Tuesday, July 26, 2016

What then is education and training?

Dear my son,
It is easy to live in God or nature,
Or to live in the world
Set up by God or nature.

No need there to learn and get trained.
And no need there
To go for education or training.

But only surrender.

Surrender to lose
The feel "I" and "you".

Naturally to make
I and you
Part and parcel of
The whole life,
The great universality,
Life, God.

There only the I of totality,
Of total life, the universality,
Will remain and prevail.


But, dear my son,
To live in the world 
Created and set up by humans
You need to learn and get trained.
The learning and training of separation.
And, for this, you need to go 
For education and training.

To put in other way,
The world created and set up by humans,
Within the world of God or nature,
Is much bigger and complicated
Than the world of God or nature
Or the world set up by nature or God.

Because the world
Created and set up by humans
Needs to separate you from the totality,
God or life,
And gives you a separate feel of
Separation and separated "I" and "you"
Working or waiting for this or that.

The science, mathematics and technology
Is the creation and set up of humans.
Much deeper and tougher
To digest and learn,
To work and wait,
Not sufficing all your life.

What then is education and training for?

Dear my son,
Education and training  is for
Learning the science, technology 
And management system
Of separation from totality, the whole,
Invented, created and set up by humans.

Education and training is
To enable you to work and wait.

Education and training is
To give you a separate
"I" and "you" feel.

Education and training is to
Teach you how to be separate
With the separate "I" and "you" feel
Than with the living "I" and "you" feel
Of the whole, the totality
And to train you to be separate
From the whole, the totality.

The pain and pressure
Of education and training is
The pain and pressure of separation
From the whole, the totality.

Education and training is
To teach and get you trained
How to control and maintain
The separate world
Created and set up by humans.

Education and training is never
For controlling and maintaining
The world of God or nature, the totality,
Or the world set up by the totality.

Education and training is
To ensure the availability and supply
Of man made things and support system
That separate you and me from the whole,
If not to upgrade them.

Education and training is
To make sure the artificial speed
Created and set up by humans
Remains and prevails, 
If not enhanced or increased.

Education and training is
To ensure the hand over of
Science, technology
And management system
Created and set up by humans
Of his separate world
To the next generation
To enable them to ensure 
The availability of
All support system and facilities
To the posterity too,
If not to upgrade.

Education and training is
To ensure the separtion,
And the separated world, is
Kept intact and secure.

Education and training is
To make you and me extra ordinary
By finally getting us lost of
Spontaneity and ordinariness,
The tone and flow of the whole,
The totality, the life, God,
In the name of culture
And development.

Monday, July 25, 2016

One equal to none and none equal to all many

How come all become one and the same?
How come one becomes none and none becomes many?

My son,
If one can see in his conscience
His own God,
He can chat and joke
With his God.
Never he can lie or pretend.

If one cannot see his own God
In his conscience
He cannot chat and joke
With his God.
Rather he will have to lie and pretend.
Automatically and compulsorily
He will believe in many Gods.

By being made to see all outside as his Gods.
He will become slave to many and all external.


Dear my son,
Denier of one, own conscience,
Becomes the believer of and n
All many, external.
A real slave of all many,
Split and shattered by all many
Under the threat and fear of all such,

He will be made to lead a life of pretensions
Partitioning himself, his life and conscience
To all these millions and billions, external.


Dear my son,
Denying the conscience
One becomes believing in
All the external objective Gods.

He will be made to
Identify and reflect himself
In and with all external
Engagements and possessions.
He will become a real polytheist of
Relying on, and becoming salve of, all.

Disbelieving one, his conscience,
Is equal to believing in all many..
None equal to many.
No God equal to many Gods.


Believing in one, own conscience,
One becomes believing in none outside,
Or almost denying all external forces.

A real atheist is
Or a real monotheist.
He is also a real polytheist too
Agreeing and disagreeing
With all outside equally.

Seeing and installing God in conscience
And seeing conscience as his God
One becomes disbelieving and denying
All the external objective Gods.

He becomes a real monotheist of
Relying only on his conscience.

Believing in one, in conscience, is
Equal to believing in No God.
One equal none.
One God equal to No God.

Friday, July 22, 2016

A real spiritualist is a real anarchist too

Dear My Son,
Let your common sense be
The talk and tongue of God and truth.
And yourself be
The hand and tool
Of God, life.

Each one is unique.
Hence, each one is to have
Unique feel, imagination and expression
About God and truth.

Each one is unique
Tool and hand of God, life.
Unique an angel.


Idea and concept
About God and absolute truth
Is subjective, never objective.
As if you are the sole owner of
Your God and truth,
As your own, in abstraction.

Equal access and availability 
To truth and God
With millions and billions
Of possible versions and ways 
To God and truth.


Won't it cause a kind of anarchism?

Yes, it will and it has to.
And this anarchy is the order
Of universality and spontaneity.
Order of life and nature.

God and truth is in one's
Anarchic feel, deed and expression.

God and truth is in anarchic
Chain of selfishness and subjectivities
That ensures supply and making of 
Everything  in life and universality.

God and truth is in 
Anarchic, selfish and subjective order 
Of life and universality.

God and absolute truth is never objective.

Each one takes, feels and believes in
God and truth unlike any other one.


The real subjectivity is
The subjectivity of total surrender 
To the totality.

Subjectivity ends nowhere
And continues ever to flow.

The real subjectivity is in
Surrendering with the knowledge 
I and you were never born 
With the feel and form of
"I" and "you" we presently have.
Hence non-existing is our present I and you feel.
Except for and in the form and flow of the totality.


Dear my son,
Social or political or economic life
Is critically objective.

Social or political or economic life
Remains and prevails when
Anarchism of subjectivity is curtailed.


To God and truth
Be an anarchist,
Giving no chance for God and truth 
To have a full stop
In any specific time or place
Or in any specific person or book.


Live God and truth in you.
In your conscience.
In your subjectivity,

Give chance to millions and billions of
Paths, ways and versions to truth and God.


A real spiritualist is 
A real anarchist too
Living and feeling alone,
Unnoticed and unknown
Like his God and truth is,
With his own version and way to
The truth and God
Immersing himself in totality
With a feel of himself non-existing.

Surrendering himself to totally
And thereby automatically
Seeing and reflecting him

In everything  and everywhere.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Why to blame Muslims? Rather, put the blame on Islam

Why to blame Muslims?

Blaming Muslims for extremism and intolerance
Is beating around the bush.
Never will it catch the real prey.

Rather, put the blame on Islam
For any Muslim becoming
Extreme and intolerant.
Never it is the blame of Muslims.

The thread and root cause of
Extremism and intolerance
Lies in Islam and with Muslims' 
Right perception of Islam.
Not with Muslims
Or Muslims’ wrong perception of Islam.

Muslims are poor and innocents
Like any Hindu and Christian is.

Muslim happened to be Muslims
Like any other religious people
Happened to be.

By birth or ignorance,
Not by free choice.
But by social bonding
And by inability to take the risk of
Thinking and learning further
And lose social or economic
Or political security.


Most of Muslims are able
To be nationalists and secularists
Democrats and socialist
Just because they are ignorant Muslims.
Just because they don’t know real Islam.

Because real Islam is against
Nationalism, secularism,
Socialism and democracy.

Real Islam claims
Finality and exclusivity to itself,
Its book and its prophet Mohammed.

Real Islam claim all other belief systems to be wrong
And denies chance of all other belief system of being right.

So long as Islam claims
Such exclusivity and finality
To itself, its book and prophet,
That too with the promise of paradise
And threat of hell,
Muslims are bound to be,
And they will have no other choice
But to be, intolerant and extreme
And unable to cohabit with others.


So, never prosecute and persecute Muslims
For intolerance and extremism.

If you really want to solve the issue of
Extremism and intolerance
Persecute and prosecute Islam.

If you really want to find an anti-dote to
Terrorism, extremism and intolerance
Find the poison in Islam,
Not in and with Muslims.
Muslims normal human beings
Like any other people or group.
They happened to be abnormal
Just when real Islam is in them.

Because, true to say,
Islam is not poor and innocently,
But is extreme and intolerant
As long as it claims exclusivity and finality
To itself, its book and prophet Mohammed.

That is why, for this simple reason,
Any Muslim, who happens by chance
To learn Islam more closely and deeply,
Happens to be intolerant and extreme.
Islam make them unable to cohabit with
Other religious believers
As it claims exclusivity and finality
To itself, its book and prophet.

So, blame is with Islam.
We can’t absolve Islam
And incriminate Muslims
If we really need to solve
The issue of extremism, terrorism and intolerance.
Islam is never poor and innocently.

Islam is clearly extreme
As it claims it is final and exclusive.

Islam is clearly intolerant
Teaching only intolerance
When it claims it is the only and final right path

Islam makes its followers to be terrorist
When it teaches its followers
Mohammed as the only prophet and
Quran as the only book

For all the world to follow.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Seeing and reflecting in everything in this universality..

Dear My Son,
Let your common sense be
The talk and tongue of God and truth.
And yourself be
The hand and tool
Of God, life.


Each one is unique.
Hence, each one is to have
Unique feel, imagination and expression
About God and truth.

Each one is unique
Tool and hand of God, life.
Unique an angel.


Idea and concept
About God and absolute truth
Is subjective, never objective.
As if you are the owner of
You God and truth,
As your own, but in abstraction.

Equal access and availability is there
To truth and God
With millions and billions
Of possible versions and ways 
To God and truth.


Won't it cause a kind of anarchism?

Yes, it will and it has to.

God and truth is in one's
Anarchic feel, deed and expression.

God and truth is in anarchic
Chain of selfishness and subjectivities
That causes supply and making of 
Every in life and universality.

God and truth is in 
Anarchic, selfish and subjective order of universality.

God and absolute truth is never objective.

Each one takes, feels and believes in
God and truth unlike the other one.


The real Subjectivity is
The subjectivity of total surrender 
To the totality.

Subjectivity ends nowhere
And continues ever to flow.

The real subjectivity is in
Surrendering with the knowledge 
I and you were never born 
With the feel and form of
"I" and "you" we presently have.
Hence non-existing is our present I and you feel.
Except for and in the form and flow of the totality.

Dear my son,
But Social or political in economic life
Is critically objective.

Anarchism shouldn't happen there
By your becoming subjective
In  social or political or economic life.

With regard to God and truth
Be a real anarchist,
Give no chance for God and truth 
To have a full stop
In any specific time or place
Or in any specific person or book.

Live God and truth in you.
In your conscience.
In your subjectivity,

Give chance to millions and billions of
Paths, ways and version to to truth and God.

A real spiritualist is 
A real anarchist too
Having his own version and way to
The truth and God
Immersing himself in totality

With a feel of himself non-existing
Due to surrendering himself to totally
And thereby automatically
Seeing and reflecting him
In everything in this universality..

Monday, July 4, 2016

God shrinking into only one man and one book is an enemy; not a friend

Dear my son,
I am not teaching you of a God
Who shrinks his availability only into
One man, one book,
One place, one time
One language, one tradition.
Denying finally to
To every one's 
Conscience and common sense.

Rather, my dear son,
I do teach you of a God
Expanding and shrinking into
Each and every one’s
Conscience and common sense
Giving divinity to each and every one
Every book, every place
Every language and every tradition.
Never denying and denied
But being closer and familiar.

Dear my son,
God I teach you is not
A stranger or an enemy
But a friend
A close friend
Chatting and walking with you.
Like your common sense and conscience

So, my dear son,
No God, or
One God, or
Many Gods
All the same.

All one and the same.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Believing in religion you deny access to own conscience, the real God.

Be or be not,
God is your property too..... my son,
And not at all the property of any religion.

Each one is undeniably unique.
And each one may/can have
Unique concept or idea about God.

Whatever each one's unique
Conscience and commonsense,
With and from within its all limitations,
Imagine and talk about God is
What the truth about God for him.

It is in one's common sense and conscience
His God and truth is.

It is one's common sense and conscience
What the truth and God is for him.
That simple.

No one can talk and do things
Except for and on behalf of God.

Whatever one talks and does
Is what God talks and does.

Every one is equally, with no exception,
Prophet and representative of God
In their own spheres with all their limitations.

To believe and worship God
Why, then, do you need
The strange practices and rituals
In strange ways and languages?

It is not at all a requirement
To believe in religions.

God is not a property of religions at all.

Religions deny the real access to God.

Religions prevent you from real access
To your own common sense and conscience,
The hut where God and truth stays in.

To deny and disbelieve in religion is not
What atheism is.

To know and believe in religion is not
What theism is.

Instead, to believe in religion is
What denying God, the real atheism.

And it is what denying access
To your own conscience and common sense.