Saturday, October 20, 2012


You may feel & say you are not lucky
And, with all your talent and skills,
You didn't get blessed by luck.

But, nature has other way to put it.

If you have talent and skill why should you go for luck too?
Luck is for those who are not talented and skilled.

Skilled and talented should put little salt and spice
Of hard work and dedication to make
The dish of their skill and talent tastier & different.

The skill and talent they have
Are the eggs of luck
Over which they need to brood
With dedication and hard work
To get the chicks out.

For any plant or tree
The root and stem represent hard work and dedication,
On which shoot out the branches
With leaves, fruits and flowers of success.

*************** *********

And, my son,
Again if you fee you didn't get an entry
For lack of luck, or back luck, take it other way round

You are getting a good signal and lesson from nature,
With the bonus time for another chance,
To brush and polish your skill and talent
To increase it with your work hard.

When unlucky
You will get chance to increase your talent and skill.


Also my son,
If you say that some one transgressed
In to your track, to reach in front of you ,
To delay and cause you to be little behind,

Nature, from your path side, has something to remind you
That you too have reached this near and covered this distance
Because of many others leaving your track in the same way
For whatever reasons nature has caused them to have.

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