Sunday, December 30, 2007

Intuition of the Womb

Intuition of the Womb

Global Warming – The Crow King and the Coconut Tree.(To counter it: Teach them to be useless, purposeless and inactive)

(To counter it: Teach them to be useless, purposeless and inactive)

Until the termites reached at the top of coconut Tree, the self appointed Crow King (humankinds) of all crows (beings) did not look down.

Rather They gave more and more weight of their extravaganzas and luxuries, in the beautiful names of development, science and technology, industrialization, urbanization, liberalization, globalization, etc….., to the roots of the tree, which were already week and rust due to the white-ants he has created out of his extravaganza and luxuries from the top.

The termites never reached the top in physic, in the way humankinds might have expected. Enemies act behind and indirect and make sure what has to happen is happening. They never come to your face to be recgnized and caught, especially when one becomes his own enemy.

This has made sure of, and is almost bringing in, the collapse of the coconut tree and elimination of Crow King, the humankinds.

Unto the time of such collapse, the king will continue to be boasting of his unique features and achievements under the beautiful names and aspects that he has brought into life. The name and aspects of business, development, progress, technology, mechanization, industrialization, urbanization, concretization, etc. Humankind's slavery to unnecessary. The state of affairs of being in need of unnecessary.

Eventually, when the unnecessary things became necessary the undeserved became the rulers of the world and undeserving deserts started (disguised) to be paradises ruling over the deserving, but now starving, gardens.

This is the fate of humankinds, the self appointed king of all crows (beings) of this mother earth. The undeserved rulers of the world and unwarranted dominance of deserts over the gardens gave enhancement to the speed of this fate of final collapse of the whole human civilization together with that which surround. Deserts of death and destruction came out with the oil and products that can burn all the lands of life and fertility.

Some of the wises among king crows were able to see and predict the termites' creation and reaching to each and every branch and leaf of their life tree on earth and thereby on the whole body of mother earth.

Still, they were unable to notice that the termites have cut the roots and, thereby, crept up on to the top from the bottom and below, from their wastes and after effects of their own activities. And they were boastingly trying to claim their success in treating and eliminating the termites from the top, i.e. from the branches and leaves. They were trying, with the medicines developed as part of their own extravaganzas and luxuries in its beautiful name of development, to give treatment to each and every leaf and branch, discarding, and without noticing, the wholeness of the tree as a body and unit – the body of their mother.

They could nor recogninze that the reasons for these termites (white ants) were the self-alienation of humankinds by appointing themselves and declaring thereby that they are the kings and conquerors of the earth and making thereby the unnecessary things as necessary for life.

So, they became unable, and also will not be able, to know that they were the ones who have sown and grown the seeds of termites under the coverage of their unwanted needs and luxuries manufactured under the beautiful names of business, development, progress, technology, industrialization, urbanization, concretization, etc.

The development they caused on this mother earth was only the wounds caused by the termites.

Humankinds were more or less like cancer cell on the body of the earth causing the unwanted growth to unwanted things in the name of development.

They became themselves the cancer cells, whereby they were able to be conquerors and rulers of the body of earth creating more wounds on the body of the mother earth.

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Humankinds wanted to have, or were made to have or were imposed with, purposes. They wanted and pretended to be useful to meet and win their purposes, designed according to the criteria and scales set and drawn for and among them.

This way, to humankinds, to be useful, it gave a meaning of being defined by those who decide (among themselves who wanted to use them) their usefulness, which had also meant that they were to be slaves just to get considered and respected as useful being/employee/slave.

Being slaves to each other, humankinds became weapons in their masters' hands. They became masters to each other employing each other in the jobs of pretension to meets unwanted wants and forged purposes. This enabled them to become master and slaves together.

As the masters they commanded the offences and exploitation and destruction of the world around them. As slaves they obeyed such commands. Both ways, they became qualified to be the real termites or cancer cells. The creators of unwanted coverage to rule and rust the real core

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As slaves they became just destructive weapon, which they couldn't understand and recognize. Unlike other animals and beings, almost all humankinds have been living (not living, but surviving) like slaves to each other and this was considered as the unique peculiarity of the humankinds. They were made to undergo this unnoticed and unrecognizable slavery in order to be able to sustain, survive and thereby to think that they live (physically survive).

They gave this slavery some beautiful name of their job/work.

Being a worker or an employee, each one of the humankinds became a dangerous weapon that attacked the whole harmony of the surrounding ecology and environment.

The uses, purposes and works that the humankinds have been making were double-edged swords, cutting into themselves as well as into their surrounding world. Their scales and criteriae cut themselves and the world into pieces. That is what has led the world to this level. To this irreversible stage of Global Warming.

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In their way of evolving into termites or cancer cells, humankinds forgot to (or could not) know that they have very less needs to live the lives they live.

To be able to live a life that they live, at the maximum, they would have needed, basically and ultimately, the items of air, water, light, earth (as the source of their livelihood) and peace. More abstract the item became, the more urgent was its need and importance to humankinds.

In the world they were born, all these were free, unless mishandled by themselves.

But, mostly they lived for producing more and more unwanted things to make the cover stronger and shining, which in result made them to be the cover holding termites or cancer cell eating up the real core.

Hence, only humankinds were made to undergo all the toils and perils of schooling, trainings, interviews, preparations, office/industry works, etc together with all kinds of pretension and preparations to enable him to sustain, survive and live.

What humankinds would have needed the most was the peace, which was not, and is not yet, available any where in the market and manufacturing companies.

But, only humankinds had to live as slaves with the works and for the works assigned to them, by getting educated and trained mostly for their works to give sustenance and to enable them to survive and live physically.

And this slavery of humankinds to each other and to the system they have created/manipulated caused all the destruction, exploitation and imbalance. The cause of all problems to themselves, to their surroundings and to the whole body of earth in which he is living.

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Humankinds' need to be known and useful, than living in spontaneity, according to their own (and their system's) scale and criteria, has caused all the havocs not only in their life but also in the surrounding world in which they are supposed to be living. This has brought in the sharp edged objectivity of purposes.

And each purpose itself was as such a double edged sword. It pierced both into the self and surrounding world.

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In this instance,
A better workable stand and solution is to teach and advise the world of humankinds to be useless, purposeless and not to be working as much as they can be for the things made to be necessary, but basically and ultimately unnecessary and poisonous. This only can help ultimately the life on earth flowing spontaneously, including the human civilization, and thereby the Global Warming could be reversed, which we almost consider as irreversible.

Our inaction, and our total abstinence from what all things we are currently doing for and under the names of development, industrialization, concretization and urbanization, etc. is the most required and urgent stand to balance the life as a whole on earth.

We have to plan to start small play-centers, at the maximum based only on cultivation, wherein food will be provided free to see the people live purposeless, useless and workless and against the scales and criteriae that humankinds have set as part of their misunderstood development and civilization. Only this way we can bless the wholeness of mother earth.

With this our inaction and abstinence from unwanted actions (both for him and his surroundings in its real sense) we can relive our mother earth, removed of termites and cancer caused due to our own attitude and actions.

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The reasons are from the roots, which is almost not in our control and not subject to our correction.

Life of uselessness, purposelessness and inaction is the only program we can / have to offer to this world to save the earth and diversity of life in it. Inaction can be the only form of treatment. Especially as almost all actions of present day humankinds, or any other beings, are intended to meet and safeguard their livelihood, happiness and peace. To attain this on this mother earth, we have to abstain from helping the people to meet their unwanted requirements, the output of their mere ignorance.

Their meeting of unwanted requirements won't be a help in long run. Support in the physical and material sense, with the support of our development, caused all the devastations and havocs and current global warming against which we feel need to fight.

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One who knows has also to know more about the dangers of his actions. He has to be prepared not to act or has to hesitate to act more.

The visionaries have done so.

But the scientists and religious prophets became other way round. They preached faith and facts, which they felt as faiths and facts. They gave license to humankinds to conquer the world by preaching that the whole earth and everything in it is created only for humankinds. They advised them to act and behave like conquerors and the only representative of God, which had only the negative effects on them. They taught them that everything on earth was for them.

To conquer and attack they took their authority as god's representatives. For the perils and havocs they caused they took the defense of fate and destiny.

But the real visionaries did not do anything. They knew that it is the action that has corrupted and that will corrupt the world. Hence, they were little hesitant to act and they discouraged people around them from acting for wants. Especially those visionaries from Indian/Chinese continent

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Whether the fire is extinguishable now?

Especially without eradicating the same from root reasons?

Without changing the vision of humankinds?

It is the vision of humankinds about his life, growth, development, etc from immemorial time of history that has become the reason from this fire and its burning.

There is no sudden reason and there is no sudden/immediate solution to this fire and its burning.

Treating the tree from the leaves and branches will not be effective.

That is why we have to be inactive and passive again.

At least this passivity and inaction will not instigate more of fire, corruption and pollution.

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Every one can do and organize this act of inaction from their own level.

Inaction will not need to get the same in their name and fame. Only thing to be made sure is that this course of inaction is getting underway from any corner at any cost and level.

Result is the most important thing. From any one and from any where. The concern has to get addressed.

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Humankinds can also start the treatment from leaves and branches.

But to what extend such treatment can go?

Just they will be able to cover the disease for the time being.

The covered disease/sickness will repeat to appear on the same leaves and branches again and again unless it is routed out from the tree and its roots.

Leaves and branches are only the mirrors reflecting the persisting problems.

Playing with reflections and images in the mirror, they can't solve the real problem, rather it will multiply.

So, they have to abstain from acting from relative perspectives.

Even if they fear that tree will fall down, inaction only will benefit in long run of this mother earth - the life tree.

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Humankinds will try to deny.

But, some or other way these items (name, fame, ego, competition) will come to them with much offers and schemes.

Such schemes and offers approach them from their right or left or front or back sides.

That is why it is said that the devil (of these feelings of name, fame and ego) can approach from all the corners in any form. Even from their blood and in the form of their blood. And it will cause all the actions of corruption and pollution. The deed of double edged sword.

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Humankinds tend to treat, but create more of problems.

The solutions and treatments humankinds bring in become some other problems and diseases.

More than curing, they cover the problems and diseases, giving easy walk for such problems and diseases to grow and spread unseen and unnoticed due to the cover they put.

With their increased needs for basically unwanted things, and when faced with the problem, especially when any of the items gets exhausted due to their excessive use and exploitation, they resort to alternatives.

Never are they ready to treat their mind and attitude and get rid of their needs for basically and ultimately unnecessary, unwanted and forged needs.

They don't reach a position they don't need petrol or any alternative to it. They don't need cars or machines or any of such.

But they look for alternatives.

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Mostly, people are working to make their future (food) safe.

For safeguarding their future food they have corrupted the whole earth with what they call development through industrialization and urbanization.

If this future food is made sure to them for free (which in nature is free for all) with all the freedom of thought and play, most of the people will get inactive, purposeless and useless.

So, a play ground, based at the maximum on cultivation, where life will become a meditation will have to come into realization. A Playground of self reliance.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Humankinds killed everything, as of now, other than him.

There will come a time when humankinds will have none and nothing to kill and consume and they will return to themselves to kill and consume. They will have to kill and consume themselves. They will eat-up themselves. Their present day avarice, greed and ambitions will work as the cause and weapon for their own elimination in near future. God's (nature's) hands of annihilation will work through the humankinds.

This will be the fate of cancer cells, the humankinds, of the mother earth – the body. After they destroy, corrupt and obliterate all and everything in their surroundings, the body, they will have nothing to resort to. They will have to resort to themselves.

Without a body to creep or live on, the cancer cell will die by itself. That is what is going to be the fate of humankinds on this earth within a very short time. The fate that they have awarded to others for their no-blame. Though such countless victims wouldn't be able to take revenge on humankinds, since cancer and cancer cell has no wisdom and sight, they will get revenged for their own blame.

They will eat-up themselves. Hopefully, with all their fear and hope, in a very near future, within a very short period, they will get obliterated and exterminated. Within no more than hundred years.

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Question will become by itself an answer . To put an answer other than the question is a method adopted by human-kinds. Divine and ever lasting solution is other-way-round. Especially in the case of answering cancerous cells like humankinds, the easiest way would be to make and get the chicks out of the eggs. Not put some other chicks as the answers before the eggs, the questions. So, the easiest answering way is question's becoming by itself an answer . Like seed's becoming of a plant.

Humankinds are the problem and disease. There is no other solution to this problem/disease. There is no proved solution to the cancer, even at the hands of science and technology that the cancer cells, humankinds, have developed for his own safety.

The cancer will eat and solve itself, once the whole body is no more. So, the easiest way to eliminate humankinds from the face of this mother earth is to give acceleration to them, the cancer, and to give more inputs and energy to the cancer's and its cells' dreams. To give cancer cells the cause and effect of the development it makes in solid form of luxuries. That is what the human kinds were developing on this earth with all his technologies and urbanization. Through negation and denial of life and all aspects and elements of life on the earth.

Giving an answer to question or solution to a problem will not be a solution and answer. Just for the reason that the given answer and solution will by itself become the question and problem later. So to kill by itself and himself and make it an answer is the easiest thing for God too.

To defeat humankinds with some other enemies and weapons, than him, will be very difficult. So, it is decided to make humankinds his own enemy and weapon to kill him. The enemy will work (as he has already been working for long time) from inside as an insider. The thoughts and dreams of development and luxuries and more and more of need of unwanted and useless things under beautiful names of business, development, progress, technology, industrialization, urbanization, concretization, etc. Luxuries, development and multiplied needs were part of such works of enemies and its weapons..

What they called as development was only an affliction of cancer on the body in which they were supposed to be living/surviving. It is through such developments, humankinds became the cancer and cancer cells. All the industries and cities they have been building as part of this, which were thought to be progress and development, were only the wounds caused by the cancer, which humankinds, as cancer-cells, have caused on the whole body of nature – the earthly environment – the mother.

As cancer-cells, humankinds increased their needs and luxuries and occupied the whole body, as alien conquerors, by eliminating other aspects and elements of life, which support their own existence, survival and life. All these just for meeting their increased immediate needs and luxuries.

Who said God works with his hands in its physical sense? Who said God has hands and those hands are only his own hands.

The answer is humankinds are the God's hands of annihilation and destruction.. Using humankinds, as his hands, God will destroy and annihilate all and everything on this earth and finally God will make sure that hand that sets the fire on will be burnt by the same fire.

For God, creation is nothing but annihilation and annihilation is nothing but creation and sustenance.

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The effect of vanishing of a planet like earth, in this shape and form, from this solar system or form this whole universe will have to be discussed in different manner.

But, what humankinds have accumulated as part of ensuring his own safety is more than enough to see the earth as a planet obliterated.


Monday, December 10, 2007

Opening the Doors of White-Hole and Shutting the Doors of Black Hole.

Unless human-kinds are able to see life and death as one and the same and for one and the same, their problems will continue to increase, be it in the form and shape of global warming or any other calamities.

Unless human-kinds are able to see life and death as one and the same, they will just happen to love their life more and hate and get away from their death at any cost.

Unless human-kinds are able to see life and death as one and the same, they will become the hands to open only the doors of/to the white hole for them and to shut the doors of/to the black hole against them.

Finally, highly pressured black hole doors will start opening to cause all kinds of perils and calamities that will lead to his callapse.

The same kind of anhilation and collapse that he, as a conqueror, has caused to all other beings and environment.

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God or truth (relatively and absolutely) are one and same for all.

No one is other than truth and God.

The difference is some may know and realize this and some others may not know and realize.

Irrespective of whether one realizes or not, such realization won't make any difference in absolute sense.

So, what happens relatively is (remember: just relatively), he who knows/realizes will become God and truth.

He who doesn't know and realize he is God and truth and is not different from God and truth will become devil in the world of Maya.

Hence, defined and confined.

This is true especially in the case of humans. Being in the trap of karmas of physicality, most of them are behaving like devils or aliens or conquerors.

God in definitions and confinements (meaning relative god) is devil.

Thus humankinds, who happen to be not able to see the life and death as one and the same and who happen to be not able to know that God is in him and in God is he living, becomes (relatively) devilish and destructive.

He who becomes, this way, with the mood of conquering and dominating, will narrow down and confine the oceans into his cup and would try to say and claim that the oceans are in his cup and his cup is the only ocean of truth and God.

So the intolerance will be his language. Suppression and oppression will be his method.

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To have real sight, see your eyes with your own eyes


Saturday, December 8, 2007

Glittering packets and confining definitions

Glittering packets and confining definitions, prescribing imitation and formalities, would/may cause suffocation to the spontaneity and flow; spirit and spirituality – the real creativity and meditation.

That which is unique does not claim so, with packets and glitterings, and will necessarily be out of definitions and packets. It can’t claim to be like this and that.

The flow and flame are without being defined and without being part of any definition. Fire is because it is fire. With the color, shape and form of itself by itself. Never imitating or never imposed. Inwardly and outwardly with the same core and soul. Undefined and unpainted.

So, bound to be with no shape and form. Disturbing and provoking like lightning flashes. Closer to truth and trickling from truth.

Be ugly and unbound to be disproved by the world that is defined. But may move anyone from anywhere to make him or her wayfaring. Strangely wayfaring in the oceanic and heavenly bluish experience.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Currency - the real sharpnel

Currencying (currency-ization of) the nature and its wealth, including human life, and currency as the only means, scale and criterion has easened and strengthened direct/indirect exploitation and destruction of the whole, including the mother nature. leading human beings to be like cancer cells and changing the one and only known earthly world to an irreversibly dangerous point of global warming.

Unlike Moses’ magical stick, currency has negatively changed the whole world and features of life therein. It has put the sharp and narrow objectivity in place of soft and broad subjectivity and has caused easy and unnoticed amassing of wealth (means of living) by few claiming qualitative difference in works and artificially creating unnecessary jobs of management, consultancy, other white-collar services/jobs, etc.

Due to this magical touch of currency stick, material richness can not be seen now with those landowners and moneylenders, with their whole earnings in and around their reach giving any one chance to see and recognize their richness. Now, material richness has become invisible, unreachable and unrecognizable.

New invisible class constituted by mangers, consultants, bureaucrats, technocrats and stock market players owns the wealth of currency and purchase the whole resources with no toil and hard works. Their earnings are stocked in invisible, unrecognizable and unreachable remote centers like banks and share markets.

Substituting everything with objectivity and objective competitions, currency upgraded the undeserved white ants, which supply only the unnecessary things that would eat up the core, and degraded the deserving toiling core, who supply the necessities that make up the core, to starve and struggle in gardens.

Suppliers of the unwanted things from deserts, giving rise to a very big team of bureaucrats, managers, technocrats, technologists, politicians, consultants and stock market players eating up the core, are celebrating in graveyards and deserts changing the deserts to gardens and paradises.

Destroyers are enabled by the currency to be like and to pretend like protectors and undeserved are made to be the rulers of the world.

As the only item/object, easy to handle and collect, currency has lead the men of avarice to any level in seeking new methods of accumulation. Now, just because of this "currency", the real shrapnel, stealing, exploitation and destruction, in the name of growth and development, has become very easy, indirect and unseen. Whatever be the means, currency has become the only item/object to be earned. More than what an intelligent, sincere and loving agriculturists / farmers could earn and gain with his whole life efforts, this invisible and unreachable class of few would earn within seconds through stock markets and so-called gimmicks of management and consultancy.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Devil is part of God and there is God in every devil. Defined religions will never lead to realization

Images in mirrors are not real. It has to show and prove to one (relatively) that there are some problem/things persisting other than the problems that are reflected in the mirror. The problem gets reflected in each one just because he is a mirror for it for the time being. Other day, it will reflect in some other, as they will be the mirrors at that time to reflect the same.

But people, usually, go after the reflected images. So, the karma – worldly physical activities. Better not be that touched by these reflections. Give all such reflections a look of mercy. A look of good understanding. A look of good onlooker – the enlightened one. And co-habit with it. It won't disturb you, if you don't disturb it. Take the life as a play. Don't be serious. After all you are on the way, hijacked by some magic.


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Devil is part of God and there is God in every devil. Both are not different. The pain and pleasure too. Both are one and the same and in one and the same. Departing from one and going to other won't mean that one is departing from pain to catch only the pleasure or departing from devil and reaching God. There is pain in pleasure and pleasure in pain. Mud is the base for Lotus and to the mud lotus will be going (returning) to.

The problem (relatively) is arising from separation and looking in part. Take everything in a holistic way. Don't see and treat from a portion thinking that this portion is the whole and this portion is by itself. Everything is connected with the other. Everything is in the whole as part of the whole and as the whole. No treatment only to the finger, seeing and thinking finger as a separate complete entity.

The bomb explosion, menstruation of a young girl and blossoming of a flower are not different affairs. Everything same. Nothing good. Nothing bad. Neither positive and nor negative. The milk, when it is vomited, no body looks at it meaning there is devil in every God and there is" bad" in every "good". And both good and bad and God and devil are one and the same.

So, there is only truth and only God. Never two different entities fighting each other. Feeling two, fighting each other, is the feeling of the relative/karmic/physical world.

God is the life that we are living. Life and God are one and the same. Human kinds don't have any separate/special higher stand and status. God is god. Neither higher nor lower. Rather, humans (relatively) are elements behaving like a conquerors/poison. Each and every thing (be it bacteria or human being) in this universe is a living God and they are all living (the) God / life. Life is what God is and God is what life is. And spontaneity is the language of God/life. Once the freedom and spontaneity is lost, God gets changed to be the devil. That is what mostly happening with human beings who are not near enlightenment.


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Defined religions never lead to realization points. Rather it obstructs and misleads with temporary manipulated relief and consolations.

One has to get realized by himself. No one can share the realization and no one can lead any other specifically to the realization point. None of the real taste (be it sour or sweet or bitter or pain or agony) is exchangeable and communicable in its intensity and taste.

Religions may help one to mechanize one's karmic/physical life with some manipulated consolation or cooling effect of prayers and rituals, which will really mislead.

Most of the prayers are done in the contents, forms, languages, time as dictated by some other and the once who do or perform the prayers/rituals are mechanically imitating the same without putting their content and spirit. They apply the prayers to easen their karmic/physical life and its needs. See the prayers dictated by Semitic religions at least. It can't and won't lead any one to realization point, even if it is practiced for thousands of years continuously. Just imitations and repetitions of the physical imitations (in the form, language and method dictated by other) can't constitute the real prayer and meditation. The real pryer and meditation is your plugging into/with the real and ultimate turth - God.

Meditation and prayers can not be done (mechanically/just physically) as dictated by some others in the language, form, time and with contents dictated by those others. One has to feel it to do by himself and he can do it the way he wants to do it. Language, timing and style are insignificant. What is significant is whether one applies himself into it and attend the same by himself as he feels it. One has to see himself as the cost and price for what he seeks to attain.