Sunday, July 3, 2016

Believing in religion you deny access to own conscience, the real God.

Be or be not,
God is your property too..... my son,
And not at all the property of any religion.

Each one is undeniably unique.
And each one may/can have
Unique concept or idea about God.

Whatever each one's unique
Conscience and commonsense,
With and from within its all limitations,
Imagine and talk about God is
What the truth about God for him.

It is in one's common sense and conscience
His God and truth is.

It is one's common sense and conscience
What the truth and God is for him.
That simple.

No one can talk and do things
Except for and on behalf of God.

Whatever one talks and does
Is what God talks and does.

Every one is equally, with no exception,
Prophet and representative of God
In their own spheres with all their limitations.

To believe and worship God
Why, then, do you need
The strange practices and rituals
In strange ways and languages?

It is not at all a requirement
To believe in religions.

God is not a property of religions at all.

Religions deny the real access to God.

Religions prevent you from real access
To your own common sense and conscience,
The hut where God and truth stays in.

To deny and disbelieve in religion is not
What atheism is.

To know and believe in religion is not
What theism is.

Instead, to believe in religion is
What denying God, the real atheism.

And it is what denying access
To your own conscience and common sense.

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