Monday, September 8, 2014

Nation’s soul is its nationals – Part 7

Political parties need to act, like mirror,
Only to reflect people’s wishes and fear.

People need to stand in front of the mirror
With their hope of bettering face and fate in mirror
Than becoming a long supporting queue behind it.


People are not to reflect and carry
The wishes and demands of the mirror
As a big burden on their shoulders.

The mirrors is not as well supposed to cover
Its face with any other interest ever,
Making it a veil of losing its nature
And its capacity to reflect the fate and future.


Political parties need to be like clouds in the skies,
To cover the people from sharper realities,
Keeping itself away from them, to cause showering
Of the blessed rain of growth and prosperity ever.

The cloud is also formed from the vapors
Of the sweat and perspiration of the people in fear
That go up as the wishes and vision high in towers
Of the same people living in reality of fever.


Political parties shouldn't act or behave
Like spent force with no purpose to serve
Becoming itself a big nuisance and a burden
Leaving the people in deep puzzle and confusion
As to how to dispose or diffuse it in vain.


Political parties shouldn't behave like acacia trees
Sucking the waters and mineral of wealth and virtues
To leave the nation barren and bereft of all virtues 
Of compassion and love, tolerance and accommodation
Creating and causing in them only the asthma of fear and quarrel 

And subjecting them as easy preys of hatred and intolerance.

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