Saturday, October 12, 2024

Part 5. Department of pho, KMC Manipal.

Finally, when we leave from Manipal almost after an year here in Manipal here are some notes for our information, updations and corrections:

12. Some notes and comments on nutritionists and their work 

nutritionists need to understand that and patients are coming from different food culture with different tastes in food.

Just because nutritionists are truthful in their work won't give any surety and justification to say whatever they do or say are right. 

To be right in their talk and walk, their truthfulness has to be supported by their right knowledge.

That's where our nutritionists mostly go totally wrong even with all their good intentions, sincerity and truthfulness. 

Asking everyone to change the food culture as a whole is a big mistake, especially during chemotherapy when even otherwise patients are unable to eat much because of tastelessness and loss of taste buds due to chemotherapy. 

Nutritionists are also not that much studied, except theoretically, through their limited classes and texts. 

Nutritionists are also with some kinds of orthodoxy and are mostly influenced by the notions filled in the subconscious mind, totally influenced by their birth and circumstances.

That caused big difficulties for no specific known benefits to the patients around.

More than easening the whole affair of chemotherapy and its after effects, their approach was more of complicating the whole affair and more weakening the patients beyond control unnecessarily. 

Basically food culture prior to and after the occurring of osteo sarcoma and the chemotherapy has nothing to do with the occurring of cancer and its treatment. 

The type of food, be it be vegetarian or non vegetarian, is not as such a cause or treatment for the cancer, especially osteo sarcoma.

Any of their work without proper studies and clear-cut knowledge will be more dangerous than it is helpful. 

Doing more work without clear knowledge will be equal to doing minus.

(To be continued....)

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