Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Quranic Challenge - Can anyone talk or walk or write like a beggar or Obama?


Quranic challenge

Is it not a blame on God to make him look lame?
Is it not a kind of be-fooling and belittling of God and listeners?

Can’t any one easily make such challenges?

Can anyone talk or walk or write like Obama?
Can anyone talk or walk or write like any beggar on any street?



Not because Obama or any beggar on this earth is special or unique.

But because any one and everything is equally special and unique?


Anyone can make any kind of challenges to any other
Asking to exactly talk or walk or write or act the way he does.

Anyone who makes such a challenge will win for sure.

And anyone who takes up and contest the challenge
For sure will fail or will get defeated.

The reason is very simple.
Everyone and everything is
So unique and so different.
Quiet common a logic.

No one can do, originally, anything like other does
Unless one imitates or emulates the other.

And once one imitates and emulates the other
To talk or walk or write or act like the other
The blame will be then that
He is replicating and duplicating.

And it will be up to the challenger 
To admit his own defeat by admitting 
That the other one has done the same way he has done,
Or better than him,
Which he will not do normally, with his adamancy,
To prove that the other has failed and got defeated.

Even if the other might have done the way he has done
Even if the other might have done better than him.

Doing better than him also will become
Another reason to lose and get defeated
In taking up and contesting the challenge.


No one walks or talks or writes or acts like the other.

Be the challenger
Obama or Einstein, Mohammed or a beggar on the street.

Or be the one who contests and takes up the challenge
Obama or Einstein, Mohammed or a beggar on the street.


If one has to talk or walk or act or write
Like the other does
He will have to kill his own self in him.

He will have to emulate and imitate
Wherein and whereby the blame will be
Of imitating and emulating.

His defeat and failure to the challenge will be
On the ground that he is imitating and emulating

His defeat and failure to the challenge will be
That he is not coming out with his own original

Unless and until the other has has 
The same view point and perspective of the Challenger
Anything the other writes and does will be different,
Which is natural and which is attribute of
Being spontaneous and original.

And if the other has the same view point and perspective of the Challenger
Then, what will be the relevance of contesting
And how can he come up with a different writing and act?


Then what is the relevance and meaning
In the challenge given by Quran
To write a book like the one it is,
To claim and prove it is divine?

No one can write or walk or talk
The way I talk or walk or write
Or the way Obama  or a beggar on the street
Talks or walks or writes.


Is it a must for Quran to depict God
As the one who contest in relative world
To get the relative little victories.

Is it a must for Quran to depict God
As the one who puts up challenges
To really make him into God
Or to really prove him as a God?

Doesn't God know for himself
That he has created everything as unique?

Doesn't God know the humans are at failure
To the challenges from among themselves
To write, think, act and walk
Like the others among them write, think, act and walk?

No one can write or walk or talk
The way I talk or walk or write
Or the way Obama  or a beggar on the street
Talks or walks or writes.
Doesn't God know the limitations of each ones being unique'and different?

Then, why should God need to prove himself,
That too among his own creature
With this kind of a silly challenge
To prove Quran is divine
Or only Quran is divine?

Does God need to win any election by proving him God
With this kind of a challenge and with this kind of a book?

Won't it be a very foolish a feel to have with this kind of challenge
To have easily  defeated his own creature in writing a book like Quran?

All his attempts in and with Quran looks like
As if he is in an election campaign with other gods
To win and be elected asa super God
With the votes beliefs of his own creatures,


If a book (or any book) can be divine
Only because no other can write the way it is written
(With its content and style)
All the books in the world (millions and billions)
Are equally divine.

No one can write in the same way, style and content
Like the others have written from their own context.

And if any one happens to write in the same style and content
It will be considered as replication and duplication only.

In this way,
I also can, Obama and any beggar on the street also can,
Challenge any and all to write the way I write or the way he writes.

No one can do like the other does,

Unless they replicate and duplicate.
Unless they emulate and imitate.

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