Thursday, June 21, 2018

No provocation I made. Talking the truth, just the way Mhammed had talked,

Dear Shahir,
No provocation I made. Talking the truth, just the way Mhammed had talked, and had happened to talk. And if you get provoked that is the shaky level and stage the religion has led you to be in.

The whole history of Mohammed do not detail Mohammed's life in Makkah, till 54, where he did not get enough recognition or approval, and where he could not do any magic, as attributed later on. 

No one with him wrote history of him. All the stories were made later on. It won't come in the word Al Ameen... 

Do yo think all 54 years life will come in the word Al Ameen (a story word) or in all what you hear about him in stories

The real life of a real man is beyond the stories you hear or heard,

If he was such an accepted one in Mecca he would not have been compelled to migrate to Madeena without being able to do any magic.  

He did live a lonely life, as in the case any person, especially any orphan, or any person thinking different, disproved by the society.  

He did not get even a virgin girl to marry. That is why he had to wait till 25, that too to marry a widow much older than him. Remember at that point of time one had not to wait till 25, since there were no need to complete graduation or post graduation or  professional degree and get appointed as we are in today’s time.

He was unaccepted and isolated, which do not come in the history written after he got to be successful. History is the writing about the successful people, narrating only the success.

He was one or other way compelled to marry a widow woman of 45 years when he was 25. 

This again got him to be isolated in a male dominated society, especially when he had to live in the house of a woman on her account. 

This automatically and naturally led him to be sitting alone, away from common public, in Hira. 

He did not mean what you mean about Islam of today. 

That is why Quran was not there in his time the way you see and read it today. 

Hadith was recorded and compelled only after 150 years, which itself would explain to you how arbitrarily and artificially it would have got done. 

If Allah, the almighty, meant him and Quran to be the last, he would not have waited for some one after him to compile and record. Is Allah, that much incapable of seeing the need? Especially when there is such a claim of finality, though it was attributed only later on.?

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