Sunday, May 30, 2010

Counting to infinity is A bg effort - real Karma

Now it is 11; not 10,
Running out to finish, die,
To cause the case of infinity
And to make itself
A womb to give birth to such infinity.

The first ever example of sheer repetititon
In the cause and hunt of infinity.

Counting to infinity is
A bg effort - real Karma.

Infinity should happen
With no efforts and expecations
To have no complaints

Be it on any one's words of
"within two -three days more"
Or "within two -three months more"

How many such words have been heard
On different occassions
(Just to delay and deny)
During this never-ending hunt
For reaching and catching the infinity.

Monday, May 24, 2010

No full stop by any one to any other

The crux of Mohammed
And his role
In defining our ways…?


Not to be stuck in the paths
And not to see the paths as the end,

To seek and pursue further
On one’s own….
From the path prescribed,
Or not prescribed,
By him or any,

To know that;

The paths are to seek further
Or to pass by and through;
Not to be stuck or clung on,

No teachings are
To be depended upon, or
Followed up,
In pursuing the truth
And right path,
Except as the light from torch.

Light is not to see the light.

Rather, it is
To seek and see anything else
Than the light,
But with the light.

So, not to be blinded by the light
To wrongly think that
The light was what you were asking for.

So, not to be stuck on the paths
Except for one’s own
Seeking and seeing further.

That is what Mohammed’s teaching was for all

He taught
To doubt and suspect
Each and every path
Trodden by any one
And to seek and see
One’s own right path to
Truth and God
By himself.

So is his advice
To seek guidance to right path,
At least seventeen time a day,
Compulsorily, as he puts it.

No other prayer ,
He prescribed as compulsory,
Than to seek the right path,
Or guidance to right path.

He even thought
As it was compulsory even for him.

He asked you to pray for him
Or for his peace
For enabling him to reach the right path
And the targeted end of truth and God
Through such paths

He was enlightened enough to know that
The right path was/is ever to be sought
By each one separately
On his own level and reach.

No full stop by any one
To any other
In this regard.”

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Then, what about the corruption and waste
In our social system on day-to-day basis…?”

“My son,
Nothing as such.

Just it is perceptional difference.

Everyone is instrumentalized
Without his knowledge,
Because of this perceptional difference.

A sapling may think,
Reasonably for it,
To see the withering of thousands of leave
From a big tree
As a big waste and avoidable luxury.
Or as a big corruption.

For a sapling,
Its first two or few leaves are very precious.
And it can’t afford to lose them.
And losing those two or few
Will ensure only its death or extinction.

Taking this position of it
As its measuring scale and criterion
This sapling may judge on the tree or plant
To see its withering of
Thousands of leaves every day,
As a big waste or crime or corruption.

But as for a big tree or a plant
It is an unavoidable must
To wither thousands and thousands of leave

What an individual cannot afford
Cannot be applied in the same way
To the tree of our system.

When it is a system
It is like a tree.
Thousands may get wasted
As a must,
Which a sapling individual may or would think
A waste or corruption.

The sapling even may think
In such a way that
If such wasted leaves were given to it
It would have sustained its life more better way.

But in no way such withered leaves
Can be directly used
As the leaves of/for such sapling
To make its survival easier.

And such a saplings’ future is
None other than that of
A tree.

And no black hole is
Other than a white hole too.


Accidents and deaths…?”

“My son,
What accidents and death
Are you about…?

Don’t you know
Life sleeps in and with death
And death sleeps in and with life,

Embracing and accommodating
Each other to balance, and
To cause continuity
With no waste and loss
In between
The shift from one to other forms...?

Black holes are not only the holes
Where things disappear
But are the holes
Wherefrom new things appear,
Which, by then, we may rename by
The name of white holes.

So, nothing is wasted
And nothing is created.

Life divided or subtracted
Or added or multiplied
By life or death
Or by anything,
Is life only.

(Or God divided or subtracted
Or added or multiplied
By god or devil
Or by anything,
Including death or life,
Is God only.)

Nothing more
Nothing less.

Still, about accidents and death?

What do you think about a deer
Crossing every moment
The lions
Or hunters with their nets….
On both sides?

How long, do you think,
Such a deer can go
Without being caught or killed….?

Like that is
Life against death
And death against life.

Both are in between the lines of each other

So, is the life-death game.

Each moments you live is
An escape
From death and its nets….

Each time death embraces,
It is to fill other forms into life.

Here subtraction and addition
Means the same

Here division and multiplication
Goes for the same

Death is a lion or hunter with his net
Around life.

And life is a lion or hunter with his net
Around death.

That is the way life and death
Continue to be
One above other….
Using each other.

So, nothing gets wasted or destroyed.

Only a formal change.
Change in forms and formulations.

Life is balanced and justified
By the embrace of death.

And death is justified and balanced
By the life that sprout from death.”


Life has become very competitive?”

“For what?”

“To earn living for living”

“Then, living...?”

“To earn living”

“A big joke.”

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Nothing in Ananda or Paramnanda or Nityananda

Dear Sangeetha...,

It is easy to find fault with others...
Or to stone at any plant or tree or house,
That we happen to see on our sides,
Especially without hearing those "others"
About the fault we are finding with them.

Meantime, you have to know,
What the parents do between themselves
May be looked wrong or indigestible
By the young ignorant/immature children.

Still parents, between themselves,
Interacts differently in their own different world.

A master does not teach the disciples
What the Master does need for himself.,

Rather he teaches the disciple
What, he think, the disciple needs for the disciple.

A tailor designs and stitches the dresses
Suiting to the customers coming to him;
Not suiting to tailor himself.

So, you should know expect the tailor
To wear the same dress, in same size and style,
He has stitched for you.

I don't know Nityananda
And I am not here to justify or incriminate him
On whatever he does or has done.

He can be justified
If he is justified by him before him

But, we didn't hear Nityananda...
About what he did or does say or do....
At least whether he advocates what he does.

If he advocates what he does
And has no conflict
Or friction in and with himself
He is not at fault
At least before himself.

Except for and towards
Others' misconception
Or wrong perception...
About him

Reaching a stage
You are neither wrong nor right.
You are what you are

For God.
No right, no wrong
No back, no front.

Child may have its own opinion

But parents have their own relationship
Between themselves.

Being your parents,
They don’t change themselves to be
Not a man or a woman

Patients may have a version about Doctor.

But on whatever ground
A doctor is not bound to consume
The medicine he prescribes to his patients.

So, such a blind accusation against anyone,
Personally will be wrong

And if Nityanada is wrong
He is wrong as an individual

And if he did wrong to himself,
Against his conviction and preaching,
Then only he is at wrong.

But, there is nothing wrong with the concept of
Ananda or Parmananda or Nityananda,

Which always is there
For those who have it.

With regards,

Monday, May 3, 2010

ONE-ZERO : Denial of all colors Makes itself a color

Now it is 10 (ten).

Of ideas or material
Brings in the repetition
In new forms and formulations

So, repeating one (1) and zero (0)
And joining them together
To see new creation of 10.


Counted rice, water and fire.

Then put them together
To bring in different new rice.


One is one
And one only exists.


Then, no-one else
To see and say
It is one.


So, one becomes
None, zero (0)


So, one God (1)
Equals no God (0)


No God, but God.
God, but no God.

All colors, but no colors
But to a color

No colors, but a color
But to no color.


Denial of all colors
Makes itself a color, the black

Blending of all colors
Denies all colors
Makes it a color of no-color,
White as a color.


Put together
Both God (1)
And no-God (0)
Making it to 10.

The new beginning
Without feel of repetition.

Adding the value
Giving the feel of increase.

Without change in quantity
But giving the feel of change.


A denial by denying
And white …
A denial by blending

All to make
The same God
One or Zero

To create more and more
Out of this one-zero

At least such a feel.