Monday, May 23, 2011

The poweful survives naturally without going for belittling others

We are unknown to each other...

Still thought to have some words with you.

Don't worry and panic.
To be attacked is not one's blame,
But a quality.

No one will stone at the trees
If there are no fruits on them.

So, knowing this, to this level, be confident
Without letting your confidence to look like arrogance.

If any one happens to attck you beyond a level
It is because of their feel of defeat.
And it is because they are weak and helpless
In front of the strength and quality (fruits) you have in you.

The poweful survives naturally
Without going for belittling others.

However, be aware that the strength and quality yours
Are needed to those at the ground level.

So, for that, be down to ground zero level reality.

Being with ground zero level reality
Will make sure that you can withstand any storm
And no storms can uproot you.

On strange paths of knowing the unknown
Strangers will have all the chances to know each other

So, is this writing to you.

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