Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Only to experience … .. To watch and witness....

Nothing to talk and nothing to claim...
But to experience....
Only to experience … ..
To watch and witness

All the uttered words return
And pray
“No shelter any where,
With any one, we can see
To give us little space
To evolve or sprout further.
Take us back to your concepts
To make us not even as a concept any more.”

Things are beyond logic...
When it comes to the real experience
And truth...

No argument...
Just an effort to put some points
Felt to be missing in between...;
“But was not really missing.”
The words reminded me.

“Very big,
And very close to you, it could be.
But You won't be able to see.

That is why you are unable
To see God... “

“Like you are unable to see
The very small as well....
Call it atom or any micro being or thing...”

“So, no meaning in seeking”
The words on return stressed.

“Very close and 100% present,
It could be;
But you won't see it as well.”

“That is why you are not seeing God...
And skies around you,
Except for your helplessness.”

“So, no meaning in seeking”.
The words stressed the same again

“Like you don't see anyone & anything
That is away, very distant
And is 0% present….”

“So, meaning is no-meaning”
The words confessed in self consolation

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The flow flowing into flow

Standing for names …?
And for the ownership of houses...?
The past….?

Live to lose names,
The dead memory,
To reach the point of enlightenment,
The spontaneity, the novelty, the flow.

Names will only confine,
To cause stagnancy and repetition.
Unknown, undefined and unconfined is
Any flow.

One can’t own his children...,
Rather they will own him and at least his...

How can the past own the future...?
His children are the future
And he is the past,
At least in the eyes of his own children,

Future will own the past,
Gradually or by fact...
And the past will be dissected,
By its owners, its own children,
To nothing….

Life flows down to future,
Never back up to the past…..,
To convert the past into present
And flowing to future
To make that future too,
When it happens,
Coming out
Of its confinement of dream,
To be present.

Future being the dream,
Present will make use of such dreams,
To make the flow (present) happens
And continues.

The flow
Flowing into flow

The present into Present
God into God
Life into life

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

To learn the lessons of Tolerance

To learn the lessons of Tolerance?

Travel in a bus
And see
Therein a lot others
Travelling in the same bus.

All filled with different purposes
To the same or different directions.
But in the same bus.

And see
The bus running on a Road
With a lot other buses and vehicles
Travelling on the same road.

All buses filled with a good collection of
Travelers to and through different directions
Than that of you and the bus in which you are.
But on the same road.

And see
The road reaching city or town
With a lot other roads
Reaching into the same city and town.

All roads with a big collection of buses
Full of diversity of passengers and their purposes
To and from diverse directions.
But reaching the same city or town.

All the roads are of and to the life
All the buses are of, and to accommodate, life
All the travelers are travelling to live and lead their life
And all the their different purposes and directions
Are one and the same color and tone of life.
The very big ocean.
You, your bus,
Your road and your destination

And what more simple lessons
Will you require
To learn the lessons of tolerance…?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Life protects itself

Business has no other meaning than getting busy.
It is busy-ness....
Opting to be in business;
Means to be busy,
To be burning and trying to earn...
To earn what ..?
The real question one will have to ask.
But no one will ask the same.
Mostly people are earning the ash of their own burnt life....
Being bound to burn for nothing…

After all life is what is filled in different bottles...
And we are all different bottles
With different shapes, colors and names


Children really represent
The celebration of life....
Giving life,
The meaning of celebration....

Children are the kings and queens
And we all become only the servants to them....

Any disobedience or anything wrong,
Towards these kings and queens,
We are afraid,
Really afraid,
As to what cost we will have to pay for it……

That is how life protects itself...
And gives continuity....

Seeing talks will only mislead

Dear .....,

It is true,
And truth comes in different forms
From different directions,
Giving each one his own truth.

Date palm trees for Arabs
And conconut trees and many other for us.


For sure, there is ever "next time" remaining,
Especially in this karmic cycle,
Where repetition is the walk of life....


Seeing talks will only mislead,
What I am trying is
Not to talk.

Still, this happens...
And this writing happens...

Just to say that
God only remains.....

withr regards,

Sunday, October 11, 2009

No-sight of God the real sight of God.

Knowledge is no-knowledge.
Truth is no-truth
God is no-God
Mind is no-mind
Self is no-self.

More put in words,
The more it gets corrupted.


But, one confession.
“I don’t know”.
This was the message I wanted to pass,
The only truth I wanted to convey.

But they wanted me to deny it
And say “I know” a lot
Of and about God and truth.

For, to have the feel of no-knowledge,
They felt unsettled….

So, I tried, for their compulsion,
And kept saying
That I know, by pretension.

Just to enable the physic to survive.


Now, again, after years,
Seeing no meaning
In seeing the physic surviving,
I repeat the same
“Except for the feel of oneness with God,
I don’t know God and Truth.
And only God and truth knows me
And my helplessness
Since I am a dust
In the limitless heaven
CalledGod or truth ”.

This my knowledge is
The knowledge of truth and God
And this is the truth of no-knowledge,
Which, I don’t mind
If it is not recognized or approved,
Is the truth of no-truth.

No-knowledge of God is
The real knowledge of God.


Who else does see and know God?
Does he know when his hair is growing?
How the food becomes nail and bone,
Teeth and eyes, heart and brain, and
How the food gets digested…?

One doesn’t know himself, and
How he is growing and thinking.

Given this,
One can’t say that
He knows God and
Or he can know God.

No-sight of God is
The real sight of God.