Wednesday, March 7, 2012



Silence is great.
But that shouldn't mean one has to be silent
Against violence and violations.
And non-violence doesn't mean silence.

One’s ability to respond and react
Is one’s life and livingness.

To respond and ability to respond is
One’s responsibility in his life.


Rules are made by humans or good humans.
No rules can make humans or good humans.

Laws and rules are basically for
The comfort and convenience of humans.

Humans are not for the convenience and comfort of laws and rules.

Rules and laws are not to live by itself and for itself
And are not to give the satisfaction to itself.

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So are the rules and laws (have been and will be) broken through out,
For the comfort, convenience and welfare of the whole society.
For treading the new path of innovations and inventions.
For being wise, logical and workable.

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No rule and law has ever been kept as such intact through out the history.
No rule and law has withstood the test of time without getting changed.

So itself, rather than becoming the worshippers of laws and rules
One has to be the worshiper of change and advancement.

One has to be the worshipper of truth and God,
The sole source of changes and evolution, thereby the advancement.

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Breaking the laws and rules
The earth will not break and skies will not thunder

Even otherwise, all the laws and rules are made
By giving the exemption and excuses for breaking.
That is why innocent children and unintended mistakes
Are made as exemption and exception to any law.

Because there in flow is the real life and spontaneity

Because, children represents the future and hope.

Because children represent the change and flow of spontaneity.

And because laws and rules represent the past and dead.

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If we give excuses and exemptions
We have to start by giving excuses to the very little children,
And for the benefit and welfare of the children
Than to the dead laws and rules.

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Question here should be:
Whether we are here to serve
The causes and welfare of doors and walls
Or are we here to serve the causes and welfare of life,
Its trickling, the little innocent children and their easy life.

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Laws and rules are just to facilitate and ease life,
Smoothen the flow and functioning of life;
Never is it to obstruct the easy flow of life.

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Strictly imposing and abiding by the rule and law for abiding sake
Any one will become only blind and soul-less.
They will make living one to be dead.

That is how examples of Stalin, Hitler and Saddam were
Made to be the way they were.
That is how state terrorism happens to happen.

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It is for life and its children the whole world is living and working.
All serious things in big offices are done by each
To care and grow their children and life.


We have to blame ourselves.
If we can’t question and correct this illogicity and foolishness
Of laws and rules
At least we have to be broad and wise enough
To see that life and its small children are not punished
Because of our strict abiding of wrong and unwanted rule
For no good benefit, logic and reason.

Laws and rules should belong to and for life.
Never vice versa.


If we don’t see any illogicity and we don’t want to question the authorities,
We can’t come up with a workable solution,
Even when we are very strict about abiding by the rules and laws.

To blindly implement and abide by the blind rule and law
One doesn’t need to have any creative or innovative or intuitive mind.

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One is allowed to get in any examination
Within half an hour after the start of the exam.
Even in our system.
And, for this reason, no one will be allowed to get out
Within this first half an hour of start of exams.
So rules are made in favor of, and to suit, late comers.
To give excuse and exemption.

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If the laws and rules were not broken
For the comfort and convenience of humans,
For the benefit and welfare of the humans,
For the good reason and logic, applying the wisdom,
We would not have advanced with technology and better system
And would not have reached to this modern age of I-phones and democracy.

So, anything will be broken to correct it from within and without.

Breaking and demolishing is part of thrust of change and evolution.


Only one in millions will think and break.
Others, millions, will blindly follow.

One is the needle and other millions are only the thread.

And these breaker, needles, are and were all the great people of all time,
Though they were considered the drop out of the system and society in their time.
Be it Buddha or Krishna or Jesus or Mohammed or Einstein or Edison.

So, try each one of you to be that one too,
Than only as one among blind millions, thread.


Only breakers of laws and rules
Tread the new paths of better convenience and sight.

They came up with more workable and acceptable ones.

Only the breakers of laws and rule can create and tread
New paths of new inventions, initiatives and greater innovations
With higher logic and greater wisdom.

Majority will lay and sleep on any law and rule
Like the thread lay on the clothes, through the holes.

The breaking needles, the breakers,
Make the new holes and new paths
To stitch with the thread, thereby,
To let them lay and sleep on the cloth.

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Children have to learn and have to be taught
To break the laws and rules with audacity, confidence and boldness,
For the good logic, reason and well being of the society,
For the workability and practicability,

Children never have to learn and never have to be taught
To blindly obey and follow the rules and laws
Of no logic and applying no wisdom and reason.


If the children can’t break the laws and rules
They will be made to be like pot plants and bonsai trees.

May they get noticed and rewarded like academicians and bureaucrats.
Cut and shaped, and rewarded for that with big salaries.

But they can’t beat the real big trees of big forest.

They can't grow into height of skies, unnoticed and unrewarded.
Like Mahatma Gandhi or Mohammed or Krishna
Or Jesus or Steve jobs or Bill gates or Einstein.

Those greats were drop-outs of their time
From the society and system.

Because they broke the law
And acting like needles, they made new holes
As the new paths for the threads, majority,
To stay and sleep on.

Only they could tread new paths
Of development, innovations and visions

Because, to react and respond, even otherwise,
Any such needle will have its own logic and reason
Getting revealed from the whole life, God.


After all, laws and rules means
vapors that went up
From the behavior patterns of humans
Through out the time and history.

The same vapors, clouded over,
Come down raining on the same humans
As the laws and rules.

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