Monday, August 29, 2016

My Friend K P Mohandas's observations on my post titled " Mohammed or Jesus got no one to follow"

*Sanātana Dharma: The Timeless and Universal Way*

Hindus themselves prefer to use the _Sanskrit_ term *sanātana dharma* for their religious tradition. *Sanātana Dharma* means eternal and universal law or principle that governs everyone irrespective of culture, race, religion, belief and practices. 

These truths regarding the universal principle were divinely revealed to ancient _rishis_ (sages). For many centuries, they were passed down orally and only later written down, apparently around the start of the *Kali Yuga* when people's memories began to deteriorate.

The distinction of *dharma* from the Western sense of *religion* is crucial to understanding Hindu religious identity. To the extent that Hinduism carries with it the Western meaning of being a 'religion' the words distort Indian reality. 

In the West a religion is understood to be _conclusive_  — that is, it is the one and only true religion. Second, a religion is generally _exclusionary_  — that is, those who do not follow it are excluded from salvation. Finally, a religion is _separative_  — that is, to belong to it, one must not belong to another.

*Dharma, however, does not necessarily imply any of these*

*_Sanatana Dharma_*  comprises of spiritual laws which govern the human existence. _Sanatana Dharma_  is to human life what natural laws are to the physical phenomena. Just as the phenomena of gravitation existed before it was discovered, *the spiritual laws of life are eternal laws* which existed before they were discovered by the ancient rishi (sages) for the present age during the Vedic period. _Sanatana Dharma_  declares that *something cannot come out of nothing* and, therefore, the universe itself is the manifestation of the Divine being.

Traditionally *Sanatan Dharma* signifies the dynamic sum of ALL the knowledge of ALL the diverse traditions of Greater Hindusthan, if you will, since the beginning of time.  

It is not something one man or woman can put their hands around, or know or master in a lifetime.  Traditional people think of dharma much in the same way modern people think of science.

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