Monday, February 22, 2010


Burn anything
To earn…
That is business,
The attitude of being busy…

Whoever and from wherever
They and their kind be,
Businessmen have only one religion
The religion of business
And nothing else.

They may take you as their companion
Though unlikely is
The lions taking the sheep for its company
Than for its prey.

Whatever these lions catch
You sheep also may get share of it,
Even if you may not be like the same…,
At that time.

So, happy, and little embarrassed,
You will be…..
Very much happy, but startled, you will be.

The lions can know how much
Happy, but startled, you will be
To start the company with it with a feast,
But, to ensure that they won’t have to fast
At the end…

For sure, it is a great chance for you
To be able to walk and company with
The corporate lion or lions…

But, remember,
It is most unlikely for a small plant
To be able to grow …..
Under the shades of any big tree…

Also, remember,
When you smile with pride
For being able to walk
In company with the lion,
That the same smile is there
On the face of lion too
With a different meaning
Than that of yours…

True, the lion won’t harm you…,
It is your good understanding of a lion,
Especially when its stomach is full.

True, the lion is such a big corporate giant…..,
It is your good thinking of it, that
You are nothing before such a giant…

So, you may hope to have
Its sympathy towards you…,
And you may wonder to see
Such a giant corporate giant finding time
To attend you, personally,

There, you may possibly think,
How such a giant will catch and eat you….?

Especially as you have got the chance
To be with it in its company…..?

Really great….

But remember,
Releasing you from all your reasoning,
When the lion is really hungry
And could not find a catch for the day,
For sure,
It will jump on you
To make you for its day’s stomach full…
Putting all the blames on you
And justifying it with all the reasons
For the loss of the day’s business…

In its run for saving itself,
No one can blame the corporate giant
For not being able to save you
And against having eaten you up completely....

All what you have given to the corporate giant
As seed, to sprout and grow,
With your life, efforts and money,
If need be, will be returned,
In the form of stones or ashes,
In the same your count and number…..

You have to be happy to see that….
The law is the laws of lions…..
Not of sheep and goats…

Burnt by businessmen
You will get
Burn and ashes of your saving…

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Support of familiar unknown faces

We are unknown to each other...
Still, as a stranger to another stranger
On unknown path of wayfaring.....,
To be friends to each other

To make the passage through
The unknown paths more easier...
With little support of familiar unknown faces.....

As you may know
Unknown roughness of thorns' fingers
Can be protecting and suppoting
The unknown softness of flowers' petals....

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Dear my children…,
Did you hear a story of a Master,
Who was called Mad
And taken for treatment?

The master appreciated all,
For taking him as a mad and sick,
With all the good words he had

But, what to say,
All those who took him
As mad, for treatment
Became the Masters later,
To know their life of physicality
Was the life of sickness and madness.


Initially they all
Got embarrassed
To see the way he lives/lived
And not to see him
In their prayer hall
Or marriage parties
At least.

To address their embarrassment
They arranged a great treat for him
To befriend him and to request him
With all their tempting offers
To chnage him to be like them
And to live the way they are/were…

They also advised him
To be restless like they are/were
With the sharpness of double edged purposes,
What they called professionalism

The master did not have anything to reply.

He tried to tell them
“I am only with you, the way you are…
External view of me has nothing to do with
What is really happening within me.
For, God is within me;
Never out of me or without me.”

He tried to give them the maximum,
Examples of air, soil, water, etc, etc
Of being uselessly useful
And purposelessly purposeful.

He confirmed to them
It could be his mistake that
He is/was useless an escapist seed
Wanting to escape from
All kinds of forms and formalities
Dictated by fry-pans.

He tried to tell them that
His physicality
Was a disease
And to be living physically, for him,
Was prolonging of the disease.

Again and again they asked him,
With too much tempting offers,
At least to correct himself for,
And to live in accordance with
The level and style of people around him

The master had no other answer
Since he had a very good conviction
That he was living with and for God.

He repeated his conviction
“God is my business, and
For and with Go I am busy."

This conviction about
The business of purposelessness, God,
Life of purposelessness,
Made all others there as well
To be
Masters mad
Or mad masters……

To be the seeds
Not good for frying
And not good to eat up fast

But the seeds
To be put in dirty soil and mud
For a remote chance of sprouting
In a very long undefined run.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Nothing can get connected easier

Nothing can get connected easier than
The souls of two stranger passers-by

Could be the questions are irrelevant….

But as a matter of concern of physicality....,
Its sustenance and survival....

It is an inevitability that
One has only to pass-by

Monday, February 8, 2010

But parallelly.

No one knows
Whether they know each other...

But have a feel of familiarity...
Be it for wrong or right
Or be it because one knows one’s own face….

Dew drops can,
With no such feel of familiarity,
Rest on the leaves and petals
And ants can sleep on elephant’s back.

To have such, felt to be, familiar faces
On the strange paths while passing by,
Is a matter of luck...,
If it won’t obstruct
Easy movements of passers-by…

Strange passers-by on strange paths
Have to be-friend each other...
To get courage and shelter,
To get more of new lessons and guidance,
And to strengthen their pursuits
Ensuring their movement
To the intended/dreamed,
Undefined or unknown,
Destination, the nest.

But parallelly.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Curiosity is for their fuel

As you may know,
Expats can only expect…
Never can they experience real....

They will prepare and prepare…
But some others will pick and go…

Marriage is a point whereby
Every one is made to take a turn
To live with, or to confine to,
An unknown another (stranger),
As his or her supposed partner
With more of greater plans
Of a longer and more beautiful journey
Through the long undefined paths...

Curiosity is for their fuel
And novelties, or at least crave for novelties,
For their path and end….

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sights are short

Sights are short,
Butyou are there in.

Could be strangers we are to each other.

But for sure
The strangeness will bring in
The novelties of a journey
Through unknown and undefined paths...

A dot (bindu) To think Not a dot,

A dot (bindu)
To think or
To make it into
Not a dot even.

Acknowledging the strangeness
But looking for the beauty
That such strangeness will unveil.

Just you have to turn..., Then, things will be different...

Why desperation....,
Especially if you’re laying down
And are prepared to lay down....?
Running within the train won't give you
Any special effect or result....

Desperation is from the reflection of
Troubled water or dirtied mirror.
Never will be correct and good.


Things will come as and when it is really required...
Hatching itself up.
Keep this only as a reminder...,
But not to, and don't, lose yourself..., the egg.
Calm down and brood over.
Only then you can regain yourself….

May be there is a case of expectations not coming true...
Especially others’ expectations through you...

But, you have lived and made them live till now...
With sincerity and loyalty...
What else one has to be happy and satisfied with...?

It is because of looking
Towards the unknown and undisclosed future...
Like you have been
Before entering big examination hall...,
In your school or college life....
Some kind of couragelessness…
Getting aired out...
Troubled or dirtied you
Can’t give good reflections.

If you were looking to this world
From your helplessness in the womb,
For sure, you wouldn’t have come out.
But, still, life herein this world is easy and a celebration…

Some kinds of anxiety and apprehension...
It is your becoming really aware of what you are....
Don't worry at all...
It is because you can watch,
Observe and see yourself with your
Physical limitations...
It is really a good sign...
So, take it positively....

It is a matter of how you take it...
What is in your left side
Can be made to be in your right side,
Just by one turn...

Also what is in your back side,
Can be made to be in your front side,
Just by one turn...

So, things are according to the way you take it...

Just you have to turn...
Then, things are/will be different.
Don't think and expect
Others taking turn for you....

You can be happy with what you are and what you have...
Practice simplicity and humility...
Learn to know you have no need
Or you have very less needs.

You can put your eyes to the high skies
But only with your foot down...

I am sure you are lucky in all respects....
You are watchful to see
What is what and what not

Monday, February 1, 2010

A circle needs one more dot

When our souls are in celebration,
Thereby in smile and laughter,
How it can escape from our faces.

It is really great to go back,
With our presence in present.

Now almost 17 years have passed.
Still, the same life with the same spirit.


A circle needs one more dot
To make it into a circle....

Hope you can put that dot ...

This is me (Raheem),

We were together in CUSAT during 1993-1995

Hope this is the same Sooraj Varma,

Unknown is God and truth.
Unknown we can be each other too
With or without known justifications.

But in this case,
Only till we are able
To reconnect us each other
To enable the current pass again
To enable the breathing of relationship once again
To enable us to be face to face
To each other and with truth....

Like you can’t at the core part of your love

Getting a chance to look at
And see the truth…?

“You won’t and you can’t remain
With your eyes at it
More than a second.

Like you can’t at the core part of
Your beloved ….
That makes her to be a woman.

“It is true that
You will be attracted to it
Again and again
Through its other outward
Physical glitterings and postures…

Still truth is that
You can’t bear with it.

And you can’t continues to be
Looking at, and seeing, it,
Like you can't at the lightning...

You will get lost of
All your notions and concepts.
You will be blinded.