Thursday, July 24, 2014

Interacting with dancers - Earning and burning the purposelessness of the whole.

The question one never dares to ask.

From nowhere.

But from my better half,
Better hollow half.

“What will you get by writing?”

The question seemed 
Originating from inside the bone
And touching inside the bone.
Inside the hollowness of the whole.

The sparrows or crows
Pecking on the mirror
Shoot out the same question.

Their sheer ignorance
Makes them poke and peck
On mirror, against its own reflection,
As the big unanswerable question.

I was answer-less.


I had no purpose.
And I do have no purpose
But being in the state of being,
Experiencing the great ecstasy of is-ness.
The great ecstasy of living and existing
In and with the whole.
Fulfilling the purposelessness
Of the whole.
Earning and burning
The purposelessness of the whole.

                                  (Continued .......)

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