Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Just you have to turn..., Then, things will be different...

Why desperation....,
Especially if you’re laying down
And are prepared to lay down....?
Running within the train won't give you
Any special effect or result....

Desperation is from the reflection of
Troubled water or dirtied mirror.
Never will be correct and good.


Things will come as and when it is really required...
Hatching itself up.
Keep this only as a reminder...,
But not to, and don't, lose yourself..., the egg.
Calm down and brood over.
Only then you can regain yourself….

May be there is a case of expectations not coming true...
Especially others’ expectations through you...

But, you have lived and made them live till now...
With sincerity and loyalty...
What else one has to be happy and satisfied with...?

It is because of looking
Towards the unknown and undisclosed future...
Like you have been
Before entering big examination hall...,
In your school or college life....
Some kind of couragelessness…
Getting aired out...
Troubled or dirtied you
Can’t give good reflections.

If you were looking to this world
From your helplessness in the womb,
For sure, you wouldn’t have come out.
But, still, life herein this world is easy and a celebration…

Some kinds of anxiety and apprehension...
It is your becoming really aware of what you are....
Don't worry at all...
It is because you can watch,
Observe and see yourself with your
Physical limitations...
It is really a good sign...
So, take it positively....

It is a matter of how you take it...
What is in your left side
Can be made to be in your right side,
Just by one turn...

Also what is in your back side,
Can be made to be in your front side,
Just by one turn...

So, things are according to the way you take it...

Just you have to turn...
Then, things are/will be different.
Don't think and expect
Others taking turn for you....

You can be happy with what you are and what you have...
Practice simplicity and humility...
Learn to know you have no need
Or you have very less needs.

You can put your eyes to the high skies
But only with your foot down...

I am sure you are lucky in all respects....
You are watchful to see
What is what and what not

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