Friday, September 12, 2014

I carry and call me, as if I call and carry the whole, God.

Belong to the one, the whole,
Which never owns you for ever
In the form and name you are in now.

To the same one, you need to owe and bow
For the reason, it confines you not
In one and only form or name.

It does such justice of freeing you into all
That it confines itself not in any.


I don’t belong to me 
As I never own, or owe to, me.

I am of the so called whole, 
Which never claims and to which I owe.

I being not mine, 
Anything mine being not mine,
I did have nothing as well 
As mine to ask for.

I carry and call me, 
As if I call and carry the whole, God.

I carry and call God, the whole, 
As if I carry and call me.

(continued in the post after this)

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