Thursday, October 23, 2014

Poor are they who feel they exist, separate, and hence work hard for their cause.

Poor are they
Who feel they exist, separate,
And hence work hard
For their cause.

Poor are they
Who cannot seek and see God,
With the same passion and feel
They need to survive and exist,
But for their wants
Or fear of hell and fond of heaven.

Poor are they who cannot know
The ecstasy and sweetness of
Seeking and seeing God
Having to forget and lose their self.

Poor are they
Who cannot name and call God
With all names they want and feel
But only with the names given to them
In the language borrowed from others.

Poor are they
Who happen to feel and think
They exist as an entity as against God
To pray and complain to God
To need and request

For thing, for them as their own.

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