Wednesday, November 26, 2014



Men of masculinity are fools”
She, my wife, says it so
Time and again very categorically.

“What made you think and say so easily?”
I asked her for my curiosity.

“Nothing and not because 
You are my better half.
But because there is nothing 
In me and life, than only life,
Especially when I know 
You are the essence and cream of life.

“Still you are after me and life
Thinking of me and life as
Something different.

"What more evidence and reason
Would you need to think and say so?

I was silenced with nothing more to ask.

“The foolishness and its
Purpose of purposelessness
Is the sole reason for this universe
And all variety of life in it.

“It is by the same purposeless foolishness
That the opposites came to be a reality,
God happened to be God and Goddess,
And truth happened to be different many
Each to be attracted to and be perfected by other.

“Hence, the life of action
And the world of life happened.

"Each one is living only to perform
The duty of perfecting the life
And to perfect God with Goddess.

“There is nothing in me 
Or in any other women,
But the ugliness turned beauty.
The illusory feel of difference,
The death turned life.”
She continued....

"Men go after and get trapped in 
The feel of differences, hence the beauty,
Only to be an hard working tool all along,
Only to be a protecting tool,
To give continuity to life,
In the way of turning death into life
In the feel of family and children thereby.

"Except for the feel of difference,
Solely due to the hormonal influence,
Life is same in all and all 
And the life is part of the same totality.

“All the feel of “you” and “I”
In all, everyone and everything
Be it in you or in me
Or in dog or in cat,
Is the same “I” of life, the totality.
The same “I” that 
Struggles and fights
For life and survival 
To sustains the totality.

“The “I” of 
The same totality,
The same God
The same whole.


“All perform the same role,
With no place for the feel 
Of gender and formal differences.

"All equally being the beings
Living the same life
Working the same "I"
And working in, with 
And for the same "I"
In and through 
All the different forms.


“I am an empty shell
Filling and pouring out
Only the empty, but, full life.

I know that for sure that 
I am only an ugly shell of life.

“I don’t see,
By any measuring scale and criterion,
Anything in me that is beautiful
And that can make me beautiful.

"Any woman starts feeling beautiful,
Of herself, only once and after
The opposite get attracted 
In her and approach her
Without knowing it meant for
Distribution and sprouting of seeds 
And to giving continuity to life. 

"When men start telling us 
We are beautiful,
Initially, we get  stuck
And shocked
In disbelief and awe.


"The dresses and inner wears
That woman dresses and puts on 
Are not to cover the beauty in her,
But the ugliness and cowardice,
And her aspect of no-confidence.
"Women are beautiful 
Only after their dressing
And only after men get
Attracted to her
Only to say foolishly
They are beautiful.

“From there only,
Women start earning
The confidence of being beautiful.

No woman hitherto has
Ever originally felt proud of 

Any of female vital organs orfuncitons
Be it her vagina or menstruation,
Bosom or anus as beautiful.

“No woman has ever felt originally,
They were beautiful creatures,
Except in exceptional mad cases.


“All the original feel of women,
By themselves and for themselves,
Took them only as helpless ugly beings.
Unless any feel later on got injected 
Artificially and mostly by dresses.

“It was for their this original inferior feel
Of being weak and ugly burdensome being,
That menfolk could suppress them 
Almost as slaves throughout the history of life.


“Still, I can't say and I don’t know 
As to why and how you are trapped in me.

"And, still, I can't say and I don’t know
As to why and how men are after women.

"They may be and could be thirsty.
But, how and why they need to go 
After the mirage to quench it?

"They didn't know as well
That they were not really thirsty
And they didn't know that
Women didn't have the water
That could quench them of thirst.
"It is this thirst and madness of men, hitherto,
Made them crazy about money and power
And led them astray to be rulers, poets,
Philosophers, scientists and prophets”
She, my wife, continued her say
To keep no further doubt in me.


“True.” I said. “And true you are 
To say no one was really thirsty hitherto
And no one was really quenched as well.

“But, was not this foolishness that created,
And gave continuity to this world of life?

“Yes, it is and was this foolishness
That caused life to happen
And that led life to be lived.
“It is this foolishness of menfolk 
That maintains and sustains life
Just for their foolish feel of
 “mine”, “yours” and “his”.

“Foolishness is the only tool and means
That builds and sustains the world of life.

“Foolishness is that which makes all to be
Instruments of and for each other
To be working and living only as instruments.

“If not for this foolishness,
Driven by physical hormonal impulses,
to ensure the survival, security and continuity,
Driven by foolish purposelessness of universality:

“No one would have ever dared
To live the life that he lived and is living,
No one would have maintained and sustained
With whatever effort and hard work 
He did put in and he is putting in,

No one would have done 
What they were doing and are doing
For life, in the name of money, sex and power.
For making the world an dlife
The way it is today.”

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