Sunday, November 9, 2014

Why can’t Arabs tolerate and accommodate the minority Jews within their territorial boundaries?

Does freethinking mean
Thinking only for the minority and their rights
Even if the minorities are wrong and dangerous?

Does freethinking mean
To think only in the way
The so-called freethinker ask you to think,
Or only in their pre-defined or confined
Free thinking way?

Does freethinking mean
To think to support the cruel ways of intolerance
Of a community and its belief system
Because they happen to be minority?

Does freethinking mean
Talking the poison as honey
Just because it is from minority?
Does it also mean to disregard 
The unchangeable nature
Of the inherent poison and intolerance 
Of this minority's belief system?

Does freethinking mean
To think only against the majority
Even if they are right and they deserve justice
Just because they happen to be majority?

Why can’t the democrats and secularists in India think and know
That Israel and Jews are the smallest minority in the world?

Why can’t they, if so, support Israel and Jews on the ground
That the Jews are the smallest minority group in the world,
Persecuted and tortured all along throughout the history?

Why can’t they see 70 years long
Intolerance and adamancy of Arabs
Not to tolerate and accommodate this minority group of Jews
Within their territorial boundaries, which, indisputably,
Historically and islamically, Quranically and biblically,
Is the main land and birth place of Israelite and Jews?

Why do the democrats and secularists in India forget,
When they support the cause and rights of Palestinians
Only because Muslims happen to be the minority
And their big vote bank in India?

Was it wrong for Jews that they could not be
The biggest minority in India or in most of the countries in the world
Constituting a major share of vote bank and support

For these pseudo secularists mongering only for power?

Can't freethinkers understand this underlying fact
That this minority is the real fascistic and extremist group
Of exclusion, extermination, intolerance and discrimination
Wherever they are and they get to be majority?

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