Saturday, December 29, 2012


Criminals need a hole to hide in.
That is what Delhi is and has been.
So, are and were all our political leadership
Holing in there, as criminals to rule over us.

Can you see otherwise,
Anywhere in India's ancient  history,
Delhi as a place from and through where
Our mother came up with
Its all all loving, all encompassing, deep-into-soul vision?


Still, can you imagine
Why should Delhi be our capital,
Our mother India’s capital
Our kind and visionary
Mother India’s capital?

No doubt.

Because it is the only dark hole

Where the cruelty and injustice
Is the law and language of the land,
Successfully inheriting and continuing
From its past conquerors
Through to its present day rulers.

Where, to qualify to be mother’s capital,
Mothers and sisters are raped and killed
With dignity in the name of governance.

Where cruelty and brutality has
Great protection of law and justice
With all big military and police force
For giving  dignity and power to inhumanity.

Hence, were
The cruel foreign occupiers too
Justified to opt Delhi
To be their capital.

And their successors too,
Of Independent mother Inida,
Have gone with the same option
Since they can’t be different
From the cruel foreign occupiers
In any aspects and features
In any of their deeds or practices.


We call our India as our Mother.

For that, our capital feels and thinks
All mothers and their children
Should be raped or killed
For no law to question it
But to protect and respect.

That is why and how Delhi is Delhi.

That is  why Delhi is our capital.

That is why all our so-called
Rulers and diplomats are there in Delhi.


Think other way round too.

Which other place can better qualify
Than Delhi to be our capital?

Delhi. Only Delhi.

It has the support of history
From the cruel foreign occupiers .

They made it as their capital
As they found it fertile
To sow their seeds of cruelty and justice
And reap heavy harvest of heavy power and wealth.


Rulers, bureaucrats and diplomats,
Of Independent Mother India
The cruelest form of humanity in evolution,
Live and compete only in cruelty
Earn  and learn only by cruelty,
Burn and run only with cruelty
And turn and drink only the power of cruelty
Exerted with their money and muscle.

So, they needed a central place,
A capital it is called,
For exerting their rule of cruelty and hypocrisy
From a place that is really cruel.
Which is by all means only Delhi.

Which other city can better qualify
Than Delhi to be a capital
Where few thugs and thieves can easily
Get called politicians and rulers
In the sweet name of democracy?

You won’t get and see any other idea or reason
Except the above
To make and fit Delhi as our capital.


Criminals need a hole to hide in.
That is what Delhi is and has been
So, are and were all political leadership
Holing in there, as criminals to rule over us.

Can you see see otherwise,
Delhi anywhere in India's ancient  history
Where from and through India came up with
Its all all loving, all encompassing, deep-into-soul vision.

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