Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mistakes are the beauty of life - Life is not in what all you get

Life is not in what all you get;
Rather it is in what all you take and absorb
From what all you get.


Mistakes are the beauty of life.

To say frankly, each one gets born by mistake
For no choice and knowledge his or his parents.

First very steps, any one makes in his life,
Are done with lots of mistakes.

Still they are beautiful.

And they are more beautiful than
All pre-planned and calculated steps.
And we enjoy it in our little children's moves and falls 
For no purpose and aim particular.

First ever talks any one makes in life
Are with lots of mistakes.

Still those are more meaningful and much attended talks
Than those made pre-planned and pre-meditated.
And we enjoy it in our little children's talk with no grammars.

And those mistakes are the beauty of life.

And for those mistakes to happen
All are living and waiting in their life.

Those mistakes are no mistakes at all,
Except for partial and relative look and view.

But those are the precvious movements and moments of life
Making the life, living and lively.


To see things from the whole
And from the context of the whole
Nothing is in mistake, misplaced.

And nothing happens
For and out of mistakes.

Monday, July 16, 2012



When, there is only one version for truth
And only one path to truth and God,

And when their belief is in a God confined
With only one door to one direction,

How can they be accommodating and tolerating other's faith?

They are the people
Who deny the oceans and seas
To justify a glass and water
In their hand.


That is what happens with Muslims and Semitic religions

To say Quran is the only divine book
Or Mohammed is the only prophet

And to claim Quran and Muhammed
As the last and final book and prophet
They happen to deny all others.

For them no truth and person
Can come after Mohammed and Quran

They deny existence of oceans
With its great flow with no-end and full stop.

And they happen to forget
That the water in their glass
Is what was taken from this same ocean of truth
Which they happen to forget.


To say only Quran is God's
They happen to say
All other things as of not God's

They deny all worlds to God
And give only one Quran.

They not only deny all other glasses
With the water taken from the same ocean
But also they deny the existence ocean itself.


Such faith will not allow them to live
With (or co-habit with) the people of other faiths.


So, if they happen to love girls of other faiths,
They will have to break the other glass
And compulsorily convert them
To make them drink only the water in their glass.


They don’t love and marry
A woman or a human being.

But a believer of and for their faith,
Or to increase the number of believers in their religion.


They will behave like marketing agents
Of a very selfish God
For rewards in paradise.


For them God is for opening
Another extension counter
For their selfish desires and wants


Love is for them to make the other party in love
A marketing agent of their God  (a big company owner).


True, one in love is like a slave.

Living for and remembering the cause of the other
Without feeling the other as other.


Slaves of love, ready to do and sacrifice
Anything for living in love.
For being one with love.


But in such a love affair and marriage,

Both the parties in love affair will become
Slaves to each other.
Only to remain as one;
Not two separate ones.


Not only the loved woman.

Love will open up the barriers of both
Of their being separate
Burnings all conditions into nil.


Love will enable one to give, and allow the other party,
His or her freedom, integrity, individuality and right of choice
Seeing it is he or she living in her or him.

Life dances in and with the women - Whereas philosophies, poetry and power gushes out the mind of men

Woman, the Shakthi, fills life and energy to the forms
And is the only earthly truth
Who only can help the man also to be earthly in reality,
Making him to be suiting and useful to earthly purposes.

All other truths than woman are imagination and guess works.

Every one starts their life by being part of a woman 
Within her womb, covered and given with
The same her identity and individuality to them,
Making them drink and eat herself from within.

Later on, when one comes out of the womb
Each one starts his life tasting her
Through the breast
And feeling her touch, heat and warmth
In and from her arms and chest.

None of the work that a woman does
Can be done just mechanically without applying soul.

Anything she does within her house-walls is the works of life
Where in foundation and structure of life is made
And is far greater than any so-called (and so thought to be)
Serious work that Obama or Manmohan
Or the works any chief justices or commander in chief do.

It is just because of and for woman all life is

Life is in dancing with and in the laps of women

Whereas philosophies, poetry and power 
Gushes out the mind of men for his helplessness
To identify and prove himself
By being made to be a philosopher or a saint or poet or a ruler.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Purposefully or purposelessly,
Knowing or unknowing,
One will contribute,
And one can’t help but contribute,
And give meaning,
To work the cause of all and the whole.

Dear my son,
You don’t do mistake
In your walk of being and living.
And God doesn’t do mistake
In and by spelling a word like you.
The meaning  comes in
As suiting to the totality.

If you are spelled as a word,
You can’t help
But give its meaning,
Contributing to the totality,
Making your life and all in it
To give and make
What is meant by you as a word
As it is your fate.

Giving and realizing this meaning ,
Is what all your life is
And is the contribution you give
To the totality and its beauty
With no other choice.

Jut because you contribute
You are getting the contribution
From all and the whole
Near and around you.


So, dear my son,
Whatever you do and make
Is God’ doings, meaning and makings.
And what ever you do and get
Is according to what you are for.

You live by yourself, but in God

And God doesn’t do and live
Except through you too.


Separating from the totality,
One may feel useless and meaningless.

A finger is not a finger,
And will get easily decomposed
To be nothing and to be not a finger,
If it is not a finger in the totality of
A hand and in the totality of living body.


Being part of the whole,
Or being the whole,
Knowing from and within
The context of the whole
One will feel and know
That he is that totality
And he is in that totality,
Contributing to the totality.
Be it purposefully or purposelessly,
Knowing or not knowing,
Or with or without a feel of working for it.


Hence, dear my son,
No one and nothing is in wrong place and time.
Neither Obama Nor a beggar
Neither Manmohan Sing Nor a prostitute on the street
Neither Einstein nor an handicapped or retarded .

Everyone and everything is in its right time and place.


Separating from totality,
A comma, or a colon, or semi-colon
May be made to feel and think,
It is an handicapped or crippled being,
As meaningless and useless.

One is made to think this way, only when
He is separated and cut off
From spontaneity and flow of totality.
From totality’s network and weaving.

Dear my son
One has not be purposeful to be purposeful
And to do purposes;
One can be purposeful and do purposes purposelessly too.

One has not to be useful to be useful;
One can be useful and do uses uselessly too.

One has not to be meaningful to be able to give meanings;
One can give and do meaning meaninglessly too.


Dear my son,
Each letter in a word
And each word in a sentence
Can be lead to feel like this.

Seeing from within and from the context of the whole
Nothing is in wrong spot or place
And everyone and everything in right time and place
Equally giving its contribution.
Without having to be purposeful and hardworking.

The feel or thinking or doing of hard work and being purposeful
Comes in when one is cut off from the totality and its flow.


With or without the feel or thinking or doing of hard work
Every one is in hard work and in thinking,
Giving its meaning and contribution
To the extend of its slot and spot
As a letter or comma or word.


So, my dear son, it is neither your mistake
Nor of God.

And to say truth
The real great composer
Doesn’t do any mistake.

Rather, read and know the meaning
From and within the whole
And from and within the context of the whole.