Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Everything to be equally right

I have only one thing right.

God or no god.

So, I believe in God or no God

And for that my belief
I believe
Everything to be equally right
And everything to be equally wrong.

Even my belief such.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Knowing new and doing new
(Or trying to know and do new)
Is what growth or development is.

Except for novelty,
That comes in beyond calculations,
Or unless one feels one in and with totality,
Life is a boring game.

Unless felt of being in totality,
Life gets its move and flow
Of change and growth
In and with novelty.

Change and growth that will undo
All the pre-calculations and planning.

*******  ******

Were born without knowing
Of anything in front or ahead.

Still, were ready to be born
To  face and know
Everything new and strange.

So, even if we are strangers to each other
(Not knowing each other), as of now,
The strangeness ours will give us
The unique look and novelty feeling.

And a stranger is and will be necessarily
Another stranger's friend.

******* ******

·         So, even if we did not meet before,
·         Or cannot remember now,
·         This new birth can be the meeting point
·         And a starting point for remembering.
·         Life, my son, even otherwise,  
·         Is getting started without 
·         Preplanning and pre-knowledge. 

      *********** **********

·         Seeds, even if it is of relationships,
·         Are sown and grown
·         Beyond one’s knowledge and catch
·         And its confinements.

So, giving a great start here
Breath into each other...

To make life a different serious fun

Both as serious and silly in the meantime.