Sunday, May 19, 2013

Leaving Kuwait - on 24th May 2013 (Friday) - After 12 years and more...... Bye to all......

Dear all….,

With sincere thanks to all of you
For all the support and help
I got from all of you hitherto
And with some simple notes, as below,
Here goes my leaving note:

“Expect not or try not
To use thread in place of needles
And needles in place of thread.

You may have such argument that
‘Threads stand and stay long
Needing no further space and freedom.’

But the threads are never
Further creative and innovative,
Than to shelter itself and stay long
In the same place, in the same hole
Found for them by the needles.

You may further have such complaint that
‘Needles will need and ask for freedom and space.
They will also need place or hands
To stand in or to hold it with confidence in it.

True. But the needles will act and play the game
Of finding, creating and treading new paths.

Needles can’t be but creative and innovative
And can’t be but finding and initiating new paths.

Needles, in its wayfaring of continuous movement
Live only to tread, create and find new holes
For the threads (generations) behind it
To stay and live in for long and ever.

Needles are the leaders and prophets.
They move in and out, for others.

Coming in, they will go and disappear
On their way of making further more inventions and innovations
To create further more new paths and thoughts.

Needles can never stay long
In the same place for the same cause.


Mistakes are not mistakes
But the causes of and for new births –
New dots of continuity- to dance of life.


From unknown and to the unknown
The needle wayfarer moves strangely in and out
Keeping his unknown-ness intact.

Never identified, never recognized
He will move in and out.

Being a wind or a dust in the wind,
His only qualification and title is
 “Strangeness” and, thereby, “Wayfaring”.

A stranger wayfarer.


So is he a man of no religion -
Never defined and never confined.

For him, religion is a concept of confinement
Wherein stops, or get stuck, the spiritual seeking,
And whereby one happens to worship
Devil in the name of God.

So is he a man of no organizations too.

For him, organizations are the world
So closed and small
That one easily becomes big.

The world of no-organization is so big
That one will become very small.

That is why and how
The biggest and mightiest truth, God, too
Opted for himself to be the smallest

Creating this big a universe in front of him and us
As the shield, he unmade him to be
The most unseen, unnoticed and unknown an element


For a wayfarer,
Life is in insecurities
Of infinite openness and freedom
Than in the full, finite and tight securities
Of closed world of womb and tomb.

That is why, he says, life of humans or any being
Start by coming out of secure womb.


Wayfaring has no start and end.
It never starts from the hole of womb.
And it will never end in the hole of tomb.

Life is ever continuing
Passing by from one to another.
For that he says:

‘One simple dot may mean a “full stop”.

“But, what would many of such simple dots mean?”

“Not many full stops”.

But “infinity”.

“Continuity” in the world of “infinity”.

Collection of finite dots or stops constitute infinity.
Collection of finite stops constitute movement and flow.


So, leaving Kuwait, passing by,
A closed world of material security
To enter into the world of openness
Of spiritual insecurities and uncertainties
Preferring dots of infinity to the only one finite dot.


Every finishing is a start too
And every start denotes to
An end to the phase behind.

Born because we died from the womb.
Again we will die from here to be reborn somewhere.
That is how the setting down causes the rising up.


A decision, whatever be its kind
And for whatever be it is for, 
At least will give:

A breath of relief and consolation
To those who are jealous

A breath of reminder
To those who are courageous

A  breath of lesson
To those who are coward and afraid.


Decision to do anything new
Will be welcomed or resisted the most
By two quite opposite groups equally.

By his real friends
To see their friend is on the path of growth and prosperity
And is in and with change and novelty.

By his real enemies, who will also be jealous,
To see their enemy is on the path of regression and collapse
And is misguided , derailed or stagnant
In and with dead, old and stinking world.


So, leaving Kuwait.

Just for leaving….

To be moving and wayfaring.


Without moving continuously
A stranger or a wayfarer
Cannot be a stranger or a wayfarer
And this universe can’t be the way it is.

And any one who continues to be moving
Can’t get any other title
Than that of a ‘wayfarer’ or a ‘stranger’.

*************  *************

Question may arise
Why a stranger or a wayfarer
Should move or leave?

Answer is:
The whole universe is in flex and flow
And is in the action of spontaneous dance.

No one can dance without moving
And leaving one step for other.

And just because
Nothing can attract a wayfarer,
Except for a while, that too for curiosity.

And because
A wayfarer is not an iron piece
And this world is not a magnet in front of him.


As a vehicle with purpose to meet and reach
He has to be in continuous running.

He can’t sit and he can’t run only for filling fuel.

Rather he has certain purpose to meet
And certain meaning to find.
The great purpose of purposelessness.
The great meaning of meaninglessness.

He may need fuel.
But he can’t run and live only for the fuel.

He may need to work for finding fuel.
But he can’t surrender him and all his life
Only for the fuel and for the work of finding fuel.


So a wayfarer never happens
To be stuck in his way of wayfaring.

He may not be a wind,
But he will be like at least a dust in the wind.
Ever moving in and with the wind
To the direction it takes.


And he happens to get up,
Feeling compelled from within,
To leave any spot, any dining table.

He will have the mindset of
Feeling full in his stomach,
Even if a lot remaining on the table.

He may be hungry and he will be hungry.
But will never be hungry and tired
To be stuck in the way.

He lives in present
And he doesn’t’ wait for future.

Future will come to him
Only in the form and dress of present.

So, he doesn’t wait before any table
To become hungry again, for future.

He knows, for his reason of no-reason,
Wherever he goes in his wayfaring,
A dining table for him to dine will be
In waiting as present.


So, answering the questions
The stranger wayfarer has only one thing to say

“To seek for stomach and physic,
There should be a limit and stop,

Even if there is no barriers
And nobody asks for such barriers,
One should put his own barrier and boundary.

But to seek the meaning or spirit
There should be no limit and stop.

Even if there are barriers
And even if the barriers are asked for
One should break them and go further seeking.”


Human wants are limited.
Very limited, and are never unlimited.

Human needs can further be limited to nil
If they come out of illusory world -
The world of mere physicality.

Adam Smith and any other economist were wrong
To say human wants are unlimited.

It is the sickness that makes our needs to be unlimited.
It is the sickness that creates hollowness in us to feel never filled.
The sickness of physicality and its sickness of desires
Whereby the physic and its mind becomes a disease or infection
That affects our soul / spirit that is pure.

Even physically thinking, what are and were our real needs.

Air, the thing one needs the most, is free in and by the bounty of nature.

Water, the second most needed thing, is also free in and from mother nature.

Light and heat, with which life sustains and survives, is also freely free in nature.

Food, the fuel with which one runs and functions, is in nature free of any intervention
unless we complicate and obstruct its free distribution by nature.

Shelter. The whole nature is your shelter and in the whole nature you have shelter
If you are really ready to feel you are sheltered.

Opposite sex, by which one harmonizes in and reproduces, is also free in and by nature.

Peace of mind. The thing one has to find from within.  Can never be produced, supplied or found in the market.

All other needs are unwanted and are created artificial needs
For which humans are made to work and burn his life.
For which humans will have to burden and corrupt his soul.

Adam Smith or any other economists knew

Only those who have more needs, artificial needs.
Not those who are rich with less needs and with no artificial needs.

Rich are the ones who have fewer needs
And who do not want to have more.
Rich are those who have the feel of satisfaction.

Rich are not the ones who have everything
But feeling hollow and are not happy and satisfied.

Rich are  not those who need to have more and feel never full.

They are poor with all their millions and billions to count
They are poor with more needs and their burning feel to have more

Human needs will become unlimited
If he is trapped in illusory dreams
And living with sickness of desires of ignorance
And happens to make unnecessary as his necessaries.


Came here in Kuwait,
To be one among thousands in the queue
For the ration of physical life
Of days, months and years.

Reaching here I could see thousands like me,
Physically, in such physical queues.
Among them were millionaires and billionaires
Still in the same queue as poor beggars.

Luckily, getting into the front row of the queue,
Knowingly or unknowingly,
I asked myself, “what I am here for?”.

The answer was very simple:
“For the physical ration mine”.

So, the next question was:
“How long should I be here in this queue
If I really go with the logic of getting ration?

Answer: “Till I am sure I got the ration I came for”.

Third question was:
When I can be sure I got the ration I cam for?”

“When you have the mindset
That recognizes, gets satisfied and becomes happy.

“Then and there you are and you become rich,
Even if you happen to be living in a hut
With no penny remaining in your hand.”

“And if you won’t have that mindset
That recognizes, satisfies and becomes happy,
Then and there you will remain ever as poor,
Even if you happen to be living in palaces
With millions and billion in your savings to count”

********* *******

So, now, my friends, physical friends,
You have to advise me.

“For what I should not leave?”
“Why shouldn’t I leave?”

Shouldn’t I give the chance I got to others as well
When they are also waiting in the queue for their ration?

Please advise me again. 
If I got what I came for, or more,
Should I continue my stand in the queue
To collect more and more into my sack?

Just to increase my disease of desires and needs
Just for the reason I am in front line of the queue
Or just because there is more on the table
And I can have more at others cost

******************* ***************

True to say frankly,
I came here just to earn an amount
That can buy an auto rickshaw.

Never with an idea
To earn the sickness of desire
And its outcome of burnt death

Burning in the fire of desire,
Increasing the number of needs,
I can easily be physically rich.


Luckily could work and had the money 
That can buy an auto rickshaw.

I can change my dreams and desires
To buying aero planes and airport together.
Especially when I am here in my job.

*************** *************

But the question is
Should I spoil or pollute my self, my soul,
Wanting more and more
Creating more bigger list of requirements?

Or should I eat only till my hunger is gone?

Or should I eat, even after hunger is gone,
Just because there is big amount of food
Remaining on the table?

***************  *****************

What I decided is to leave the table,
The dining table of Kuwait.
To others who are hungry and waiting.

I decided not to create in me,
Or not to cause in me a mindset that will ask me
To buy an Airplane and airport together
And to remain here, increasing my needs and desires,
Till children of my grand children are employed and married,
Even after I had enough to buy auto-rickshaw or airplane and airport.

*****************  *************

I can increase the number of breads in my hands.
No one can stop me while I am here in the front most
In the queue, with my job.

I can disallow many others in the queue, behind me,
And deny them with my continuous presence,
What I could earn  and have. 

******************  ***************

So, am I leaving from the queue, my job,
Happily with the bread for my children for the day.

For those behind me, who are and were denied.

Denied ones as well have the same right
In the opportunity I got to sustain.

************* ******************

True, sky is very high. 
Higher and higher we can fly too.

But, heavier and deeper will be the fall down
From unwanted heights we reach.


True, sky is very high and wide open. 

Still, no fly or bird, hitherto, have flown
All the heights of all the skies physically.

Not because they can’t,
But because they don’t need too.

*************  ******

Fact is fact.
The whole ocean is there in front of us for free,
But no one will need to drink all the water in it.

One has to stop when one is full and quenched.

To do so, one has to be able to feel and know
That he is full and quenched.

One has to be wise enough to drink what he needs 
And breath in only the amount he needs.

Or else, knowing or unknowing,
He will be killing himself.
Be it physically or spiritually.


There is no limit and boundary for material seeking.
But one should make by his own limit and boundary to save his soul.

Spiritually, there may be only boundaries, definitions and limits,
Set by Muhammed or Buddha or Jesus,
But one should break them all
To fly beyond weightlessly with conviction.


One should not get burnt
Just to earn his own death and his burnt life’s ash.


Spiritually, every one has got a sky,
But somehow, limited and defined by others,
Be it by Buddha or Mohammed or Jesus or any.

So are they at peace in their orthodoxy
Not to further seek but to follow.


But materially, with their orthodoxy,
No one follows any other
And each one keeps his own path and sky
Open, undefined and unlimited.

Hence everyone, in real life,
Live only the life that is physical and material

Spirit and spirituality is used
Only to enhance his material seeking and earning.


And a final note to
The corporate leaders and executives

Don’t ever be brooding over the stones
To hatch them into chicks
Thinking they are the eggs

And never throw away the eggs and seeds in your hands
Thinking they are the stones and thorns in your way forward.

Tel: 0091 9747376125

hamra� �A@ m � ؟� span>

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