never a stranger
And never an alien.
It is your home going.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Many asked
About the guidance and path
I got to reach this great earth.

To all, I answered.

“My path to this great earth
Was my path to my home
And the guidance I got
Was from the womb my mother’s?”

Many asked
About the possible shape of God in my prayer

To all, I answered

“The only shape I had for God
Was the shape of my mother?
And no other shape or form ever
Came in my contemplation of God”.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Space of Silence

Innocence of a child,
The only pre-qualification
For a seeker,
To be open,
To see anything from anywhere,
And never to be blind,
Towards what has been sought.
Not just to continue
Or to get qualified
As a “Seeker”.

For a seeker, like a child,
Anything and everything is
New and interesting.
He accommodates
Any and all,
Like a wayfarer does,
Reflecting any and all,
Laying down
Passively and purposelessly,
But being eloquent,
In his oceanic depth of silence
Against the heavenly heights of wisdom.

Seekers, like roots of plants,
Get from anywhere
The breastfeeding of their mother
With the milk of truth
Sustaining them
And the purpose and meaning
Of their very being, the existence.

Silence of a seeker,
Purposeful or purposeless,
Has stronger meaning and presence
Than the words uttered or used.

Purposeful a seeker,
Other than with the purpose of seeking,
Is like water that is troubled.
It is unlikely to reflect with consistence.

Purposeless a seeker,
Like God, the whole,
Is the one with real silence.

He can sound with his tongue
Keeping deep silence inside.
For him his sound is like
The reflection in untroubled water.

The gap between the letters,
Words, sentences and paragraphs
Are the silence
Purposefully set in between
By the real seeker, the wayfarer.

The space of silence lets
The words and sentences give
Their sense and meaning.

The space never breaks
But connects and gives continuity.

That is the way the real seeker is doing.
The meaning and purpose he gets
For him, his being and existence,
Will be the meaning and purpose
For the being and existence of the whole.
Giving connection and continuation to all.

A pearl gets more of its attraction and meaning
When it covers
Very little space in its purse.

Moon and stars
Are beautiful to us
Just because we see them
In a context with lot of space around.

Diamonds are valuable
Because they are less available too.

Too much of food in a plate,
Even if the plate is beautiful and the food is tasty,
Is ugly to handle and imagine.

Give little space, silence,
To give enough breathing
Of connection and continuity
And to let it exist as it is.
Do not carry all together
To cause everyone get miscarried.

One page of uterus
Has not to carry more than one,
Or two maximum.
At least in human case,
Mostly, one womb (uterus) carries
Only one child.
Except in exceptional cases.

The surplus area in uterus
Is not a waste.
That too serves
Proposes and meaning.
The purpose of real silence, the space.

Semen may contain millions
But, only one at a time
Will be selected.

Each flower and fruit needs to be
Exposed separately.
That is its beauty.

Too much at a time will cause
To have nothing at a time.

Monday, April 7, 2008

A fly in the sky affords not a second

A fly in the sky
Affords not a second
To fail or delay its wings’ move.
Works that are postponed
Ultimately are the works post-burned.

Drinks served could be
Very sweet like honey;
But a man dead can never drink.
The works not done in time
Is never done.
It can’t ever be done
The way it was to be done in time.

Withering dry leaves are
Nothing but dust.
Trying later to do a work,
Not done in time,
Is like trying sex with the dead.
You can’t get a real feeling
And your opposite will not react.
It will be a dead dirty affair.

If life doesn’t mean actions of reactions
And accumulations of such reactions,
Then and there, it would become
An affair bereft of spontaneity and flow.

A mother delivers
When it is time for her child’s birth.
Otherwise, mostly, no child and no mother.
The delay will negate both child and mother.

Breath taken is sent out, then and there.
Any delay in sending the breath
In or out
Would mean "death".

Like we put it legally
"Justice delayed is justice denied."
Examples of these are a lot
For you to see in & around the world.

A flower remains as a flower
Only for 1 or 2 day/s.
That is the beauty of a flower.
Take care of it when it is to take care.

Any food to be had, has to be had
In its time.
Otherwise the food gets spoiled and wasted.

Water can be drunk only in water form,
Not when it is in vapors.

So, if doing, do it in time.
Delaying, for sure, will deny.
You will neither get the egg
Nor the chick.

Do you need to do
Or need not to do
Is a question different
To be answered differently.
Fort that,
You need to see the body whole;
Not only one hair or finger.
So that you will know
All its meanings and purposes.

But once you decide to do,
With knowing or without knowing,
Do it in such a way that it will serve
The purpose of doing and the thing so done.

Make sure that
Things are not half-done.
Half-doing of a thing is
Equal to punishing or killing the same.
Half cooked a thing becomes
Ultimately a waste
Of time, energy and things used for it.

Take up new tasks.
Novelty is the course of life and its spontaneity.
The real flow brings in
The novelties.
But, make sure
The old and told are finished too,
Or are scheduled to finish in time.

New projects or tasks
Are to be taken up
To give continuity chain to
The old and told
Not to cause non- finishing
Of the old and told.
Words are to be kept
To get them hatched;
Not to be broken
Unless for unavoidable reason.

Putting your hands in all, together,
Will get you nothing in particular.
Your hands will be dirtied,
Without getting or giving benefit of any.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Sun never rises or sets.

Those who goes out of here,
Or of anywhere a place,
For the reasons unavoidable,
Shall have the same fate of
The words sent out of any tongue

Like those words,
He too is bound to give
The meanings attributed to or on him
During his stay with you, the great tongues,
And when you see him off.

Hence I am here as yours
Giving the meaning you mean and want
To give and mean.

More than a word, uttered,
Now I think, this word has become like a seed
Getting its sprouting initiation
From and with you,
The great masters.

The seed, unknown, came to here from unknown.
But, that was not sufficient a reason for it
Not to sprout, and not to take or send
Its roots down this very fertile and friendly land.

From the pain and pressure I feel now
When I have to pull myself out,
For the reasons unavoidable as fate,
I happen to realize that
The roots are giving wounds and pains
Not only to me, as the plant,
But to the land that surrounds,
Supports, covers and protects the plant
Unto this.

For sure, it is not an excuse, and
It can never be an excuse,
To evade the pressure and pain
For the reason that the seeds were sowed
With no knowledge and intention ours.
The pressure and pain
Follow us, not our intention,
But, our physical Karmas,
As a reaction to it.

Further I feel now
That the words have become
Like flowers and fruits too.

The pluckers, the audients, the passers by,
Will have their full freedom
To pluck and take them away
And shelter them in the way and meaning
They want from their own contexts.

As it is said
Every entry is an exit from somewhere
And every exit is an entry to somewhere,
At one and the same time.

So, for any plant, when pulled out,
It is its new turn
To take and send its roots
To a new direction, for no excuse.
The sun in the west
Is there in the east too,
At one and the same time,
Whereby, we know,
The Sun never rises or sets.

So, now at this particular juncture,
Death, the door to indefinite continuity, I think,
I am not going to be out of your vision,
Not even in the least physical sense.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Reminder to a Painter Friend

This should be ever in your mind

Money and machine can not (and should not) make humankinds.
Rather, humankinds can (and should) make money and machine.

Wherever be, our real world will be our inner world.
The world no one, other than we, can see and change.

Blaming other external aspects will be equal to
Escaping from our own inner world - Helplessness.
Or that would mean we have lost our inner world - Defeated in and by self.

Inner hollowness can’t be filled with
External possessions, wearing and beauties.
Rather it would burden the self / the hollowness.

Frightening physicality of desert is an external issue.
But on our inner world’s becoming of a desert, we won’t get an escape.

External enemies - we can fight and face
With the support of tricks, weapons and other people.
But if we become our own enemy -
No way to fight, face and defeat
With the support of tricks, weapons and other people.

Even the bad carpenters’ lamentation won’t help there.

After all we have to decide
Whether life has to be lived for physical living
Or for knowing what it is and for what it is.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

A Letter to a Painter Friend

If not for the garments,
Many would not have come out.
Dresses give them identity and courage.
Like packets for products.
All efforts and the whole life is spent
To tighten and beautify this packet.
And the core gets spoiled and spent
To shape the mask.

The fruits real,
Its taste is with no garments.
To know its beauty and sweetness
Undress them. Peel their skins off.

********** *******
Blacks and whites
Are colors beyond colors.
The colorless colors.
Colors get lost in them.
Either when you deny
Or when you affirm/confirm.
Going through colors,
You will reach colorless end.
And getting into no colors too,
You will be colorless end.

*********** ************
Reduce colors and forms.
Make each drop and line
Like a big lesson
Or a good musical tune.
Human beings and events of his world
Have to be in tiny dots.
Their position in this universe is that less
That the whole earth is not to the size of a mustard seed.

Feel and enjoy and do your painting
Like doing music,
Without much complications and
Without any need to interpret.

Let the colors be your basic ragas,
Like seven days and seven oceans,
Giving birth to thousands of colors.


A product
Is like a pot or cup filled
From the ocean.
The whole ocean is not therein.
All that is in colors are
Beyond the colors used for your products.

Think not what has been done is bad
Or it is the best or the maximum from you.
The best never comes out.
Your effort is to get this best out
Like the roots get the fruits out of dirty soil.

Just because it gets recognized,
And you own that recognition,
These are not the best.
Recognition will get you defined and confined.

Recognition is OK
For your physical survival.
But, it will undermine
Your spirit, the real cause.
Your physic has nothing to do
With your painting of this kind.


Consumers and customers
Cause your definitions.
But, inside the tomb,
It will disturb you a lot.


Still I have doubt.
Animals are color-blind.
A cat can't feel or sense your red
Or any other colors
Than the black and white.
Cats see things in grey shades.
Except human beings,
Enjoyment of life is in grey, black and white.
Without too much of comparisons and objectivity.
Gray proves to them
The physical world's transience too.

Could a cat be an exception to this?
I am not sure.
But, animals have some exceptions.
Its behavior is an indicator of Earth changes.
Cats in particular, act strangely days before
Any impending disaster.
No one has found ever
Too many dead cats
In the aftermath of earthquake or tsunami.
They feel / sense subtle vibrations
In the Earth's magnetic fields,
As warning colors.

So, design or paint,
With warning colors,
Doing justice to these cats
And viewing from their perspective too.


Black and white are one and the same.
God and no-God is one and the same.
Denial is equal to believing
And believing is equal to denial.

Life and death too are the same way equal.