Sunday, October 6, 2024

Part 2: Department of pho, KMC Manipal.

With no prior knowledge about or with no prior experience in Manipal or KMC we came to department of PHO in KMC, Manipal. 

Life is such. Life brings itself in the names and forms of all of us in from the unknown. That too without giving clear cut idea or knowledge to any of the living one as what and for what it is and it takes all of us away, all the same living ones, to the world unknown.

We came here in the department of PHO for the treatment with the mindset of not to return until and unless the treatment is over.

Means, we came here as if we came for a do or die.

We knew, from the very beginning, and the same thing we know even now, that the result of the treatment in any case of this much gravity and nature could be positive or negative. 

Result, whatever be, didn't matter. We came here for the process or direction that is right, with right intention and with all the right, possible and available knowledge. 

Result matters only if the process or direction taken is wrong. Result matters only if the intention and available knowledge are wrong.

If the processes and actions are right in right time, right place and with right hands, then no need to blame any and no need to regret about the result, whatever it be.

Then, only thing is to be positive. The positivity of giving appreciation and acknowledgement of the same. 

The positivity of giving appreciation and acknowledgement is what all our day to day praises and worships are and have to be. 

The positivity of giving appreciation and acknowledgement is what even the meaning and purpose of all our praises and worships are and have to be.

Then, what if the result is negative even?

Even if the result is negative, an acknowledgement should be given for the sincere efforts given in right time and right place by the right hands. That too should be, and should be the meaning and purpose of, all our praises and worships.

Sheer helplessness, ignorance and inability thereby, brings in the blame game.

Hence, only to do what is needed to be done and no need to put blame on any one or anything especially if the effort given is with their hundred percent sincerity together with hundred percent dedication, care and attention in the light of hundred percent clear cut knowledge.

What do we need to look at is whether hundred percent sincere effort in right direction in the light of right knowledge and clear cut undestanding was given never giving any chance for later on regret feel and thought of "ifs and perhaps".

The thought process of " ifs and perhaps" is the thought process of helpless and weak. The thought process of ignorance and irresponsibility.

True to say, what has happened here in the department of PHO, KMC Manipal from the very beginning till the end, was with nothing to complain about. With no space for, and for no helpless and weak thoughts of, ifs and perhaps.

The treatment with hundred percent clarity and precision, with hundred percent dedication and effort, being alert in the whole 360 degrees.

This, we could feel from the very moment we did move to department of PHO for the very first time, especially from its leader Dr Vasudev Bhat.

This was evident even when we got stuck in Manipal road traffic due to some political parties' demonstration.

Dr Vasudev Bhat was/is there everywhere with us to help, support and guide on our way to KMC through and till the end of the treatment and afterwards.

Even when we got trapped in traffic, Dr Vasudev Bhat was there ready to guide us on the ground, to the extent, by being ready to talk to the traffic police personnel to give us easy clearance to move fast forward.

And after reaching after getting admitted in KMC, Manipal too, his support was there too much even in getting flat for us stay in.

Here things were in such a way that nothing in return were expected. No rewards and no thanks. Working to the maximum satisfaction of patients and bystanders with them...

(To be continued....)

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