Monday, December 5, 2011


Unconditionally unconditional is love.

While in love one will be made
To be transparent, formless and colorless.

That is why and how
God and truth are
Colorless, formless and transparent.
Never seen and never caught.
As within everyone;
Meantime, beyond every one
When in the world of colors and forms.

Mad in love
Seeking and following love, God,
Every point, every corner in this universe
Seeing them as the paths trodden for me by my love
To seek and feel him, to hug and embrace him
Without being seen and without being caught
By any.

Dear my son,
Colorless, formless and transparent
You never get seen and caught
As you will become
Beyond all comprehensions..

Any glimpse and any smell
Any sign and any mark
Will burn in me the fuel
To go after and fall further in my love
With no feel of exhaustion or extinction.

Dear my son,
Colorless and transparent
Never become exhausted and extinct.

So is my love, God,
Never exhausting and extinct.

PART - 2
Dear my son,
Who are there,
Feeling themselves outside and alienated,
Making loud noises
While we talk about love?

Are they the preachers?
Are they preaching
Or trying to preach to us
About God and death?

It looks like they are with
Threats and promises
On and about God,
Death and after-death.

Being outsiders or aliens,
Or at least with such their feel
Of being outsiders and aliens,
They can’t help other than
With threats and promises.

Dear my son,
Open my open doors
And tell them leave the place
At least not to disturb themselves.

And at least one wouldn’t like to be disturbed
While they are in love-making with their love.

PART - 3

Loving one will never have to knock from outside.

Rather, they will knock from inside.

Because transparence, formlessness and colorlessness
Will take all the bars and barriers away.

That is why, dear my son,
The eggs and seeds
While sprouting and hatched
Get opened from inside.
For love of life and God.
For love for life and God.

Dear my son,
So it is true as well
That we are never closed to make them
Knock at our doors.

Rather we are open in openness
Loving the great openness,
God or life.

PART - 4
Still they make all their effort
With threats and promises
As if they are knocking very hard.

Dear my son,
Let them know,
Death is only a door to me,
Which I really crave for,
To get into my love
To be one with him.

Till the time I am dead,
Or till I recover or uncover
From the cover of sickness of physicality,
Or till I reach the world of
Colorless and formless transparency,
I will be growing and evolving
In and with my love
In the ways of making and trying to make love.

PART – 5
Dear my son,
In my love, or in my talk with my love,
From near the door, death,
Where the colors and forms may matter,
And where transparency could be
A stage to be reached,
I am in and with the tone and tongue.

And, dear my son, in this my talk with my love
I may resort to any tone and tongue,
Then and there possible and available,
As my love has no particular tongue
Other than the tongue of no- tongue of love.
The tongue of real feel for him

PART - 6
Dear my son,
My talk with my love is my prayer.

And the prayer mine is my worship.
Selfless acknowledgment and praising of him.

And of my great love to him.

With no compulsion, by one’s own impulses,
It comes up, spontaneously, by itself.

Dear my son, in love
No one will be there to imitate
And no one will be there to command
With dos and don’ts.

It is a continuous flow in and out.
It is a kind of continuous evaporation
When one is really hot with love.

(....... Continued .......)

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