Sunday, January 17, 2010

The very "RED RAT TRAP" of a Fearing God


For sure, Mohammed started as, and he was, a great person of high spirituality.
But somewhere he got mislead by the politics and power games….
Or somewhere he got misrepresented or misinterpreted by
The politics and power games that came either with him or after him…


It was really a good thing
The real issue of Murtadd (convert going out of Islam),
Which denies basic tenets of democracy and human rights of choice,
Freedom and basic human logic,
Is brought up.

And that is the core meaning of the concept/trap that
Muslim boys can marry Christian/JEWS (AHULUL KITAB);
Whereas Muslim girls cannot marry Christian/Jews boys.
(There is no other greater nation
With more divine books, visions and visionaries
Than the nation of India or Hindus.
Still they are not considered, by Arabs and Muslims,
As the people of Books - Ahlul Kita.
What a pity…!!!!
Can the blindness have any other better name…?)

Muslims, in their rule and when they were powerful,
Soon after Mohammed,
Killed Musailima and called or labeled him as "Liar"
Just because he (Musailama) had something different to say
And just because he declared himself to be a prophet,
(Which Mohammed did before him).

Now in the history you can hear his name only as
"Musailamath Al Kaddab" (Musailima, the Liar).
No other details and talks of him can be heard.
They and their God was afraid of "Musailamath Al Kaddab".

Meanwhile, please take note of a very simple fact that,
The very weak Muhammad was not killed
By any of the, so-called, strong Mekkan Mushrikeen (Polytheists)
(Remember, Mushrikeen (Polytheists), at that time were
Very strong at least with their majority in number),
Whom the Muslims depict as the real enemies and untouchable.

Mekkan Polytheists spared Muhammad to his freedom and choice.

Only thing they did not want from Mohammed was
His denial of their right of choice and freedom.
Their looking at God and Truth in their own way,
As they got it from their forefathers.

Mekkan Mushrikeen (Polytheists) did not wage any war against Muhammed
Or against the people with him

The very first ever battle of Badr
Was unilaterally created and imposed by Muhammad or his people
For no blame/wrong doing from the part of Mushrikeen (Polytheists).
The Makkan caravan was attacked by Muslims in Medina for no specific reason.

As for the Mushrikeen (Polytheists), they were able to tolerate Mohammed.
For them Mohammed's God was only top one among their many other Gods.
For them Mohammed's God was the toppest power center of all their other gods.
So, they did not feel any awkwardness in hearing Muhammad’s say of Allah.
The name and concept of Allah was there among Mushrikeen (Polytheists)
Even before Mohammed's proclamation.
That is why you are/were able to see
The name of Mohammed's father as "Abdullah" (Allah's slave).

So, Mushrikeen, Polytheists, could tolerate Muhammad and his God.

But it was the monotheism of Islam and Muhammad,
Which claimed exclusivity of truth and God’s representation,
That could not tolerate Mushrikeen (Polytheists),
And they destroyed what all things they could destroy of Mushrikeen, Polytheists,
When they got the power.

Among Mushrikeen, Polytheists, were there
Very powerful Abu Sufyan, Abu Lahb, Utubath, etc....,
Still they spared weak Muhammad to his choice.

True, they tried to influence Mohammed to be back to their path.
Quiet usual.
But they did not impose anything on him
And they did not kill him,
Which Muslims now want to do against any one who goes out of Islam.

Just the Mekkan Polytheists asked him not to interfere in their way,
Especially, imposingly and claiming the exclusivity of truth and God.

They, Polytheists, even tried to put a compromise with him
To worship all Gods including Allah.
They were not planned and they did not have any hidden agendas....They were just ordinary, until got corrupted later on by Islam.

The so called Islamists want this subject of Murtadd (convert going out of Islam)
To be a forgotten,
Whereas it is still the basic tenet of Islam and Quran
To kill those who go out of Islam.

They want freedom in others' house
Which they can't give, even to their children, in their own house....

Good example to give for that is
The "Rat Trap".

God, depicted by them, is here afraid; not the man.


Even killing a Kafir (disbeliever or believer of other religions),
On the ground of his kufr (disbelief),
Is not a sin in Islam, but is rewardable.
Conversion is spiritual way of killing a Kafir (disbeliever or believer of other religions).
And killing is physical way of killing.

Kafirs (disbelievers or believers of other religions) are those who do not believe in Islam....
Murtadd (convert going out of Islam), is the one who was in Islam but going out of Islam....

So, dealing with the Kafir is different from that of Murtadd.

Kafir was Kafir and his right is only to remain as such.
But, Murtadd was a Muslim, but want to be a Kafir (denier of Islam).
Or he wants to use his right of freedom of choice.....

Just you can think for example.
Why they were killing Chekannur...,
Even though he was not living in an Islamic State?

Who among them (Muslims) were sincere in raising this as an issue?

Why all the Muslim organizations were and are silent on disappearance of Chekannur?
Or about the right of Chekannur at least as a human being, if not as a Muslim?

Why these people do not see in his case a human right violation, except just formally?

Chekannur’s was not a case of even Murtadd (convert going out of Islam),
But of only a case of difference in interpretation.

Still, they could not tolerate him
And almost all of them consider (privately and secretly) that he has to be killed....
At least general Muslim mind talks like that
And they are happy to see he is not in picture or is killed….

Why they don’t getting agitated to see Chekannur killed,
Like they get agitated against the Norwegian or Danish cartoonists or journalists
Or Salman Rushdie or the like....?

Even if there are fatwas not supporting the killing of Murtadd (convert going out of Islam),
It is just to hide the basic tenets of Islam and it is against the basic tenets of Islam.
It is only an artificial effort to go with the modern world.
One or other way of denial of Islam.

The issue of Murtadd (convert going out of Islam) is not irrelevant. It is relevant...
It is only a matter of chance that Muslims do not have an Islamic State now.
But when they will have,
They will have to implement this killing of Murtadd (convert going out of Islam) and the like...
If they really want to be Islamic...

Even otherwise, in any situation, Muslim community as such is making sure that
Such Murtadds are handled the way they want it to be in Islamic state...


For sure, Mohammed started as , and was, a great person of high spirituality.
But somewhere he got mislead by the politics and power games….
Or somewhere he got misrepresented or misinterpreted by
The politics and power games that came either with him or after him…

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