Thursday, March 29, 2012

A toy in my hand, God is.

A toy in the hands of God, I am.
He plays, the way he wants.

So, the life.

A toy that can be
Broken and not broken

For no wrong and right


A toy in my hand, God is.
I play the way I want.

So, the life, God.

A toy that can be
Broken and not broken

For no wrong and right

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Desires and wishes are
Like the basket of seeds/grass
Put (tied on to the cart) little in front of us,
The donkeys and horses, to make us move.

Horses and donkeys move, for the grass and seeds,
Pulling the cart of life behind.

Thus moves and advances the life with karmas.
More and more karmas.

So are the realized ones made to see and say
That the wishes/desires are the soul and root reason
Of all toils and sorrows/sadness...

So, if one can go with life smooth,
He should not feel imperfection - non-fulfillment,
Knowing that the wishes are those will mislead.

God is unable to talk about me. - That is what and how God is.

I am unable to talk about god...
Rather God is talking about me...
That is what I am, why I am.
That is what and how my life is.
The way God is.
Just his talk.
His words and verses about himself.


God is unable to talk about me...
Rather I am talking about God...
That is what God is, why God is.
The way I am and my life is.
That is what and how God is.
Just my talk and walk.
As my moves and words about myself.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Learning is
To know functioning of this universe or life or God
And to decide how he is and can be fitting and suiting in it.

Working is, knowingly or unknowingly,
One’s partaking and assisting,
Giving his role and share,
In the functioning of life and universality.
Or in the functioning of God.

Learning is
Seeing from distance the hand and tools of God and life,
Acting and working,
In shaping and designing life and universe.

Working is
Becoming the hands and tools of life and God
In shaping and designing this universality and life in it.

Learning is
To see the angels, how they are managing and managed,
In their work of shaping, designing and functioning this life and universe.

Working is
One’s becoming the angel
In shaping, designing and functioning of this life and universe.


By living and by doing anything in life
No one is doing other than the work of God, i.e. life.
No one is becoming other than the angel.

Monday, March 19, 2012



Dear Rajeem,
Just because beauty is there in you,
You happen to see the same in others.
Beauty of your openness.

Being open, lucky, you can give and take.

Being open, and giving and taking,
One can easily see and create the beauty.

When one is true...,
For him all are equally true.


Dear Rajeem,
More beauty is with, and more wise is,
One who can acknowledge and appreciate
Than the one who is acknowledged and appreciated.

Respecting one is greater than respected one.

He is more understanding,
And acknowledging the same,
In a very positive way.

He is at giving end.
More broader than one at receiving end.
He works like catalyst for others' growth and prosperity.

Without being open,
One can neither give nor receive.


Dear Sajid,
Great with your great understanding.

It is true for you, and it has to be true for you, the way you understand.

One can understand and say the things only in the way he understands.

No one can walk on others' foot and no one can talk with others' tongue.

So, you can understand the truth only in the way you can.

It is no one's mistake to understand or not to understand other's view.
Life and truth is in the way how one takes and looks at.

That is why from the same earth different plants come up
With different fruits and flowers in different colors and tastes ....

One has not to deny others,
To claim exclusivity for him and to say
Only he/it is true and correct.
Give all their chance....
Thanks a lot.

Dear Sajid,
Great to hear you again.
Nobody has written any poetry here.
First of all, it is only a misunderstanding,
For which the support of writer's claim is not there.
Still you can understand the way you want.
Only the shape will not make writing to poetry
Like Mango is not only in its color and shape
But it is in its fruit and taste too.

Secondly, may be poetry is like this and that for you...
True for you...

You may have seen fire in picture.
Or such poetry.

Fire in the picture can't have the real heat and light,
And won't come in use, except for its external beauty.

Real poetry is like real fire.
It is not a play of and with words.
It will have a soul and it will have heavy heat.
The soul and heat that sustain life

For those who see the fire from distance,
It is only a colorful decoration.
But fire is not only for being seen
From distance and externally.

It is also for cooking, light and heat
For those who are really near and needing.
Going more near, it will burn you, your fingers.

Hope, dear Sajid, you will try to understand things in this way too,
Even when, I totally agree,
What you understand from your perspective
Is not and cannot be totally wrong,
Unless you claim exclusivity for the same
Aggressively denying others.

Dear Jayan....
Only when open, one can see and acknowledge.
Openness brings in the great flow
And the great dance of spontaneity....

So, only in openness and when open,
One can have in him the great flow and dance.
Interacting and harmonizing dance.

God is open and in openness.
So in great flow of spontaneity and its great dance.

The same God, if relatively closed and confined into our definitions,
Will be made to be devil.

And all defined (and confined) Gods are
Only the devils of threats and promises
Preaching lessons to be extreme,intolerant and violent
And sowing only the seeds of violence, extremism and intolerance.

And the devil is just a relative aspect of the same absolute God.
Just relative.
Relative confined version of God.

Dear Jayan,
That which has to come will surely come....
For that only all others things.
To bring in and up the real truth of no right and wrong.
The real truth of no special direction and language.
The real truth that can accommodate and shelter all other relative truths.
Considering no one to be wrong, but right, relatively.

Thanks for your courage to come out with the encouraging words.....
To further up the dance and flow.


I am both false and true.

Identified with God, the whole, the life,
I am true and truth.
Fully true and truth.

Identified with and by "me",
Judging separate in being,
I am false. Empty false.
Fully empty false.

I, as separate, am only a feel
Created or caused to be created
By millions and millions of factors,
Within and without, working
Without being overseen or controlled by me.

I, with God, am only a fact
Creating or causing to create
Millions and millions of factors,
Within and without, working
Overseen or controlled.


Use and usefulness of life is compulsory.

It is a must and a fatal thing...

Uselessly everyone is equally useful.

Like millions of factors made you happen,
As an effect and a feel,
You will also become a factor among many factors
And a cause among many causes
To further make millions of things happen.

It is not because one intends to be useful...

Mango tree is the way it is,
Irrespective of it intends, or not, to be so.


Intention mostly corrupts....
Purposes corrupt the things
First of all from within, then without.

Humans intended a lot
And corrupted the whole a lot
Till he made himself to be a cancer cell.


Who doesn’t want to escape?
From this false feel of being separate being?
Who can help but escape from this falseness?

That is why the paradise is promised...
As the greatest escaping place....
Where the falseness will vanish
To merge it to be one with the only one, the whole.
Without having to intend or to do anything intentionally.

So as not to corrupt and be corrupted with efforts.
A promised stage of oneness
Beyond your intention and toil.
Beyond your world of intention and toil

To be without bothering about anything
And without being responsible for anything enjoyed.

A dream stage for a clear cut escape.

The escape of merging in and with the whole.


Without escaping, no one lives.

And no one can live without escaping
From the falseness of “I” that is separate.

This is the reason, everyone is really eager
To get engaged and busy with something or other.
Otherwise they will feel bored and irritated.

Just for the reason they can't face
Their false separate self or being and its false "I"

This is the reason for every one to stick
To his faith and belief, mostly got by birth,
To escape and hide in the false cover of society.

They need to escape from the risk of facing themselves
And from the responsibility of thinking and finding new

And they need to escape from the insecurity issues it may create thereby.


True. Death is compulsory. A must.
For the great move and flow to dance.

But, only difference is that
It is compulsory escape, in most of the cases,
From the false feel of separate being and existence.

And in some cases, some people even opt it
Like those whom we call martyrs
Or those who commit suicide.

That too to escape.
From the false feel of separate being and existence.


Death is compulsory, just because
It is for recycling the same life.

And it is part of, or it is preparing the life for, recycling.


You can say it is not.

Same way some other can say it is.

It is according to the feel, false or true, you have.


I am stating this as it is generally applicable.
Not to be applicable only in poetry or philosophy...

You can say no.
But this is what is true and actual.


That is the case with every one.

One or other way, they all
Escape for what they don't want.


Sleeping is an escape.

Half our life is almost in sheer escape by sleeping.
Enjoying that sleep.

Other half also, everyone spends in what he likes
And to escape from what he doesn’t like.

So, no one can live without escaping
From what he is afraid of.
And from what he doesn’t like.

Even when no one can escape from the fact of life or death.
From the fact of true God and godliness.


I am not saying this for arguments.

Arguments will close the doors.

Rather, I am saying as this is factual and actual.

By arguing, one can only close the door to ensure
What is inside is kept right and intact
And nothing new, at least for their feel, enter in.


Without being open, one will not get new.
At least one’s windows have to be open.

If so, he is not in arguments.
He is in seeking.
Opening one’s windows,
He is interacting.
He is sharing.

If that is the case,
There won’t be any point that one can’t agree with.

Argument only closes the door from inside
Knowing and thinking the other is
Knocking at your doors from out side.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012



Hear, and heed to, others.
You are hearing, and heeding to,
The messengers and prophets.


I can’t say what I don’t know.

I can’t say lie on God or truth or life.

Be sure,
Every one is equally the prophets and messengers
Of God, life.
In their different ways, different walks.

Like each cell and tissue of the body, every one works,
Passing, and working on, their messages.


No one is first and no one is last.
Every one is in the dance of continuity,
And for the dance of continuity.

Every one is in their time and place,
For the need of their time and event.


Time, the history of life, will say
That there is no messenger and prophet,
Who could win the whole,
And who had lost the whole.


Each time and place will have
Its own singers and players.

No one will have to sing and play
For the all the time and for all the places.


So are and were all Einstein and Stephen Hawkins, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates,
Bringing in the messages of changes to speed up the change in life.

So are and were all the so-called fools and intelligents of all time,
Bringing in the relief, easiness and comfort in life, one or other ways.

So are and were all the criminals and goons doing their part and role,
Creating checks for the balancing solution to come to help the life advance further.

Like all Mohammed, Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Rama, etc. were.

In their own time and place, with no other choice
Than to do what life, God, wanted them to talk and do.
Irrespective of their claiming or not claiming,
Irrespective of their being called or not called,
As the messengers and prophets.

What we call violence and disorder is the order and is for the order.
And It is part of the order and balancing.
Whom we call criminals and goons, they are doing and role,
In the same fashion and way the priests and peers do, for life, God,
Being themselves selflessly the messengers and prophets,
In their own walks and ways, of life and God.

Nothing happen unwanted and nothing happen for nothing.


No one can be but who they are and the way they are,
Giving their contributions and messages to the life, the whole,
For and on behalf of the whole, life, God.

As if they are/were entrusted with those roles,
Without their choice or knowledge even.


God, by being God, do not earn
Other than him or his being of God of no-God.

By living, no one earn other than life
Or, life’s burning and earning of life

Everyone is doing or performing the role
What God and life has to do and perform for itself
To burn and ear the same itself, the life or God,
Giving the same different color and cover.


God does what life wants,
And life does what God wants.
Through each and every one and thing.
Call him God or no-God.
Call it life or no-life, death.


So, even the deniers of God and life are
The means and methods God and life resort to,
To do the part of checking and balancing.

They also are none other than
The prophets and messengers of life, God.

They do their part in their walks and ways.
Acknowledging or ignoring.
Denying or believing.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012



Silence is great.
But that shouldn't mean one has to be silent
Against violence and violations.
And non-violence doesn't mean silence.

One’s ability to respond and react
Is one’s life and livingness.

To respond and ability to respond is
One’s responsibility in his life.


Rules are made by humans or good humans.
No rules can make humans or good humans.

Laws and rules are basically for
The comfort and convenience of humans.

Humans are not for the convenience and comfort of laws and rules.

Rules and laws are not to live by itself and for itself
And are not to give the satisfaction to itself.

*************** ************

So are the rules and laws (have been and will be) broken through out,
For the comfort, convenience and welfare of the whole society.
For treading the new path of innovations and inventions.
For being wise, logical and workable.

**************** ****************

No rule and law has ever been kept as such intact through out the history.
No rule and law has withstood the test of time without getting changed.

So itself, rather than becoming the worshippers of laws and rules
One has to be the worshiper of change and advancement.

One has to be the worshipper of truth and God,
The sole source of changes and evolution, thereby the advancement.

************** ************

Breaking the laws and rules
The earth will not break and skies will not thunder

Even otherwise, all the laws and rules are made
By giving the exemption and excuses for breaking.
That is why innocent children and unintended mistakes
Are made as exemption and exception to any law.

Because there in flow is the real life and spontaneity

Because, children represents the future and hope.

Because children represent the change and flow of spontaneity.

And because laws and rules represent the past and dead.

************* ***********

If we give excuses and exemptions
We have to start by giving excuses to the very little children,
And for the benefit and welfare of the children
Than to the dead laws and rules.

************* ************

Question here should be:
Whether we are here to serve
The causes and welfare of doors and walls
Or are we here to serve the causes and welfare of life,
Its trickling, the little innocent children and their easy life.

*************** **********

Laws and rules are just to facilitate and ease life,
Smoothen the flow and functioning of life;
Never is it to obstruct the easy flow of life.

****************** **********

Strictly imposing and abiding by the rule and law for abiding sake
Any one will become only blind and soul-less.
They will make living one to be dead.

That is how examples of Stalin, Hitler and Saddam were
Made to be the way they were.
That is how state terrorism happens to happen.

************** ***********

It is for life and its children the whole world is living and working.
All serious things in big offices are done by each
To care and grow their children and life.


We have to blame ourselves.
If we can’t question and correct this illogicity and foolishness
Of laws and rules
At least we have to be broad and wise enough
To see that life and its small children are not punished
Because of our strict abiding of wrong and unwanted rule
For no good benefit, logic and reason.

Laws and rules should belong to and for life.
Never vice versa.


If we don’t see any illogicity and we don’t want to question the authorities,
We can’t come up with a workable solution,
Even when we are very strict about abiding by the rules and laws.

To blindly implement and abide by the blind rule and law
One doesn’t need to have any creative or innovative or intuitive mind.

*********** ************

One is allowed to get in any examination
Within half an hour after the start of the exam.
Even in our system.
And, for this reason, no one will be allowed to get out
Within this first half an hour of start of exams.
So rules are made in favor of, and to suit, late comers.
To give excuse and exemption.

************ *********

If the laws and rules were not broken
For the comfort and convenience of humans,
For the benefit and welfare of the humans,
For the good reason and logic, applying the wisdom,
We would not have advanced with technology and better system
And would not have reached to this modern age of I-phones and democracy.

So, anything will be broken to correct it from within and without.

Breaking and demolishing is part of thrust of change and evolution.


Only one in millions will think and break.
Others, millions, will blindly follow.

One is the needle and other millions are only the thread.

And these breaker, needles, are and were all the great people of all time,
Though they were considered the drop out of the system and society in their time.
Be it Buddha or Krishna or Jesus or Mohammed or Einstein or Edison.

So, try each one of you to be that one too,
Than only as one among blind millions, thread.


Only breakers of laws and rules
Tread the new paths of better convenience and sight.

They came up with more workable and acceptable ones.

Only the breakers of laws and rule can create and tread
New paths of new inventions, initiatives and greater innovations
With higher logic and greater wisdom.

Majority will lay and sleep on any law and rule
Like the thread lay on the clothes, through the holes.

The breaking needles, the breakers,
Make the new holes and new paths
To stitch with the thread, thereby,
To let them lay and sleep on the cloth.

************** **************

Children have to learn and have to be taught
To break the laws and rules with audacity, confidence and boldness,
For the good logic, reason and well being of the society,
For the workability and practicability,

Children never have to learn and never have to be taught
To blindly obey and follow the rules and laws
Of no logic and applying no wisdom and reason.


If the children can’t break the laws and rules
They will be made to be like pot plants and bonsai trees.

May they get noticed and rewarded like academicians and bureaucrats.
Cut and shaped, and rewarded for that with big salaries.

But they can’t beat the real big trees of big forest.

They can't grow into height of skies, unnoticed and unrewarded.
Like Mahatma Gandhi or Mohammed or Krishna
Or Jesus or Steve jobs or Bill gates or Einstein.

Those greats were drop-outs of their time
From the society and system.

Because they broke the law
And acting like needles, they made new holes
As the new paths for the threads, majority,
To stay and sleep on.

Only they could tread new paths
Of development, innovations and visions

Because, to react and respond, even otherwise,
Any such needle will have its own logic and reason
Getting revealed from the whole life, God.


After all, laws and rules means
vapors that went up
From the behavior patterns of humans
Through out the time and history.

The same vapors, clouded over,
Come down raining on the same humans
As the laws and rules.

Sunday, March 4, 2012



We love our great India. We all love our great mother India that accommodates, and stands for, all diversities within, with its great vision of oneness in diversity. We are, and have to be, really proud to be Indians, with its ancient history, visions and visionaries, accepting and considering all equally true. But all that should not mean, children of below 10 years old, whose parents do not speak Hindi as their mother tongue, have to be imposed with Hindi as a language, with the recent most origin.

It may be thought to be great to have excuses and make excuses. It may also be thought great to evade the questions without answering them. And it is always easy to put blame on others, than owning, and easily say CBSE syllabus is like this and that.

But greater and wiser attitude will be to act proactively and to proactively make suggestions and corrections with reasons and logics, than making logics and reasons for our excuses of putting blame on others. And greater responsibility of CBSE will be to make sure it is addressing the real issues encountered by the children than pursuing the propagation and imposition of Hindi, a language with the most recent origin. India is greater than Hindi language.

So, this letter/representation is made out of our sheer helplessness to raise hereby the following on subject matter of teaching of Hindi as a compulsory subject in CBSE Schools from UKG onwards. This representation is also made to address the real issues that our children face in their education process due to unwanted imposition of burdens of Hindi (as one more language with least influence in their life and career) that haunt them cruelly from their very childhood onwards, especially if the children are from non-Hindi speaking states/parents. We believe India has got deeper and greater history than Hindi as a language.

1. It is true; Hindi is national language of India. But it also true, Hindi, as a language, is not the mother tongue of all Indians. India is more than and greater than Hindi language. It is cruel to confine or identify India only with Hindi language.

2. Learning doesn’t mean, learning a lot number of languages. Languages are just packets. What would really matter is the quality and sweetness of the biscuits inside the packets.

3. We understand, CBSE is a workable syllabus (and has to be so), intended and designed for all Indians, even for those who are abroad, acknowledging, accepting and appreciating the very Indian vision and culture of oneness in diversity, be it in the case of region, or religion or language. It is also easily understandable that to know India and Indian culture and vision to learn Hindi, a language which has the most recent origin, is not a must.

4. We are not sure whether it is CBSE or CBSE Schools who are imposing Hindi as a compulsory subject on all non-Hindi people from UKG onwards, even when they are abroad, and even when they opt medium of their learning as English (not Hindi). We think it is very illogical and unwise to implement and impose Hindi where the medium of teaching and learning is English and majority of the students are non-Hindi speaking.

5. We understand, unless it is their mother tongue, Hindi has not to be imposed on children. CBSE schools are not imposing, or at least not even introducing, many other national things, which are easier and logical for them to introduce, implement and impose as national items/things. Cricket is the only game in which India excels, as of now. Why don’t CBSE at least introduce it in all CBSE schools (even abroad), even optionally? Why don’t CBSE schools teach and coach the children our national sport of Kabady?

6. We are made to understand that imposing of Hindi as a compulsory language is the problem/policy of certain CBSE schools only and it is the inability of such schools to cater to the needs, choices and tastes of its students. If so, we understand that it should be avoided and corrected from within CBSE schools, not CBSE. If not so, it should be corrected from CBSE.

7. Anywhere in this world, in any case, there will be options and choices, except in the case of one’s birth or on medium of learning once opted thereby. But in the case of learning or not learning Hindi by non-Hindi children in CBSE school, after they have opted English as their medium of learning, why can’t there be given option and choice to avoid Hindi from their compulsory curriculum? Our children are being compelled to carry beyond their capacity and strength, which has proved to be wrong and foolish throughout the history.

8. No language can be taught just by and through the books by making them part of curriculum. Language is learned from, first of all form one’s mother, then from the society which one is living in. Hindi as a language is equal to three languages when considering the number of alphabets and other linguistic technicalities it has got as a language. Tougher to learn and lesser its utility.

9. As we all know, Hindi is not a subject, but is only one of the many languages (one of the many means or packets). So children have to get all the right to choose or not to choose it. But, what we are practically seeing in CBSE Schools is that Hindi is imposed on children with more texts than any other subject has. And this relentless effort of imposing Hindi has been failing throughout to get any intended gain.

10. Hindi as a language to be learned by non-Hindi people doesn’t worth the effort put for the same. This language is not going to have any relevance or influence in their life or career. The children from non-Hindi belt have to learn their own mother tongue (plus the language of their religious affiliation, if any). Children are made to be like donkeys to take up only the burden of packets, without any fruit or biscuits in it or from it.

11. CBSE, thinking from Delhi, may not have (or feel) any conflict, in relation to the Hindi language, that innocent children are facing on day to day basis. CBSE Schools situated in Delhi or anywhere in Delhi may not face this problem. But CBSE should not be a system/method designed only for the people of Delhi or north Indians.

12. CBSE school in Kuwait or gulf countries or USA or UK is an school situating outside India. It is accommodating all Indians of different states in India and other nationals. Usually, any school located in certain place will have the chance of teaching the children the language of that locality only. And it won’t be tough for them to learn and follow their speaking language of their locality. But here it is different. So, the local language of Hindi belt (north India) has not to be a haunting ghost for non-Hindi children.

13. If India was a country of one and only language, it would be logical to implement a syllabus/curriculum compelling all to learn that only language. In that event, there will arise no conflict. But, unfortunately it is not the case and reality. And Indian constitution acknowledges and respects the diversity in our country and the diversity of the languages as well. Even Indian currency note is trying to carry and accommodate in it as many languages as it can.

14. Children have a very simple question. Should they be compelled to learn any language by-heart without understanding its meaning? The teachers in CBSE schools (or anywhere) can’t and do not make sure that the students understand the meaning of the lessons in Hindi they give. They take it for granted as they are from Hindi belt, as they are like them and their children. Like the children are sons and daughters of Hindi speaking people.

15. We love our great India. We all love our great mother India that accommodates, and stands for, all diversities within, with its great vision of oneness in diversity. We are, and have to be, really proud to be Indians, with its ancient history, visions and visionaries. But all that should not mean, children of below 10 years old, whose parents do not speak Hindi as their mother tongue, have to be imposed with Hindi as a language, with the recent most origin, on all in India..

Hope, at least to this our concern, CBSE would give us a kind response and will act proactively or help us to act pro-actively to move further to the concerned higher officials and authorities to help them open up their eyes, that happened to be closed by mistake.

Jai Hind.

With kind regards,

Abdul Raheem Puthiya Purayil

Thursday, March 1, 2012

To be ordinary is divine.... God, and truth, never pretends.

To be ordinary is divine....

God, and truth, never pretends,
And is in real ordinariness,
Without needing to claim.

Claims and its pretensions cause
The friction and its tensions,
Taking away from you
The original ordinary nature yours.

Only with ordinariness one is pure and free
Without fear and thoughtfulness
(Except of the day to day deals, then and there)...

With ordinariness lives the real wisdom.

Just for the reason that
Water just falls only down,
Never up....

Climbing up and clinging onto it
Is against the nature
And is against one’s own nature......

Efforts and hard woks are
The tongues of foolishness
Helping one to be extra-ordinary
Only to fall down as a fool finally.

Only the foolishness
And its purposes of purposefulness
Can help one to look serious in between
Diverting them to be unaware of
What they have really to be aware.
Never meditating.

He who lies down, fears no falls.
For, he only lives meditating.