Saturday, December 27, 2008

Petty Tyrants - the Real Master

Dear .....,
No problem is a problem
But a solution too
Or it evolves to be a solution by itself.

No question remains
As a question for ever
But an answer too by itself

That is how
An egg is made to be a chick
And a seed is made to be a plant.
Qestions' becoming of answers.

A well is not found saperate
From what you have dug.

So, your bearing with the petty tyrant
Any where in your world
Or in your fields of work,
Is to give you a cause
To strengthen you.

Such petty tyrants are there to train you
And to guide you to be more stronger.

Don't consider them as enemies.
They are your real masters.
They give you the reason and resources
To exist and survive.

And with such sturggles and strains only
You get your muscles stronger
To let you sustain yourself.

with regards

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