Saturday, February 8, 2014

Play not for a century or a long inning.

My son,
Play not for a century or a long inning.

Play for each ball
And play each ball.

All centuries and long innings are played
Only by playing each ball.

So, attend only one ball
And have an inbuilt easy feeling of
Having to face every time
Only one ball.


The same way, my son,
Your life too.

Live not for a long life
And live not a long life.

Rather, live for and in
Each day, each moment.
With an easy inbuilt feeling of
Having to live every time
Only one moment and one day.

You will have ever to live
Each moment and day only.


Three things are must
To play and live.

Without those three,
You can’t play and live.

Attention (vigilance) to what you do,
Effort or hard work till no end,
And patience or ability to wait till no end.


As a precondition
To be attentive,
Hard working and patient,
You must have the salt in you.

The salt of love and passion
To mix in what you do and cook.

Without the salt,
The cheapest, but the most important,
The food won’t taste good,
Even if you put in it
The most costly all other things.

Your innings and life too
Will be tasteless
If you are unable to mix it
With the salt of love and passion.

You won’t be able
To attend and enjoy such a life.

Hence, you will be made
To be careless, impatient and lazy
In and towards your life.
Towards anything in life.


Because, my son,
You can’t chew and enjoy
What you don’t taste good.

You can’t be
Patient, caring and hard working
For what you don’t like
And for what you don’t have passion.

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