Tuesday, December 30, 2008

No devil but God

To think positive,
You have to be able to see everything positive,
And basically there is nothing as negative.
God and truth are the states
Beyond positive and negative.
So, only positive or only negative
Of No-Postive or No-Negative

For this,
You have to be able to see
There is only God
And there is no devil at all,
Where God becomes no-God
And no-devil.

To think there is devil
Is polytheism.
Believing in two power centers.

Believing there can come
Any challenge to God
Other than from God.

And if God challenges God,
It is only a game. Leela.
Like we hear in Krishna leela.

As such, everything in this universality
Is the play of God,
Changing himself
To be negatives and positives.
The play, play-tool, playing teams and playground.
The real unintended leela of para-brahma.

So, you have to be able to see
Only God.
And not devil too.
And know there is no devil at all.
That is what positive is.
Thinking, seeing and doing positive.
Where positive is not even positive
Than the state which “is”

When there is only God
There is no need of thinking of him (God) too.
Because, there is no one other than him
To be shared.
And God would (or would not need to) know this fact
That there is no one in sharing with hm.

So, he (God) won’t ask for respect and obedience.

The question is
Who brought the significance and presence of devil (negative) in?
Even when devil (negative) has no role in any of basic functions
Of creation or sustenance or destruction…..?

Here come prophets.
The Semitic prophets.
Politicised prophets of politicised religions

It is the Semitic prophets
Who brought devils (as negative) into the picture and significance.

If devil had no role in any of the basic functions
Of creation or sustenance or destruction,
Why he is brought in by all our so called
Semitic Prophets of God?

Answer is
Just to get justification for issuing
Orders and commandments
And rules and regulation
In the name of God.

In the world of relativities,
To see the white as separate and to call it white,
A context of black or some other colors comes in.
And this they applied to God too.

But God is one and only.
The absolute and ultimate.
Nothing beyond him
And no way can you see him in any other's context.

If so, are the prophets really the prophet of God (positive)?

If there is only God,
God won’t need any declaration
And he won’t need any prophet
To declare him God.

Even otherwise,
God seeking the assistance of humans
To declare him as God is a stupidity.

When there is only God,
Against whom
God has to declare and win
As a God?
He is all and the whole
And all and the whole is him and his.

Speaking from Islamic and other Semitic religious perspective,
There was no devil
Before Adam was created.
So, devil came after human-kinds.
True to say, devil came after human-kinds
From and through human kinds

So, how and when devil emerged after or through Adam?

As the one who denied the supremacy of knowledge
With his feeling of pride, arrogance, ignorance and superiority.
Hence, the denial of supremacy of the one who knows (human – Adam)
With the one’s own inner aspects of egoism, arrogance, pride, ignorance, etc.

So, this first devil was made to be a devil
By himself. Through himself.
By his own inner aspects of egoism, arrogance, pride, ignorance, superiority feeling etc.
Not by any other super devil.
Without any external influence or temptation.
So, one’s feeling of egoism, arrogance, pride, ignorance, superiority etc is the super devil
That made the angel (humankind) to be a devil
And that can change anyone to be a devil.

Then how come the targeting of
Relative ordinary (semi) external devils,
Which any one can be at any point of time?
Ignoring the super inner devil of
Egoism, arrogance, pride, ignorance, superiority feeling etc….!

Since they needed more personified one devil against God
Other than subtle super devil of
Egoism, arrogance, pride, ignorance, superiority feeling etc
To get justification for their issuance of
Commandments, rules and regulation in the name of God,
They became prophets of non-existing personified one devil against God.
So, their verses.
More justifyingly,
The verses of non-existing personified one Satan (devils’) verses.
The concept of right and wrong.
Bad and Good.
Negative and Positive

When there is no devil,
And when there is only God,
There won’t come commandments of God,
Except to let you know of God’s own leela.

Everything is good and for Good only,
Which is not different from bad,
Though we may not feel it from our relative perception
And our relative requirements’ perspectives.

Even otherwise
Only the wishes and wills of God
Is what our practical and theoretic world is

There cannot be any other system than God.
There is no God’s system.
Rather, God himself is the system and the universality

So, no need of an extra command from God
To be implemented/injected artificially,
That too, with the support of one of his creation or image.
Whatever he wills happens.
Whatever he doesn’t will, doesn’t’ happen.
(Maa shaa’a Allahu Kaan, Wa maa lam yasha’a lam yakun)

Whatever the things
Man and animals are doing,
Are the deeds of God.
Nothing is other than that of God.
Everything is God and God’s. Be it Positive or Negative.
Nothing is devil and devil’s. Be it Positive or Negative.
And what we feel negative is positive too.
Mud is mud, also will be a flower too.
Good can be bad too.
And bad can be seen as good too.

No positive, no negative.
No good, no bad.
No God, No devil.
Only the things and phenomena that are.
If at all there is any, that is to say,
Devil is part of God
And there is God in every devil.
Both are not different.

Pain and pleasure too the same way.
Both are one and the same and are in one and the same.
Departing from one and going to other won't mean that
One is departing from pain to catch only the pleasure
Or departing from devil and reaching God.

There is pain in pleasure
And there is pleasure in pain.
Mud is the base for Lotus
And to the mud lotus will be going (returning) to.The problem (relatively) is arising from
Separation and looking in part.

So to get the positive outlook and meaning
We have to take everything in a holistic way.
Never seeing and treating from a portion
Thinking that this portion is the whole
And this portion is by itself.

Everything is connected with the other.
Everything is in the whole
As part of the whole and as the whole.
Hence, no treatment only to the finger,
Seeing and thinking finger as a separate complete entity.So, the bomb explosion,
Menstruation of a young girl
And blossoming of a flower
Are not different affairs.

Everything same.
Nothing good.
Nothing bad.
Only God and God’s.
Not opposites to each other
Since there is no opposite to God

No positive and no negative.

The milk, when it is vomited is not milk.
No body looks at it.
Meaning there is devil in every God
And there is" bad" in every "good"
And both good and bad
And God and devil are one and the same.So, there is only truth and only God.

Never two different entities fighting each other.

Feeling two, fighting each other,
Is the feeling of the relative/karmic/physical world.God is the life that we are living.
Life and God are one and the same.
Human kinds don't have any separate/special higher stand and status.

God is god only.
Neither higher nor lower.
So, humans too.

Rather, humans (relatively) are elements
Behaving like a conquerors/poison.
Everything (be it bacteria or human being) in this universe is living God
Or living part of God.
And they are all living in (the) God / life.

Life is what God is
And God is what life is.
And spontaneity is the language of God/life.

Once the freedom and spontaneity is lost,
God gets changed to be the devil.
That is what mostly happening with human beings
Who are not near enlightenment

************** *************

Images in mirrors are not real.
It shows and proves that there are some problem/things
Persisting other than the problems
That are reflected in the mirror.

The problem gets reflected in each one
Just because he is a mirror for it for the time being.

Other day, it will reflect in some other,
As they will be the mirrors at that time to reflect the same.But people, usually, go after the reflected images.
So, the karma – worldly physical activities.
Better not be that touched by these reflections.
Give all such reflections a look of mercy.
A look of good understanding.
A look of good onlooker – the enlightened one.
And co-habit with it.
It won't disturb you, if you don't disturb it.
Take the life as a play.
Don't be serious.
After all you are on the way, hijacked by some magic.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Tolerance doesn't and cannot come by itself -

Dear all…..,
Tolerance doesn't and cannot come by itself
Or by the usage of the term "tolerance" on our tongue.
It is a state of level that one attains
When he happens to see the things
From the above, as detached, but attached to all.

Broadmindedness is there when one is open at both ends.
Broadmindedness is connected with having more space
That one gets only with the good flow that happens in him.
And this good flow happens to be there
Only when he is open at both ends.
Otherwise there will happen to be
Great trouble and intolerance of great stagnancy.
He cannot get in any new thing
Since he is closed.

They pretend as they know God
And consider God doesn’t and cannot know them.
So, their all problems come from a concept
That God cannot understand man and his limitations.
That is why their God is a type of non-understanding,
Like mentally retarded and maniac.
Having no concern of his own children,
But waiting to punish and torture them.

It is easy for God to know them
And it is very tough and mostly impossible
For most of them to know God.

Let them know one fact at least, that
To be able to give and receive
They will have to open their hands.

And openness only can make them tolerant and broad.

With regards,

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Petty Tyrants - the Real Master

Dear .....,
No problem is a problem
But a solution too
Or it evolves to be a solution by itself.

No question remains
As a question for ever
But an answer too by itself

That is how
An egg is made to be a chick
And a seed is made to be a plant.
Qestions' becoming of answers.

A well is not found saperate
From what you have dug.

So, your bearing with the petty tyrant
Any where in your world
Or in your fields of work,
Is to give you a cause
To strengthen you.

Such petty tyrants are there to train you
And to guide you to be more stronger.

Don't consider them as enemies.
They are your real masters.
They give you the reason and resources
To exist and survive.

And with such sturggles and strains only
You get your muscles stronger
To let you sustain yourself.

with regards

Monday, December 1, 2008

Why the extremism? Was it there in the seeds? Are unqualified babies (shudras) given with heavy indigestible food of vedic lessons?

Each one can have his own way
To look at and reach God
And can have his own version of God and truth.
Apparent differences shall not mean in
Any difference in core and spirit.

If the soil, water and light can come
In thousands of forms, colors and tastes,
According the change in the seeds and roots,
Truth and the view on God too can be.

The food that is not digested
Is not just only a food not digested.

Or an idea that is not understood
Is not just only an idea not understood.

Rather this undigested idea or food,
If it can’t do
What it could do if digested, positively,
Will start doing its opposite, negatively.

It will start troubling
The mind or stomach of the one
Who has swallowed this idea/food.

The stomach or mind will get troubled
And such trouble will get the body or mind
Weaker and weaker.
This troubling
By indigestible food or idea
Is the problem of the extremists.

One day more
With these undigested ideas
They get/become more weak
In their mind and body.

This weakness,
In their mind or body,
May lead them again to consider
Them as strong.

They would take the weakness
As strength and quality.
Like little children play with fire
Until they get a real burn.

A TB patient
Won’t have the appetite
To have more food and nutrition;
But it won’t be because of his physical health
And won’t be because he really doesn’t need.

This is the case of the extremists,
They accept and profess only one sickening element
As the only true and right path and faith,
That too indigestible to them, sickening them.
They become real extremists
With their disease element
Of stomach troubling extremism

They have swallowed
What they can not digest
Or what they cannot accommodate in.

They are given with
What they should not have been.
The indigestible and heavy
Final conclusion ofMohammed or Jesus or Moses
To those who are at preliminary levels.
Heavy biriyani (food)
To the new born babies.

Hence, they are troubled.
Troubled to death of themselves.

They are even troubled
To consider that this indigestible one
Is the only truth,
That too even when
They are unable to digest it.
With their troubled mind
They become more and more sick, exremistic.

That is why Hindus considered
“Shudra (the unqualified, not by birth) shouldn’t be
Given Veda knowledge”.

Because of the trouble he will have
And the trouble he will make.

He will misconceive.
His misconception will kill
Himself and the child.

That is why
Omar slapped on the face of Abu Hurairah
When he started to report
One saying of Mohammed
(“Any one who says
There is no God, but God
Has entered the paradise/heaven”)
To the general public.

It will spoil the whole general public.
Each one has to experience by himself.

Because it is a conclusion,
To which one has to reach
After a long journey.

Because this is a conclusion
One has to make by himself
Not to be given to or imposed on him.

No one cannot win the race
Without running the race.

That conclusion should not be there
At the beginning.

There can be an aim or a target
From the beginning.
Aim and target of
Reaching the unknown ultimate and
Achieving the immeasurable maximum.

But it should not be an achievement
At the beginning.
The prize of such conclusions are
At the end.

And there cannot be a prediction
For the beginner to decide as to
What will be that maximum and ultimate

And as to what will be that conclusion.

It is what he will get
When he reaches there.

It could be mango or jackfruit
Or guava or coconut.

It could be anything
As a conclusion.

Conclusion of Muhammad
Or Jesus or Moses of Buddha
Is a heavy food
That new born baby
Should not be given with.

It will kill the baby to death
Even if you give it
With too much of love.

That is why we say in
Our own language.
“Paathram Arinhu kodukkanam”
(Give knowing/seeing the pot/plate).

That is why every one in Islam
Is asked to pray by himself
One and only prayer .
In Islam there is only one
Compulsory prayer
(17 times at least a day)
“Guide us to the right path”.

This only compulsory prayer
Would mean to say
That the right path is yet to be met.
It is never got by being a Muslim.

So, don’t make the conclusion that
One has got the right path
When he becomes a Muslim

And this seeking of and praying
For right path
Is and was compulsory for all
Including Prophet Mohamed
And his disciples.

It is true and good
If one can really reach
Such a conclusion of heavy food.

But, It cannot be by tongue.
Not by imitation and emulation too.

So, not applicable for
General public.
So, Omar slapped on the face of Abu Huraira

General Public
Are, and most of them are,

Let them lead their life and search
On their own
And reach the conclusion,
If they can, by themselves.

In this case
No one can help the other.

Tasting sweetness is possible
By any one.
But no one can taste
Sweetness or bitterness
Or pain or happiness
For others.

And no one can exchange
Such feelings and tastes.

That is why it is also said
In hereafter of reaching conclusion
Every one will be saying “Nafsi Nafsi”
(“My own self" or “My self” and “my own self” “My self”)

************** **********

The kind of seed,
And its roots when it sprouts,
Decides what kind of taste should come out
From the tasteless soil or water or light
And how deep the roots should go.

Like is the truth from God
And the approach to God.

Each seed and its roots
Will decide what to bring out
From tasteless soil.

According to the seed,
Version of God, as a fruit
Appears in the branches.

Each mind is a branch
For reflecting God and truth.
In different ways, colors, shapes and tastes.

Hence, there can be
Different and many kinds of truths
And paths from/to the same God
In one and the same time.

Different people can take water
From the same ocean,
In different pots and cups
And in different times.

So different relative truths from the same God.
Each according to his cup or pot.
Each according to the type of seed and root.

******** *********** ***********

Extremism and terrorism emerges
When one happens to say there can come
Only one color or only one taste
From the same soil/earth,
Only one has got the water from the ocean
And only the water in his pot
Is the water from the ocean.

This extremism may go
Unto one's saying that
His cup only is the ocean
And there is no other ocean
Than his cup and water in it.

This is the example of one
Who will say
There can come only one way
And one truth to and from God.

Extremism also emerges
When one happens to say or believe that
All the roots of different plants/trees
Have to go to one and same direction,
To the same depth and same soil
And have to bring out
One and only color,
And one and only form and taste.

They want only one kind of fruit
In one and only color, taste and form.

************** ************
India and Indian (Hindus) have ever been,
Through out its history,
Considering all religions and paths
As equally true.

That is why they could keep
Their doors open to all.

In Indian and Hindu concepts
Nothing can be absolutely wrong
And nothing can be absolutely right.

Hindus have never been trying to say
Any other religion as wrong.

But Semitic religions
And its followers were
Very strong to conclude and consider
That any one
With any other faith and direction
Than that of theirs
Is and will be wrong.

This is the problem with Semitic religions.
They think and order every one to take
The same direction, method and path to God
And to consider all other paths and directions
As devil's and wrong.

Hence, they become intolerant.
This is the basic factor/seed of intolerance
Of Islam and Semitic religions,
And, thereby, extremism.

These aspects of intolerance are not
Of any community,
Be it Muslims or Christians or any.

Muslims or Christians as a community,
And as a whole, in India,
Won't have any such intolerance,
Especially since they don't know
Or follow Islam or christianity very strictly.

But in the case of Islam,
Take the case of Islamic world
(Muslim countires),
Especially, if such world follow
Islamic postulates, at least partially.
Countries like Saudi Arabia,
Iran, other Gulf countries,
Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.

They won't give freedom to other religious people
And they won't be ready to consider
Other religious path as equally right path.

Semitic religious believers
(including Islam and Muslim)
Can be only extremistic, especially
When they tend to say
Theirs is the only one right path to God,
And their religion only has
The true revelation
And the real truth
From God.

They become more extremistic and terroristic
Whey they again tend to declare
Other truth and revelations
As outdated or worn out.

This is on which and how
Particularly, Semitic religions are based.

The problem is not of any community.
Any community is a collection
Or group of individual human beings,
Who individually has nothing to do
In deciding the true and right path.
Rather, the problem is of the faith they hold.
The indigestible food they have swallowed.

***** ******* ****** ******

The food that is not digested
Is not just only a food not digested.

But, it will also be the food that will
Trouble the one who has swallowed it.

This troubling of indigestible food
Is the problem of the extremists.

They have swallowed
What they can not digest.
Or they are given with
What they should not have been.
The indigestible and heavy conclusion of
Mohammed or Jesus or Moses.
Hence, they are troubled.
they are even troubled
To considered that this indigestible one
is the only truth.

With their troubled mind
They become more and more exremistic

******** ******* *****

Any religion (from Semitic religions),
Claiming to be the last, final and only true message/path from God,
Cannot accommodate and tolerate other faiths.
So, the real believer (Semitic religious believer) is not allowed
To tolerate and accommodate other faiths
And he cannot consider other faiths and method of lives
As right and correct.

E.g. Quran, very specifically declares this by saying that
“You can’t see one community, who believe in Allah and hereafter,
Loving those who dissent with Allah and prophet
(in enmity with Allah and Prophet)
Even if they are their fathers or children or brothers or relatives…etc.”

This verse was revealed praising the believer son for killing his disbelieving father

Can any one be in enmity and dissenting with GOD?

According to Islam,
Any one who goes out of Islamic faith
Should be killed.
Any Islamic state is bound to implement this rule
When a Muslim converts to other faiths or abandons his faiths in Islam.
For this reason, such a religion does not stand
For freedom of faiths and choices
Except to convert people of other faiths to its hold.

Here come the problems of Semitic religions.
They want all places to be open for them
To propagate their faith and message,
Whereas they won’t allow their place to be open
For other faiths and messages to be propagated.

And this would go to the extend that
They won’t allow a new interpretation to their own faith even.
Hence, the killing of many
And threats to kill Stallman Rushdi and Thasleema Nasrin
Becomes simply acceptable issues to/for all Muslims generally.